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• Extraorganizational Stressors

• Organizational Stressors

• Group Stressors

• Individual Stressors
Extraorganizational Stressors
• Social & Technological Changes

• Family Problems

• Relocation

• Financial & Economic Conditions

Organizational Stressors

• High Stress jobs- Hectic work Schedule, major job responsibilities

• Job Role-Unpleasant Characteristics, Under utilization of skills, responsibility of

others work, role conflict, role ambiguity

• Poor Working Conditions- Heat, Noise, Overcrowding etc

• Organizational Politics

• Poor Work Relationships

Group Stressors
• Absence of group cohesiveness

• Absence of support from other members

• Conflicts among the group

Individual Stressors
• Role conflict and ambiguity-conflicting various
demands, lack of info & knowledge

• Type A char.-Competitive, aggressive, ambitious

• Locus of control-Internal, External

• Self efficacy- Low, High

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