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Dylan Murray & Kevin Taylor

Athens & Sparta: Encounters and Exchanges

Process Paper
The current category of NHD is Exploration, Encounter, and Exchange. The topic that we
have picked in order to respond and connect to the theme is Athens vs. Sparta. Our thesis that
connects the topic to our theme is, the encounters between Athens and Sparta were shaped by
their different cultures and beliefs and through these encounters they had a co-evolution in their
societies in both a cultural and technological manner. This thesis connects the theme of encounter
and exchange by connecting the exchange of technology and culture between the nations of
Athens and Sparta through their encounters. Through this we explored how nations with such
similar origins changed and grew apart and then how constant conflict occurred between them,
and how through this conflict they adopted new strategy, beliefs, technology, and culture in order
to better fit their situation. An example of how exchange between Athens and Sparta affected the
countries is that the wars forced women to also find jobs and support themselves causing many
jobs to be dominated by women and women to become more prominent parts of society. There
are many other examples of how their interactions changed their societies and beliefs as well.

The source The History of Herodotus was written by Herodotus, a contemporary of

Socrates and Greek historian. It shows a first hand account of The Battle of Thermopylae. This
source will be very valuable as it provides a useful incite of encounters between Greeks from a
real historian from the time. The source Longman World History this source is a speech from the
leader of the Athens to his soldiers before they head off to fight Sparta. This source will be very
useful as it shows a example of an encounter between Athens and Sparta and gives insight into

how they viewed and interacted with each other. The source Ascent to Glory: Ancient Greece
Part II will tell us how Greek society became so divided between the Athens and Spartans as
well as the inherent similarity in culture, advancements, and how this shaped their
encounters.This source will be very valuable to us. The source Politics and Society in Ancient
Greece will be used to find the differences between the countries societies and see how that
caused them to behave in respect to war and diplomacy. This source will also be very valuable to
us as it . provides an example of how their societies shaped their encounters. The source Tough
Guys This source will tell us about the Spartan society and how they created their country and
how they built their beliefs and their structure. It also tells us how their society functions which
can allow us to find their motives behind their actions. This will be very valuable as it helps
show the motives behind their actions. The source The Old School will be used to further
understand the philosophy of the encounters between the two countries as well as their
motivations behind them. This will be very valuable because it helps us understand their
motivations behind their actions. The source When Greek Met Greek explains the key points of
what occurred between the Athens and the Spartans and what caused those things to happen.
This source is valuable because it provides an example of an encounter between Athens and
Sparta and what caused it to occur the way it occurred. The source Mastering the Master will
help provide an objective look at the history and encounters between Athens and Sparta and
provide more information on what caused events to occur the way that they did. This is valuable
because it provides a perfect example of the causes of their encounters and exchanges. The
source Bush's Choice: Athens or Sparta this source serves as a prime example of how Athens and
Sparta's society and policies influenced their exchanges. This is valuable source as it helps
illustrate how their beliefs influenced how they interacted with each other.

The project category of choice for this topic is a website. A website will be most
effective, as it is a clear and concise way to present information of any and all types. This topic is
not one much of a story, so a performance would not be the most effective means of
communicating it. Nor would a documentary, for there are no living witnesses of Athens and
Sparta from 500-400 BCE. A website is able to present information like a paper and pictures and
videos like a documentary all in one. It is clearly the best choice for this topic.
As research was conducted, the most reoccurring theme that was brought up was the
strong rivalry between the two city-states of Athens and Sparta. This is what was found to be
what truly shaped the cultures of the individual city-states. Cosmopolitan, educated, democratic
Athens inspired, rathered coerced Sparta to develop their strong, militaristic, totalitarian
government and culture. Their rivalry turned to an all out war, the Peloponnesian War, and both
cultures were forced to adapt further to fight the other. Athens choice to continue to strengthen
their democratic ways, strengthening their soldiers with knowledge and reasonable training.
Spartan grew into a powerhouse of war, and grew the most fierce warriors known. In conclusion,
Athens and Spartas cultures were shaped through their encounters and exchanges, such as the
Peloponnesian War. This will be effectively shown and proven through the website created
through different types of media and text.

Annotated Bibliography
Primary Sources
Herodotus. The History of Herodotus. George Rawlinson. Tr. vol. 4. New York: D. Appleman
and Company, 1885. Bk. 7

These are accounts from Herodotus, a contemporary of Socrates and Greek historian. It
shows a first hand account of The Battle of Thermopylae. This source provides a useful
incite of encounters between Greeks from a real historian from the time.

Longman World History. Longman World History. Web. 20 Nov. 2015.

This is a speech. This shows how the people of Athens fought and what they and their
ruler believed. It also provides insight into how the country of Athens viewed the
Spartans. This would influence their behavior towards them. This also shows how their
soldiers were viewed and used and what they valued.

Secondary Sources

Alexander, Caroline. "Ascent to Glory: Ancient Greece Part II." National Geographic. Feb. 2000:
108-139. SIRS Renaissance. Web. 19 Nov. 2015.
This source is a magazine. This will tell us how Greek society became so divided
between the Athens and Spartans as well as the inherent similarity in culture,

advancements, and actions as they have very similar roots as well as having a
very similar basic culture. This will in turn help us figure out what causes their
actions in their encounters.

Furenga, Vincent. Politics and Society in Ancient Greece. The Historian 72.4(2010): 482 t
Student resources in context. web. 10 September 2015
This source is a article. It will be used to find the differences between the
countries societies and see how that caused them to behave in respect to war and

Hanson, Victor Davis. "Tough Guys." Weekly Standard. July 7-14 2003: 42. SIRS Renaissance.
Web. 19 Nov. 2015.
This source is a newspaper. This source will tell us about the Spartan society and
how they created their country and how they built their beliefs and their structure.
It also tells us how their society functions which can allow us to find their motives
behind their actions.

Mason, Jeff. "The Old School." The Philosophers' Magazine. 4th Quarter 2003: 42-44. SIRS
Renaissance. Web. 19 Nov. 2015.
This source is a magazine. It will be used to further understand the philosophy of
the encounters between the two countries as well as their motivations behind
doing these things. It will also show how their beliefs influenced their actions in
their encounters.

Sumpton, Jonathan. When Greek Met Greek. Spectator 10 January 2004: 35t. Opposing
viewpoints in context web. 11 September 2015.
This source is a commentary. It will be used to get the gist of a book and helps
explain the key points of what occurred between the Athens and the Spartans. It
will also explain what caused things to happen and what exactly they did and how
it has affected society today.

Valiunas,Algis.Mastering the MasterCommentary (2009): 70t student resources in context

web. 11 September 2015.
This source is a commentary. It will help provide an objective look at the history
and encounters between Athens and Sparta and provide more information on what
the author is talking about and what actually occurred.

Walker, Martin. "Bush's Choice: Athens or Sparta." World Policy Journal Vol. 18 No. 2.
Summer 2001: 1-9. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 19 Nov. 2015.
This source is a journal. This source servers as a prime example of how Athens
and Sparta's society and policies influence us even in everyday life. It also helps
show what people believe about Athens and Sparta as well as highlight key parts
of their countries.

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