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Examinee Score Report Social Security Number: Far erivayleondanlty reasons, rly Ue lst ve ci ‘and al other pea soe reports” MARY J KEREKES 410N ORIENT ST, FAIRMONT, MN 56031 its of you social securty number are report on Examinee Score Reports * Your resus have been forwarded tothe Minnesota ‘Board of Teaching and the falowing nsitusons): + Bethel University + Uriveriy of innesotTwin ies Winona Sate Uriversty Test: Basic Skills ‘Minimum Passing Score = 240 eet All scores are based on a score range of 100-300 Subtest Test Date ‘Your Subtest Soo ‘Subtest Status Reading (001) oarter2018, 268 Passed Wing (002) oanei20ts 264 Passed Mathematics (003) oansr2015 280 Passed ‘Subtest Diagnostic Information Muttisie-Choice ‘Gonsiructed- Response ‘Subtest Porformance Indices Performance indies Reading (001) + A Wiring (002) tH Descriptive Assignment. + ‘Analytic Assignment + Mathematics (005) tHe NA Passing Status Summary Report As of: 09/15/2015 ‘Subtost Status Basic Skil: Reading (001) Passed 02/16/2015, Basic Skills: Writing (002) Passed 02/16/2015, Basic Sls: Mathemates (003) Passed 02/16/2015, {lease noe that you may also be required to send your scores electronically to the Division of Educator Licensing at the Minnesota Department of Education. ‘Your passing status s based upon the passing standards in place on the date you tested. The Minnesota Board of Teaching reserves the right o review and make changes to the minimum passing scores far the Minnesota Tescner Licensure Examinations (MTLE) a a future date. Licensure applicants must meat licensure requiremoris, inclu {he minimum passing scores for the required MTLE tests, which are in effct atthe time of leans applications TIERRA ‘This bode cot une carl irmaton HOW TO READ YOUR SCORE REPORT For the Basic Skills Test Overview. Your score report provides information about your performance on the Minnesota Teacher Licensure Examinations (MTLE®). Your score report includes information about each ‘subtest taken on the test date indicated and summary information about subtests passed to date. ‘Score Report. Your score report includes the test date, subtest(s) taken, your subtest score(s), and your passing status for each subtest, Diagnostic Subtest Information. Additional information is provided for all subtests taken on the test date indicated. Performance indices are provided for multiple-choice items and constructed-response assignments. These indices are designed to help you understand your areas of strength or weakness. Muttiple-Choice Performance Indices Definitions ++++ You answered mast ofthe items correctly. Your performance is substantially above the performance level represented by the passing standard for this subtest. +44 You answered many ofthe items correctly. Your performance is at or above the performance level represented by the passing standard for this subtest. ++ You answered some of the items correctly. Your performance is below the performance level represented by the passing standard for this subtest. + You ancwere few or none ofthe tems corecy. Your performance is substantially below the performance level represented by the passing standard for this subtest. Constructed-Response Performance Indices Definitions +++» Your response retlected a strong command of writing skills. Your performance is substantially above the performance level represented by the passing standard for this assignment. ‘+++ Your response reflected a general command of writing skills, Your performance is at or above the performance level represented by the passing standard for this assignment. ‘++ Your response reflected a limited command of writing skills. Your performance below the performance level represented by the passing standard for this assignment. + Your response reflected a weak command of writing skills. Your performance is substantially below the performance level represented by the passing standard for this assignment. If a response to a constructed-response assignment is designated as "Blank" or "Unscorable," you will see one of the following codes: B.__BlankINo response tothe assignment U-4 Response was net of sufcient length to U-1 Response was unrelated to the assigned | U-5 Response was merely a repetition of the topic assignment U2 Response was legible or unintligble | U-6 Response lacked a sufcent amount of original wor US Response was primary i a language ote than Engksh : Paseing Status Summary Report. This section lists each subtest you have passod io dato and the dato Sn which you passed I. Each subtest you have not yot taken wil also be listed and will bo noted as “Not whi Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education, ne rite afiat(s). All ighs reserve. Evaluation Systems, Pearson, P.O. Box 226, Rect, MA 01004 IMTLE and Minnesota Teacher Licensure Examinations are service mas ofthe Stato of Minnesota. Pearson ands lgo ae trademarks, nthe U.S. andor oer counties, f Pearson Eavraton, Ie Fates Detailed Performance Analysis MARY J KEREKES. ‘Subtest Name (Code): Basic Skills: Reading (001) Test Dato: 02/16/2015 Multiple-Choice Performance ‘The multiple-choice section of the subtest contributed 100% of your total test score. ‘This section provides information about the number and percentage of questions you answered correctly on each objective. ic Stille: Readi i Numberot | Percont Boole Bille: Reading Objectives Questions on Test| Answers Correct (0001 Understand the meaning of words and phrases. 7 86% (0002 Understand the main idea and supporting deals in a witten passage 7 7% (0003 Understand a writer's purpose, point of view, and intended meaning 7 86% 0004 Analyze the relationships between ideas in writen materia. 7 71% }0005 Use critical reasoning skills to evaluate written material. 7 100% | 008 Apply skls for outining and summarizing information in writen materials and| 7 100% intorproting information presented in graphic forms. | MARY J KEREKES ‘Subtest Name (Code): Basic Skills: Writing (002) Test Date: 02/16/2015 Multiple-Choice Performance ‘The multiple-choice section of the subtest contributed 50% of your total test score. This section provides information about the number and Detailed Performance Analysis percentage of questions you answered correctly on each domain and objective. ie Skills: Number of Percent : Basic Skills: Writing Objectives ‘Questions on Test | Answers Correct 0007 Understand methods for developing an organized, effective, and coherent 9 78% expression of ideas. 0008 Understand and address errors in sentence formation, grammar, and usage. 9 100% }0009 Understand and address errors in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation 9 100% s L Constructed-Response Performance ‘The constructed-esponse section of the subtest contributed 50% of your total test score. ‘THs section provides information about your performance on the constructed-esponse assignments ills: Maximum Number] Your Score Basic Skills: Writing Objectives. rare A 0010 Demonstrate the ability to prepare a well-organized and focused piece of wring for @ given purpose and audience, using standard English conventions. Descriptive Assignment, 8 6 Analytic Assignment. 8 6 MARY J KEREKES Subtest Name (Code): Basic Skils: Mathematics (003) Test Date: 02/16/2015 Multiple-Choice Performance ‘The muliple-choice section of the subtest contributed 100% of your total test score, Detailed Performance Analysis This section provides information about the number and percontage of questions you answered corectly on each objective, Number of Percent Questions on Test| Answers Correct 0011 Understand numbers and the number system. 6 83% (0012 Apply principles of algebra to expressions and equations 6 83% [0013 Apply principles of algebra to linear and nonlinear functions. 5 100% (0014 Understand measurement concepts. 6 83% (0015 Understand the principles of geometry. 6 100% 10016 Demonstrate knolwedge of data, stalstics, probability, and discrete 6 100% mathematics. 0017 Understand mathematical processes and perspectives. 5 80%

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