Volume 13 Issue 3

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Volume 13 Issue 3



February 2016

Punahou Carnival in 1939.

Photo courtesy of Cooke Library Archives

Rewind the Time

By Dylen Fujimoto 20
and Maya Piper 20
The Punahou Carnival is
synonymous of fun, excitement and
malasadas. Punahou students,
teachers, alumni and the community
look forward to this two day event.
Many people all over the island and
even the country look forward to
Carnival. Some alumni even plan
their visit to Punahou during this time.
You can attend games,
ceremonies, and concerts on
campus, but at this event, with
familiar features and faces all
around,you really feel like a part of
the community again. You get to
experience those same feelings of
excitement you had as a student,
and you can share that with people
for whom it's a new phenomenon.
Your friends, children, students,
coworkers--you can give them a taste

of this incredible tradition, this crazy

weekend and the amazing memories
it created for you, said Ahnya
Chang 97.
The theme for Carnival 2016 is
Rewind the Time: The Punahou
Journey as a nod to Punahous
175th Anniversary.
Every year the Junior class,
comes up with fun and different
themes to accompany the Carnival.
The Punahou Journey, which
celebrates the special memories that
each Punahou student shares as well
as the big moments of Punahous
past. The junior class provided
suggestions and then voted to
decide a theme, commented
Branden Morioka 17 and Calais
Nobuhara 17., Carnival Co-Chairs.
The first Carnival was in 1932
and continues on every year since,
except for World War II, when
Punahou was occupied by the

Armed Forces. The Carnivals initial

purpose was to raise funds for the
Oahuan, the schools yearbook.
During its first year, the Carnival
raised about $240. At the time of
the first Carnival, Punahou was
named Oahu College. A short time
later in 1934, Oahu College
changed their name to Punahou
School. Parents of the students that
were boarding, were able to come
to Punahou and rent rooms on
campus so that they could enjoy the
Carnival is on February 5 and6
from 11 am -11 pm.

In this issue:
Academy and CMS Students
Celebrate 175th
Rewind 2015
Questions with Dr. Komori


5 Ways to Tell if Someone is

By Maya Anderson22

According to Anita Kelly, a

psychologist at the University of
Notre Dame, Americans tell an
average of 11 lies each week.
The Courier asked sixth grade
students how they feel when
someone lies to them. I would feel
angry and upset. Lying can really
break trust between people, said
Isabella Dy-Liacco 22.
When someone lies to me, I
feel betrayed and angry, replied
Lucy Bell. 22. I feel hurt by that
person and I can never trust them
again, commented Koren Kano
Here are 5 ways to know if
someone is lying.
The voice changes when they
become really agitated or really
calm which probably means people
are lying. Voice is always a key
point in telling if someone is lying
because it shows that something else
is going on in your mind.
A person who has an answer to
every question you ask would
indicate lying. Most people, when
asked random questions, have to
think about their answer before
answering. If someone answers
every question immediately, it means
they are trying to avoid getting
If someone fidgets with
something, it probably means they
are lying.

The anxiety from lying makes

them not be able to sit still.
If someone overexaggerates their honesty, it
probably means theyre lying.
If they say I swear over
and over they are hiding
something. Most innocent
people dont go that far.
If someone bites their lip, it
probably means that theyre
lying. If someone bites their
lip, its like theyre trying to
keep their mouth shut from
blurting out the truth.
While lying is bad, people do it
every day. Its impossible to clear
the world of lying, but the truth can
start with you.
Source: www.realsimple.com

Save, Stash, and Spend!

By Isabella Dy-Liacco 22,
Koren Kano 22 Kuualoha Lloyd 22
and Kai Goodrowe 20

Shopping for nice things without

spending too much isnt always
easy. Oh thats cute!, you might
say. It is so easy to find a reason or
excuse to buy something when
Here are some ways that might
just cut that bill in half.
Start by saving. The first thing to
do is hold back on buying
unnecessary items. Try to hold back
on tiny things that youll love for five
minutes. If you still like it after five
minutes, then its probably
something you really want or need
to buy. Identify what you want and
what you need. Make a decision
what is important based on that.
Letting go of these small purchases
can will build up over time, and can
save you a lot.
Making food at home will also
save you money. Eating at restaurant
can cost as much as double than
eating at home.
Now that youve saved you can
reward yourself with a shopping
spree. Always remember to limit

yourself and stash some of that cash.

