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How A Bill Becomes a Law Day 2

Joint Congress Simulation

Essential Question Why Do So Few Laws Get Passed?


Students will be able to create laws in groups from the perspective of a Congressman

Students will be able to analyze the process of creating laws

We are going to learn the process of creating and passing laws in a simulation during this week
of class. Mr. Josephs Class is the House of Representatives and is controlled by mostly member
of the Republican Party. We are the Senate and have a majority of Democrats. Each day will be a
different step in the legislative process.
Our Ultimate Goal is to pass as many laws through Congress as possible. If a Bill can
make it through both houses it will become a law.
3rd Bell 30 Democrats , 21 Republicans
4th Bell- 22 Democrats, 14 Republicans
Day 1:

Each Student is given their Party and State in a nametag. These nametags are to be worn
during class the next 4 days. Every day you will return in to your rows bag.
Students research information about their state:
o Students complete Constituent Information
Students use Constituent information and Notes about Political Parties to come up with
one idea for a Bill.
Students complete all this in Google Form

Day 2-3:

Students are placed in committees and assigned a bill to work on. Below are the
Subcommittees and the laws you will be working on. Please submit your slides individually
on Blackboard. All of this will be put into a Group PowerPoint.
Begin by brainstorming ideas for what your bill is going to do.
Each student has a job to work on within their Subcommittees.
Job 1: Summary of the Bill The job of this person is to write a summary of what the law is
going to do. The summary is the actual law that people will be voting on. This will include
youre your bill is going to do and how you plan to pay for it. Summary should be around
about 2 slides.
Job 2: Research The job of this person is to find research on the issue that your bill is
about. Research should include Facts/Statistics/Info about your issue. You can find research
that supports your perspective on the issue. Create a slide that details your research. (2
Job 3: For Proposal This Job is a persuasive argument for why the Bill should pass. This is
how you will convince your colleagues in committee and the Senate Floor to pass the bill.
Create a slide which details your arguments (2 Slides)

Job 4: Against Proposal This job is a persuasive argument for why the bill Shouldnt pass.
This is how you will convince your colleagues in committee and the Senate floor to vote
against your groups bill. Create a slide which details your argument (2 Slides)
Job 5: Political Parties Research on the internet how each political party would side on the
issue. Detail how you will work with members of both parties to meet in the middle (2
You will present these to your committee tomorrow.

Day 4: Deliberation

All students are given a graphic organizer to help them weigh all the factors in each bill
Subcommittees present their bills
Standing Committee votes whether to report it, or kill the bill
If bill passes the Standing committee it goes to the Senate floor for a vote

Day 5: House Bills and Conference

Bills from the House of Representatives comes to vote

Deliberation, votes take place
Teacher chooses one subcommittee to switch rooms and form a conference committee.
Work out the details of the different bills.

After participating in the simulation, why do you believe so few laws get passed through

What factor was most important when you decided how to vote? How might that affect your reelection campaign?

Subcommittee ____________________
Things to consider:
1. What will your law do? What are some of the details? (I gave you a very broad topic, you need to list at
least 5 details of your bill?

2. How you will pay for it? Raise taxes or take money from other programs?

Job 1: Summary - ________________________________

Job 2: Research - ________________________________
Job 3: For Proposal - _____________________________
Job 4: Against Proposal ___________________________
Job 5: Political Parties: ___________________________
Job 6: Interest Groups (Bell 3 only) :___________________________

Subcommittee ____________________
Things to consider:
1. What will your law do? What are some of the details? (I gave you a very broad topic, you need to list at
least 5 details of your bill?

2. How you will pay for it? Raise taxes or take money from other programs?

Job 1: Summary - ________________________________

Job 2: Research - ________________________________
Job 3: For Proposal - _____________________________
Job 4: Against Proposal ___________________________
Job 5: Political Parties: ___________________________
Job 6: Interest Groups (Bell 3 only) :___________________________

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