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The Individual Within Us All

EDBD Essay

Kaden Christensen
EDUC 205
Individual Differences
Dr. LueLinda Egbert
3 December 2015

General Information
Michael Oher is an African-American 17 year old. Michael didnt have a stable family
life and was impoverished his whole life. A wealthy family, the Tuohys, found Michael and took
him in. The Tuohy family consisted of a mother, Leigh Anne, a father, Sean, a sister, Collins, and
a younger brother, S.J., with whom Michael becomes close with. When Michael was found by
the Tuohys, he did not have much of an education. Leigh Anne did her best to integrate Michael
back into the school systems in order to create a stable daily routine. Because Michael was a

EDBD Essay

giant among those whom he associated with, naturally the Tuohys encouraged him to play
football for the high school team

Physical Development
Michael Oher is an African-American and appears to be so. He has black hair and brown
eyes. He is on the verge of obesity because of his lack of physical exercise. Through playing
football, he was able to shed some pounds. At 64 and 315 pounds, Michael was able to gain the
perfect football physique. With exceptional strength and serious protective instincts, football fit
his personality. He is much more developed than his peers in regards to his height, size, and
weight. Although he struggled with his motivation, football gave him that boost and drive to lose
weight and become better. He consumes any and all food Leigh Anne provides him.

Cognitive Development
Michael has been in and out of the education system due to his poverty levels, so
academically he is behind. He is not yet in the true cognitive development stage that Piaget
describes, because he has not yet learned how to make crucial decisions in his life. The Concrete
Operational stage is challenging for Michael because he doesnt enjoy school. He is not used to
dealing with problem-solving techniques and analyzing concrete visuals. He struggles in almost
every aspect of learning, which leads to him needing extra help and assistance. His focus is there,
but his motivation is lacking.

Socio-emotional Development
Once he can overcome his shy stage, Michael is very friendly and out-going. Teachers
find it easy to like and tolerate him due to his soft-spoken approach. His shyness is often

EDBD Essay

mistaken for a lackadaisical attitude. When he meets S.J. and develops a partnership with him,
the two become inseparable. Michael is very aware and respectful of adult authority. He has very
little self-esteem because he doesnt know any different. He is just at the beginning of his
psychosocial stage according to Erikson. He is discovering his true sense of self and his sense of
purpose and identity. Through the schooling system, he was being pushed to use and expand his
abstract thought. This ability to comprehend the material will be what defines his ability to
make the grades and go to college.

Summary of Major Findings

As Michael receives the parental guidance he has been lacking his whole life, he begins
to discover his identity and develop his rational thinking skills. As Leigh Anne shows faith and
hope in Michaels improvements, she ignites the spark of success within his mind. It is then that
Michael catches a glimpse of who he can be as he reflects on his past life and envisions his
hopeful future. Leigh Anne keeps Michael focused on the process of achievement rather than
temporal success. When the Tuohy family shows confidence in Michaels football abilities, he is
driven and motivated to achieve more and try harder. As Michael applies the game of football to
his life, his drive for achievement blossoms.
Cognitively Michael is only really lacking in academic skills due to his absence in
education over the years. He can focus and apply what is taught, but when it comes to actually
solving a problem, he hits a roadblock. He then relies on tutors and extra help after school.
Michael is much more developed physically and enjoys exerting his natural power through
football. He is extremely happy with his new family. Although shy at first, his personality really
shines through. Despite Michaels lack in academic skills, he can still function on a regular level.

EDBD Essay

He does struggle with Erikson's psychosocial stage and dealing with Piagets abstract thought.
With his true identity is still taking shape, he searches for that balance of making rational adult
decisions and problem-solving.
Supportive motivation is key for success when dealing with students in Michaels
situation. Everyone likes and needs to feel supported and backed up by their parents and
teachers. Along with that, teachers must exercise patience when dealing with different learning
styles and rates. Knowing Michaels situation and coming out of poverty, the teachers should be
understanding and patient when dealing with him and his future goals. A student should never
have to be afraid of making a mistake. Punishing for a mistake is like expelling a student for
raising his hand. Life is about living and learning, as Michael does throughout this whole story.
When adults are on the same page with the students, they will thrive and achieve.

Works Cited
Netter, G., Hancock, J. L., Kivilo, A., Smith, M., Bourne, T. M., Stoff, E., Kosove,
A. A., Warner Home Video (Firm),. (2010). The Blind Side.

EDBD Essay

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