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Observation task 2 - Roles and responsibilities of

the teacher
Focus: On the teacher


What the teacher

Time spent


10 min
3 min
4 min

1 min

About 22

About 16

About 60

2 min

About 11
73 min


Roles and responsibilities

To be on time And to organize thoughts
at the start of the lesson
To be on time & to organize students
stand & Until everything is well
To know who present or absent & to
take care about who is existent
Receipt Students to the bus ( for the
trip ) Because she will be mentored

Get angry and scream in the face of the

child but sometimes she didnt do
Because we went to the trip
( for eating in the trip & in the
Kindergarten ) & the kids all the time
they played and the last few minutes
they ate in the trip ) They ate in three
periods )

She put a homework In their notebooks

and she told them that, who did not
bring the books They must bring it
) Is an entrepreneur from the start ! ) &
the teacher came early to see if the
class needs to organize or not.
Because we went to the trip
I practice with the kids some of a
number & letters after the trip and I'm
trying to control them for the coming
days & this is the first time I am
teaching them
she has the attention that all the students
have received the cards for the trip , For if
one of them lost the card there is number
kindergarten to contact them
Parameter has reviewed some Supplications
some verses of the Qur'an in the bus to take
advantage of the time
be with them wherever they go ( me too ) So
not to lose one of them, and in order to be
under our very eyes


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