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Presented by
Ispita bhattacharjee
MPT 2nd year
° àefinition
° Basic principle
° Human joint design
° Classification
° Conclusion
° Reference
° › joint is where two bones come together. The joints
hold the bones together and allow for movement of the
° ›ll of the bones, except the hyoid bone in the neck,
form a joint. Joints are often categorized by the amount
of motion they allow. Some of the joints are fixed, like
those in the skull, allow for no movement, Other joints,
like those between the vertebrae of the spine allow
some movement and most of the joint are free moving
synovial joint.
› joint (articulation) is used to connect one component of
a structure with one or more other components.
° The design of a joint is determined by its function and
the nature of its components.
° The function of the joint is stability, and therefore the
design must be united to form a stable union.
° Joints that serve a single function are less complex than
joints that serve multiple function.

° The joint design in the human body vary from

simple and complex.
° Most joints in the human body have to serve a
dual mobility/stability function and must
provide dynamic stability.
° Bracing of human joint is accomplished through
the use of joint capsule, ligament and tendons.

Joints of the human body are divided into two broad categories
based on the type of material and methods used to unite the
bony components
° 66 It determined by how the bones
connect to each other. There are three structural classification.
1. Fibrous joint
2. Cartilaginous joint
3. Synovial joint
ItIt can also be classified
functionally, by the degree of mobility they allow.
1. Synarthrosis
2. ›mphiarthrosis
3. àiarthrosis
  In fibrous joint, the fibrous tissue directly
unites bone to bone. Three different type of fibrous joints are
found in the human body

M     6 ›n immovable joint is formed by a thin layer of

fibrous tissue. The ends of bony components are shaped so
that the edges interlock or overlap one another.
  6›n articulation by the insertion of a
conical process into a socket, such as the insertion of a root of
a tooth into an alveolus of the mandible or the maxilla
   6›n immovable joint formed by connective tissue
between two bones. For example, the articulation between
the fibula and tibia at the ankle is formed by strong ligaments.
°     The material used to connect
the bony component in cartilaginous joint are either a
fibro cartilage or hyaline cartilage. There are two type
of cartilaginous joint.

§  the two bony components are

directly joined by fibro cartilage in the form of disks
or plates.
e.g.6 symphysis pubis

§  The material used for connecting

the two components is hyaline growth cartilage.
e.g6 1st sterocostal joint
° Synovial joint6 the ends of the body components are
free to move in relation to one another because no
cartilaginous tissue directly connect the adjacent bony
surfaces. The bony components are indirectly
connected to one another by means of a joint capsule
that enclose the joint.
›ll synovial joint are constructed in same manner6
§ › joint capsule formed by fibrous tissue.
§ › joint cavity is enclosed by the joint capsule.
§ › synovial membrane that lines the inner surface of the
§ Synovial fluid that forms the film over the joint
§ Hyaline cartilage that cover the joint surface.
§ ! 6 In which a spherical knob or part of one
  ! 6
bone fits into a cavity or socket of another, so that some degree
of rotary motion is possible in every direction.
§   6 In which a bone rotates around another, a joint
permitting only rotating movement.
§    6 In which an ovoid head of
one bone moves in an elliptical cavity of another, permitting all
movements except axial rotation.
§    6 joint of the lower thump and metacarpals, in
which the double motion is effected by the opposition of two
surfaces, each of which is concave in one direction and convex
in other.
§  6› synovial joint in which the opposed surfaces
are flat or only slightly curved, so that the bones slide against
each other in a simple and limited way.
Ball and socket joint

Saddle joint Gliding joint

It can also be classified functionally, by the degree of mobility they
allow. They classified in three type.

§ Synarthrosis 6 which permits little or no mobility. most of the are

fibrous joint.
e.g. skull
§ ›mphiarthrosis 6 permits a slight movement. Most of joint are
e.g. vertebrae
§ àiarthrosis 6 permits a variety of movement. Synovial joint.
e.g. hip, knee, shoulder etc
Joint can be classified based on their anatomy or
biomechanical properties6 these are
§ Simple joint 6 Two articulation surfaces

§ Compound joint 6 Three or more articulation

§ Complex joint 6 Two or more articulation

Ú    66 It is a type of motion
which occurs at one of the joints but associated
with series of a joint.
§ Open kinematics chain 6 when the ends of the
limb or part of the body are free to move
without causing motion at another joint.
e.g. waving the hand.
§ Closed kinematics chain 6 when the one joint is
performed associated with other joint.
e.g. sit up
Its refers to movements of joint, when motion at the joint occurs
as the result of movement of one joint surfaces in relation to
Type of a arthrokinematics 6
§ Rolling 6 It refers to the rolling of one joint surfaces on another.
e.g. femoral condyles roll on the fixed tibial surfaces.
§ Sliding 6 which is a pure translatory movement, refers to gliding
of one compartment over another.
e.g. In hand , the PIP slides over the fixed end of the MCP
§ Spinning 6 a rotation of the movable component, as when a top
e.g. supination and pronation of the forearm
The type of motion that occurs at particular
joint depends on the shape of the articulating
surfaces. It could be either ovoid or a sellar
§ Ovoid joint 6 In ovoid joint, one surfaces is
concave or other surfaces is convex.
§ Sellar joint 6 In sellar joint, each joint surfaces is
both convex and concave.
Osteokinematics refers to the movement of the
bone rather than the movement of articular surfaces.
The normal range of motion (ROM) of a joint is
sometimes called automatic or physiologic ROM,
because the normal range refers to the amount of
motion available within the anatomic limits of the joint
structure. The anatomic range is depend on the shape
of the joint surfaces, joint capsule , ligament ,muscle
bulk, and surrounding musculotendinous and bony
In some joint there are no bony restriction to
motion in addition to soft tissue limitations.
e.g. knee joint
§ hen the motion at a joint either exceeds or fail to reach the
normal anatomic limits of motion.
§ hen a range of motion exceeds the normal limits the joint is
§ hen the range of motion is less than what would normally
permit by the structure, the joint is hypomobile.
Hypermobilty may be caused by failure to limit motion by
either the bony or soft tissues and results in instability.
Hypomobility may be caused by bony or cartilaginous blocks
to motion or by the inability of the capsule or the ligament to
elongate sufficiently to allow a normal ROM.
either hypermobilty or hypomobility of ajoint may have
undesirable effects, not only the joint but also on adjacent joint
° It explain about the classification, function,
design and mobility of a joint and how synovial
fluid, synovial membrane, tendons, ligaments
and bone works together to provide mobility
and dynamic stability to the joint structures.
° It explain about the motion of joints take place
in various kinematics.
° It also helps to know the affect of injury, disease
and ageing of bone.
° Joint structure and function by cynthia. C.
° Human anatomy by B.à.Chaurasia

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