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REFLECTION | Perspective on Art:

Section 1 | Introduction
Select a piece of artwork from the Prehistoric through the Baroque. Once you have
selected a piece of work give a brief introduction of the work. What is the title, the
artists name, country of origin, date the work was made, medium and size?
Upload an image of your artwork to blackboard
Section 2 | Your Perspective/ Response
Spend a few minutes looking at the work before conducting any research. What
does the work remind you of, what do you think the work is about, does the work
evoke an emotional response from you? If so what and/ or why? There is no wrong
answer to this question but you must clearly articulate your points. It may help to
write into your paper what perspective you bring to the piece of work- (i.e. a
student, born in, American, etc.)
Section 3 | The Artist Response
What do you think the artists perspective is? When was the artwork made and what
was happening in the world and the artists country of origin and how would this
effect the artists perspective in this particular piece? What would their role as an
artist have been in the time in which they lived? Was the artwork commissioned and
if so by who was the artwork made for? Did the artist study under another artist or
have other peers that may have influenced their workbe specific (i.e. the color
palette is similar, the figures are painted similarly)
You may do additional research for this section but you will not do well if you choose
to repeat back facts you have read. Make sure to analyze and form your own
Presenting Your Information:
This project will not be turned in as a paper but as a sound recording. You will take
notes and write out what you intend to say. Be sure to address the information
indicated above. You will present this material not as a paper, but as an MP3 sound
recording. This will give you the opportunity to literally develop a voice to talk
about art. In the end this exercise will help you in verbal articulation, and increase
our ability to converse about art in class. Your recording should be between 2-3

Please think of your reflection as an essay on an examyou are demonstrating your
knowledge of the material covered in lecture and your ability to apply that
information to a specific piece of art while incorporating in a well thought out
This reflection will be a digital sound recording. You will need to make some notes
and do a little research. You may not need to write out your talk verbatim, but you
should fully develop your thoughts on the topics at hand. You will need to practice
your delivery, and listen to the recording before you turn it in. When you are ready
you will record yourself telling me about your piece of artwork.
Note: If you do not have a program that will make an MP3 recording, there are free
programs that can convert your audio file into the MP3 format. All2MP3 is one
program. Submissions not in MP3 format will receive a 0
GRADING: 250 word minimum

Section 1: Correctly introduced artwork and artist .............................

... _______/ 5pt
Section 2: Opinion. _______/
~Clearly articulated opinions
~Able to articulate opinion using specific details and descriptive language
Section 2: Artist Perspective...
_______/ 15pts
~ Was able to take information gathered and form connections to the art
and the world at large
~Was able to continue articulation of formed opinions.
Sound Recording..............................
~ Clear recording, easy to hear, no distracting background noise

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