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Dear Loyal Subjects,

Of late, as we are all aware of The

Catholic Church under Pope Benedict XVI has come under fire for the
massacre of innocence that has taken place and the alleged cover-up that

Pedophilia is in no way a widely accepted Catholic practice nor is it just

isolated wholly (=P) within Catholicism. However, it is an insidious act
present in all societies and the ultimate debauchery and abomination of

Today, I became aware of a ploy to achieve justice. Richard Dawkins and

Christopher Hitches are arming a lawsuit against Pope Benedict XVI with the
hopes of arresting him for alleged Crimes against Humanity for his part in
the cover-up. He is a man, and all men must pay for their crimes!

If it is revealed that the allegations are true, Pope Benedict XVI with his
remaining strain dignity, as a sovereign of an absolute monarchy, as a leader
of millions of believers and as a human – he should resign, surrender himself
to the will of justice and pray for forgiveness from his God.

To the victims of sadism - may your heart be healed, your mind be put to
peace and your faith in humanity restored.

To the next Pope - may you have the courage to serve those who have been
hurt by your institution and excommunicate those who have tarnished it in
the worse possible way.

To you, my loyal subjects – may you have the strength to speak out against
cruelty and be resolute for pure.

“The World is Quiet Here”

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