Keeping yourself on a budget allows
you to buy more the next time you
visit the mall. Try not to waste all
your money on your first trip and
instead give yourself an amount of
money to spend that day and save
the rest for another. This will help
you save money and buy the things
that you want.
When spending make sure that
you are a smart shopper. Dont buy
a pair of shoes for $175, when
theres the same pair on sale at
another store for $50.
Check your emails for sales and
coupons. When coupons come in the
mail, it is known that many people
leave them at home, and end up
spending much more.
Be knowledgeable about the
places you shop in. I buy stuff on
sale or go to stores that are having
sales, like Old Navy, Mrs. Scanlan,
If you saved up for something big
and have coupons, use them. By
managing your money and coupons,
you could do so much. If your
budget was $150, and you wanted
some new clothes, use your coupons
to bring that price tag down to $75.
Now, you can spend the rest on
something else, or save up for
something more the next time.
Now you know how to save,
stash, and spend like an expert.
Apply your new knowledge the next
time you find yourself at the mall
and youll return home with great
stuff and a small bill.

Academy and CMS Students Get

Together for the 175th Anniversary
of Punahou
Caroline Oyster 20 and Sierra Smart 20

On January 25th, 2016, Punahou
Academy and Junior School joined in a
collaborative activity to celebrate the 175th
anniversary of Punahou. This event, intended
to connect K-12 Punahou students, included
many fun activities for the students to enjoy.
During the activity the Middle School
students got in pairs and triads with the
Academy students, and brainstormed their
favorite Punahou memories, and what they
would want Punahou to be like when they
return as alumni. They then made birthday
cards for Punahou, with these memories,
hopes for the school, and illustrations.
The activity was a great opportunity to
reflect on our experiences at Punahou so far,
and it was a great chance to get to know the
academy students and advisors, said Maya
Piper 20.
The birthday cards for Punahou would
be collected from the students and laminated,
and returned before Carnival morning. On
carnival morning, the cards will be strung
together as a lei and displayed on campus
during Carnival.
This activity was not only fun for the
current Punahou students, but will be looked
back upon by future generations.

Academy and Middle School students work together to write birthday cards in
commemoration of the 175th Anniversary of Punahou.

Aaron McGee 20 and his Academy partner engage in

meaningful conversations about life in the Academy.

Photos by Vanessa Mazullo


Valentines Day
By Hannah Humphreys 20

Valentine's Day is the day of

love, roses, and chocolates. But there
is more to Valentine's Day than cards
and candy. It is a celebration of a
man named St. Valentine who died
over a thousand years ago.
Ancient folklore says that St.
Valentine was going to be executed
on the night before Valentines Day.
He was going to be executed
because St. Valentine tried to convert
Emperor Claudius to Christianity. He
wrote the first Valentines Day card
and gave it to the daughter of his
jailer. This was thought to be the start
of anonymous Valentine cards. Other
legends say that St. Valentine cut out
hearts out of parchment paper and
gave those to some soldiers. That
was thought to be the start of hearts
representing love.
The Courier interviewed teachers
about their favorite part of
Valentines Day.
My favorite part of Valentine's
Day is that it celebrates Love, the
greatest gift of all. I celebrate
Valentine's Day by sending my
husband and children love notes. I
like to remind them how much I love
them and why. My husband and I
always go dinner too. I don't have
one memorable Valentine's gift but
my husband sends me flowers every

Hearts have become a symbol for

Valentines Day.

Valentine's Day., said Mrs.

Crowell, Middle school P.E.
My favorite part of
Valentine's Day is making
Valentine's Day cards for my
family. We all make our cards and
give them to each other.
Sometimes we write poems,
sometimes we use old pictures and
sometimes we draw or paint cards.
I like this because it gives me a
chance to think about each person
and do something special for them.
I also love receiving the cards. Each
child in our class brings cards for all
the other children. Then they pass
out the cards into the decorated bags
of their classmates. We ask that the
children write the names of each of
their classmates on the envelopes as
it is good handwriting practice and it
requires effort on their part. My
husband made me an incredible
Valentine's card in 2010. It has a
poem and two 8 x10 pictures in it.
One is a picture of the two of us and
the other is a picture of Punahou with
a rainbow over it. He wrote about
so many of our dreams coming true.
I love this card. I keep it on my
nightstand. My husband passed
away in 2014., replied Mrs.
Thomas, Kindergarten teacher
It's a chance to tell the person
(and family) you love how MUCH
you love them. I don't typically
celebrate Valentines Day with my
classes but last year my choirs
worked for the entire month of
January on small group projects.
Each group arranged their own song
about love and performed for each
other on Valentine's Day. Another
year, I had the boys in Mixed Choir
surprise the girls and sing them a
love song on Valentine's Day,
replied Mrs. Scanlan, 8th grade
choir teacher.
I love to shop for cards. I love
to give them and I love to get them. It
is such a simple yet wonderful
gesture. I usually share a cookie or
some candy. It is easy to find

