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Letters. ‘A Comparison of the von Mises and Gaussian Basis Functions for Approximating Spherical Acoustic Seatter Rick L. Jenison and Kate Fisell Aburact—TWis paper compares the approximation accuracy of two inal fonctions tha har aconmon ral bas fenton (RDF) neural tntworkarclectre wed for approximating known funtion on te ‘oi pore The base funtion per cnddered are thet af new “Serta base fonction, the nom Mies fencing, and the now well iawn Gavealan bse fantom Gradient descent learaing rea were “ppb to optimine ear} the alto for bah approximating bass ‘aston A benchmark apprsimatonprotcn wat sued to compare the performance ofthe tre fper ef bss fame, ln ths ese he ‘mathematical expresso fr the scattering of an acoustle wave Sng rip apes 1. Isrropucion ‘The we of radial basis functions (RBF'S) for approximation emerged inthe mathematics lieratre over a decade ago (14, More ‘ecenly, the tenique hs surfaced in th acura network itrature as fn erative wo nonlinear muller networks. A numberof neural network retearchers have investigated a network architecture that tc single layer of oaly-tuned units covering a multidimensional space (e [21 9} 10] and 13). In pieipe, these neural ecworks te design t eam annpot-outpt mapping from ase of examples, {procedure more generally regarded as surtace approximation [13] “Multlyer sigmoidal neural networks hive shown to be "universal sppeoximatoes” [7], apd this result has beon extended to that of "ngle-layer aeworks with Gavssian radial basi functions [S)(12) “Arial neural networks and approximation techniques typically ave been applied to problems conforming to a multidimensional Cartesian ipa space, Approximation problems that exist on 2 wait sere, however, ate mos accurately epretented by a spherical oF polar coordinate system, rater thn projected implicitly onto 4 sho-dimensional Canesian sjstem. Spherical data arise in many ‘reas of sence Such as geophysis and meteooogy and projection sometry has been the focus of cartographic intrest for problems {involving a transformation ofthe spherical earth into planar map [A welbknown problem to cartographers is that area, dection and shape cannot be preserved simultaneously i these projections, hence ome degree of spatial dntotion most be incued. Ip this paper. 4 spherically dependent function that models sound sateing on the surface of a rigid sphere wil serve to generate a datas for comparing basis functions since the analyte formula is availabe © {sess he accuracy ofan approximation otis known function. Fis, ‘he base functions are formally defined and then the standard RB nchtecture is described. Rules for optimizing the parameter through Teaming ate then presented. The von Mises function, which i well Mdaped fo spherical input se (4) andthe two-dimensional Gaussian tre evaluated within the comiion REF architecture with respect 10 sccuracy and ability to generalize Manas ested Oaoher 7.1996 revised March 1. 198. "Teas are wih he Deparinent of Pcs Uns of Wiscon sin Mason WI 3706 USA "Ee top Number 915058 1, Gaussian Basis FUNCTION ‘The Gaussian basis function (GBF) is one of the most commonly sed basis functions fr approrimation. The two-dimensional Gaus ian with 3 cemter at (a. 3) canbe represented as G10, 0.0.3.}=e' ny where the two-dimensional input space coesponds 10 samples of {imuhby elevation (0, 0) mapped dre from the sphere 0 he plane, Any sample onthe azimuth-levation pane yields an output from each GBF proportional to the distance between the sampled and the center (a. J) ofthe GBF. The GBF is a member ofthe clas of radial basis functions as defined by Micchell (8, 1, von Mises Bass Funcrio “The von Mises ass function (VMBP) is bsed on spherical prob abisy density function that has been used 9 model ine dictions isibated usimeodally with oationl symmetry" The expression fr the von Mises funtion witout the surface region coefficient (sino) ‘and a constant of proportionality i VM. = 2 ‘where the input space corresponds to samples of azimath-b-elevation| (0) onthe sphere (se (3). Applicaton ofthe von Mises function requires an azimuthal ange ftom zero 102s and elevational range fom zero =. Any simple (0.0) oa the sphere will induce an ‘utp fom each VMIBE proportional othe angle diference between the sample and the centroid of the MBF (a. 6 is a shape parameter called the concentration parameter, where the Tanger the fale the narrower the function width, The VMBF resembles a tmp on sphere and can be viewed asthe spherical coelate of 2 owo-dimensonal Gaussian oa & pane IV. A Cowon Neurat ARCHETECTURE ‘The basis function serves af the activation function for exch of the hidden layer units of the RBF architecture of the form ‘eseribed below. Te output ofthe th outpet node, f (8,9), when spherical coordinates ate peseted a inputs given bythe following spproximation fnctions De Glee cay. $18.0) ee) H=TeVMLeednd — @ where G8. 