Mrs. Thomas saved a home made card from

her husband.

something sweet and special for

Valentines Day, and it makes people
happy. One Valentine's Day I woke
up and went to my back door and
my grandchildren had strung
construction paper hearts together
with notes on them just for me. I
loved that, replied Mrs. Kaulukukui,
7Z English teachers.
I love the sweetheart candies,
and the cute messages like "be true"
and "be mine." Now I see some that
say "text me" and "woot!" Hmmm. A
really sweet gift was a letter written
on a small jigsaw puzzle of a heart.
I had to assemble it to read the letter
written on the back. Loved it, said
Mrs. Lindgren, 7Z science teacher

Valentines Day is about loving
each other and not about what you
receive. Loving others and being
loved is the true meaning of
Valentines Day. My favorite part
about Valentine's Day is that it's all
about love, loving and being lovely
to one and all, said Mrs. Yee, 2nd
grade teacher.


Easy DIY Valentines Heart Trees

Brain Food: Good Snacks for School

By Kylee Smith 20

By Caroline Oyster 20
and Sierra Smart 20

Lets make this Valentines

day unforgettable by
making this nice and easy
DIY. This DIY will add a pop
of color to your house and
get you into the spirit!


Red and pink card stock

Glue gun

Hot glue

Paper hearts

1. Take red card
stock and roll it
into a cone shape
and tape it to
secure the cone.
2. Then with the pink card stock, cut out paper hearts.
Make sure to cut enough paper hearts to cover the entire
3. Hot glue the pink hearts onto
the cone. Make sure to flip the
pink hearts upside down, so the
tip is on the top.
4. Place this
anywhere in your
house to add a
pop of color!

Source: www.craftsbycourtney.com

Photos by Kylee Smith

We are all hungry at school. But which foods are best for
the brain? Here are a few snacks to keep you energized
and focused throughout the day.

Avocados are a great snack, whether its in the
form of guacamole or in a sandwich. This fruit is full of
monounsaturated fats that improve vascular health and
blood flow, keeping you awake. They are delicious and
Berries are another great food to snack on throughout
the day to help you keep focused. Berries are also a
really good addition to your breakfast in the morning,
whether its in yogurt, by themselves, or any way you
like them! This will help you stay focused from the start.

Believe it or not, dark chocolate is great to snack
on in moderation. This sweet is full of antioxidants and is
good for your whole body. It helps to maintain mental
acuity, meaning it will improve your memory,
concentration, and understanding.

Water, though quite obvious, has many benefits.
It strengthens your brain tissue, and helps with short term
memory, focus, and decision making. Drinking a few
cups of water during the school day can really benefit
you. Start bringing a water bottle to school to keep you
hydrated all throughout the day. This is especially helpful
to your performance in any after school activities you
may have.

Broccoli is another healthy snack to bring to
school. It is rich in vitamin K, and can enhance cognitive
function, improving your reasoning, memory, attention,
and language, and helping with the understanding and
storing information in your brain. It can, overall, greatly
improve brainpower, making it a great school snack.

Kale and other leafy vegetables contain powerful
antioxidants and helps the brain to function. Pack a salad
for lunch, topped with your favorite fruits and
vegetables, and your brain will better function during
your afternoon classes.

These snacks will cure your cravings in the middle
of class, with the
advantage of
improving your focus,
understanding, and
much more.