0. 4). 3) 8a3-6aj) and VAP, 0. 0). dy 8) pe sent the ouipt of the jh Gausian and von Mises basis function, respectively, and wi the weight connecting the jth bass function with the th ouipot node, These expressions ean be viewed 38 "The probably dts how a6 the You Mier Areal Fisher saan races he Fer Snbon "The inet connate sytem sper for bth tsi fostins. The Sous, However toate be last ona t-dimensoal ne Jo4s.s2m795s0400 © 1958 TEE expanding the input-output mapping into linear combination of eghted nonlinear bass functions. V. PARAMEtER Leann ‘The approximation parameters (3) and (8) for a fixed aumber of bass futons can be optimized by applying « gradient descent ‘method to parila os function fr the waning input-outp se In this case, we require the sum-of squured-rror o be minimize, which i a standard technique that has been applied to GBP neural networks {10} (13), and [6]. We have derived analogous gradient uation forthe von Mises basis [4]. The expression of this cost faction forthe pth teaching pattern is Sole Slt. on? o wher fy the th element ofthe aching pater and fil 0) theith element ofthe curt patter (both 1-mensonal), Params ‘ales are learned tough the sucesive presentation of inpat-outpt teaching pass and application of the spcte update rules foreach parameter ofthe Gaussian or von Mises brsis fanctin. The amount of change made to each parameter following socessive presentation is based onthe negative derivative ofthe emor with respect to tht parameter, which requieshe aplication ofthe chain rl for pat ferential equations ‘The specific update rules for the Gaussian basis functions have the following form n= BE ate = HH oe ony dy tape) (8 yoy 2E 20 Vite = £10. 1G, 0.0.3 0050) ay2-2E = teat The = Ae onal, oa. dy aon. 26 _ 26-o,¥ do = BF = MS, Dt = f4h, on 1G. 0.05. dy aoy.04) 8) 2E _ 0-4) spisle regs ered Dike = seem e}GUe, 0694. 3p 405 03) «) Similarty, the gradient descent update rls forthe von Mises basis functions have the following form or DEM. 0.05.4 any = FE = 10, EME. 040 3p-m1) A) OE i Ao, = FE = ninosin asin — 039) She — fee onal Ite.o.a5-5)-5)) 2) Fi. ietiy-pt of ete (1) so ii spe) Pate on 2 planar Canon pr. Psted ita preston ton on he pe 32-28 4,¢08(8 = 0,)~ 4) 24, = = FE = elsinccon oo (8 — 0,)~cososin Slt = fone h ME. oc aye sje) 3) aE. BE = sinosin 5 cos — 0) +eas0.c08 Oe Stes = ft one 06 aye deny 18) VIL Apmeoxiuarie Srusnica. Acoust SeaTTER When a sound wave eacounes an object, some of the wave is elected rom its ginal couse A scatred wave spreads ou om the object, distorting and inteering with the incident plane wave. The expression for the scatered intensity derived in Marie and. ingard (a9 is as where is the radius of the sphere snd isthe radi distance to the origin of sound source, The constant is known as the svave number and i equal to 2"! where fi the Frequency oF the source and isthe speed of sound. The function Jy is an mth fonder Bes function of he fist Kind. The solid ange computed relative to the line normal to the incident wavefront. This expression approximates intensity seater for sounds with shor wavelengths (eg, bo > 1) Fig. 1 shows a thre-dimensonal rendering of the Seater hat was used to compare the approximation performance of the to types of bass Function. The sirface was generfed ing (15) withthe radios 0 ofthe theoretical rigid sphere equal to. tm and the distance r ofthe sound source fom the sphere equal to 45 m The frequency ofthe sound source was three KHz. The magnitude of the scatered intensity i show ax a function of ireton in azimuth and elevation. Fig. Ua) shows the theoreical Intensity surface projected on a Caresian grid. Fgh 1(b) shows the actual ondisored surface plowed as it would appear relative to the unit sphere. The charactenstics of tht surface represent 8 Seaaecraa] “9000 @ Fig. 2 Placenta shape of he