Photo by Caroline Oyster 20


Rewind: 2015
By Lucy Bell 22 and Liana Burke 22

2015 was a superb year. There

were so many good moments. the
Courier interviewed CMS students to
find their favorite things that
happenedin 2015.
Star Wars: The Force
Awakens, was the best part of
2015, definitely. It looks back at the
trilogy and people can connect and
relate to it. says Logan BuderNakasone, 22.
My favorite trend is wearing
the Lokai bracelets. I like what the
Lokai bracelet signifies, which is to
stay humble (white) and to stay
hopeful (black). Says Kylee Smith,
Star Wars was my favorite
movie because you dont know
whats going to happen next and its
really interesting. says Melia
Nicolai 22. Star Wars Force
Awakens was my favorite part of
2015 because its action packed.
says Nicholas Yokomizo 22.
The Lokai bracelet is my
favorite part of 2015 because they
are really cool. They are also really
comfortable and easy to slip on.
says Emma Ching 22.
Nik Steiner, 20 said, My
favorite trend was the whip. This
simple, but contagious dance move
is fun and was cool to watch people
all over do. Hit the whip!
Some other huge trends around
the world were: The Quan,
popularized by I Heart Memphis,
Adele's comeback with her hit Hello,
Justin Biebers comeback with his
new album Purpose, The Dress, Left
Shark, Just Do It, and when Steve
Harvey messed up during Miss
Universe. Overall, we had a
memorable, action packed year.
Lets see what trends 2016 brings.


2015 Heisman Trophy

Nik Steiner 20

The 2015 Heisman Trophy

running was jam packed with
outstanding players. College football
has always been an American
pastime, and the annual Heisman
Trophy running is always part of the
The 2015 running was full of 3
players that were great on the field.
Christian McCaffrey, a Stanford
running back dominated the field.
McCaffrey is only a sophomore,
giving other college teams a reason
to fear Stanford for two more years.
This phenomenon broke Barry
Sanders college football, all purpose
yards in one season (3,496 yards).
He rushed for a total of 1,847 total
yards, 8 touchdowns, and an
average of 5.8 yards per carry. He
was also named Pac-12 NCAA Player
of the Year. This 2015 Heisman
Trophy finalist had an outstanding
season regardless of not winning the
grand trophy.
Deshaun Watson is a
recognizable name to any college
football fan. This Clemson
quarterback threw for a total of
3,512 yards, 30 touchdowns, and
completed 69.5% of his passes.
Watson led his Clemson Tigers to an
early #1 rating in the country. This
accurate passer wasnt able to finish
in first, but still had an outstanding
Alabama running back Derrick
Henry, the 2015 Heisman Trophy
Winner, rushed for a total of 1,986
yards, 23 touchdowns, and 5.9 yards
per carry. He also racked up 97
receiving yards, for 10 receptions,
9.7 yards per reception. The winner
was well deserved of the title. The
college football fans are anxious to
see if he can lead the Crimson Tide to
another national title.

2015 Heisman Trophy winner, Alabamas Derrick Henry, rushed for

a total of 1,986 yards this season.

2015 Heisman Trophy runner up, Stanfords Christian McCaffrey had an average of
5.8 yards per carry.

Questions with Dr. Komori

Tarin Tabuyo 22 and Kelsie Inouye 22

When did you start working here at Punahou?

What were your jobs here?
My very first job here at Punahou was as a tennis
instructor in 1990. I
became a teacher in the
Academy for 9 years
(from1996-2005) and
Department Head for 2
years. I joined Case
Middle School as a
supervisor in 2012.

If you could go anywhere in the world where would

you go and why?
I would love to go to Portugal! Long ago, my
ancestors immigrated to Hawaii from Portugal.
What was your favorite experience growing up?
My favorite experiences were participating in the
Holoku pageant and playing tennis for
Punahou School.

What made you want to

be a supervisor here at
As an alumna, former
teacher, and parent, I
wholeheartedly embrace
and appreciate the
mission of our school. I
felt that I could best
Photos courtesy of Dr. Komori
utilize all of the skills,
training, and experience I acquired over the course
of my career as a Supervisor by supporting
students, teachers, and families.

What is your favorite food?

My favorite food is anything that vegan and
gluten free.

Do you have any pets?

No, I dont have pets at this time, but I love
animals and I especially treasured the dog I
grew up with. Her favorite activity was
chasing the light that comes from a flashlight.

What is your favorite thing about working here at

I feel so fortunate to be surrounded by such
talented, motivated, and inspired learners. I am so
grateful for daily opportunities to collaborate and
learn with and from amazing students and teachers.
Punahou provides a wealth of opportunities for
students and grown ups to challenge themselves, to
step beyond our comfort zones, to take risks, to
learn, to reflect, to evolve, and to contribute to
society in positive and meaningful ways.
What do you like to do in your free time?
My favorite thing to do in my free time is spend time
with my daughter, Naia. Anything we do together
is so much fun and means the world to me!
What is an interesting fact about yourself?
I can be a bit clumsy.

Lori Komori 91 loves to spend her free time with

her daughter Naia Komori Manibusan 24.

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