Gain and von Mises bss fants shown as coroue mearred at 1/0 of fea All cna sown Foe tt 8 pln. ene the von Misr fucins wes tihcn proce on the sphere, il ape teed ow te plas) ie ‘Gaon bss inns lows iia the RBF pros) Nin ton Mies bass fnciosfaowing intalzson the BP eter Ce) Gaussian ss ucts lowing sympode leg) Yom Maes a Tones afer spun taming ‘moderate challenge to functional approximation using a small namber of hats functions. One challenge, in particular fo the Gaussian bass funtion approximation. isthe necessary condom that the edges (6180 degrees eimuth) i the Caresan input represettion "atch up” The second challenge is the impli singularity atthe poles that is, at 90 degrees elevation ll samples of azimuth are, by definition, of equal magnitude “The two basis function were allowed to compete within a common RRBF achtectare by iteratively applying their respective gradient escent rules fr paramstrleaming. A relatively small umber of bass functions (nine) were used. Uniform staring placements were used for both bass functions. Fig 2(@) and (b) show the ini placement and contour ofthe Gaussian and von Mises asi functions respectively. Note that a Cansian grids being used to compare the harceristies ofthe wo basis funtion types. Forth case of the ‘von Mises basis functions the contours will spear distorted for he reasons discussed above. A training database was obtained by uniform random sampling of 00 directions expressed in azimuth and elevation, Equation (15) 8s used to synthesize the coresponding teaching patem (0, = 1,/1) for cach ofthe randomly selected input directions. Gradient descent learning was allowed to proceed until asymptadc behavior wis observed for both networks. This generally cxcumed within 200 epochs of input-output tsining. Fig 2 (a and () show the resulting fin placement and contour ofthe Gausan snd von Miss functions. Despite the contours ofthe von Mises functions appearing distorted ‘on the Cartesian grid, the plcemens for both pes of basis funtons show a high degie of symmetry. in particu forthe Gavssan basis functions. Fig. 3 i provided 1 futher aid inthe visualization of the von Mises basis function placemens, Fig. 3 (a) and ¢) show the acta sperical contours fr the nial and fl placement of the Fe. 3. Contours of sine von Mises bis fenton pled onthe see iu rojo staron nlp an (following asymp Tearing Parameter values ae the sae the ed a Pg Pea the ates tees der of te arr wt ape rin basis functions coresponding to the planar Caan projections in Fig 2 () and (Random inital conditions have been explored ‘in addition to the uniform inital conditions shown in Figs. 2 ad 3 Wile all eases converged, aot all nal solutions show this degree of symmetry upon convergence, eventhough the fl ttl sum-of- squured-rroc is consistently the sae within basis fonction type The approximated surfaces are shown in Figs. 4 and 5 forthe optimized Gaussian and von Mises basis functions, respectively. The surfaces were derived by interrogating each spprosimition function (3) and (2) witha dense test sampling (2661 points) of the input pace (Ge azimuth and elevation) The planar Cartesian grid is shown in panel a and the spherical surface plots shown in panel and should be compared to the known surface plated in coesponding fashion in Fig The Causian basis approximation in Fg. 4() shows evidence ofthe 180 degsee “seam” coresponing to the aniiputed edge effets for this bass function type. Most sparen isthe loss of the cuplike seater at 2ro degrees azimuth, zero degrecs elevation, ‘An atonal problem isthe lck of singulaty atthe poles (20 egres), thats, equivalence aeros azimuth, The total somo squured-eror for a network of nine Gaussian basis functions was 2.117. In contrast. the network of ine von Mises basis functions lossy approximate the scoutc seater function as shown in Fi. 5 ‘The comespoding total sum of squared-eror was 008, nary thee cxders of magnitude improvement over that of the Gaussian network ‘ith an equivalent numberof basis functions. Not only was the von © Fe. Appointed deci. pte of trong sphere sing tte Gausan hs function ined on S00 apat-apa as) Phe ta pla Cassn mp. 1) Poted witht ton tern one ssi pre o Fg. Approximate dtiy-pate of water ona rig sper sing "he von Mins bars fantom aa S0 inept po) Pld (es paar Caresan mp. () Pld thot projection dren the were Mises approximation more accute, bat ako demonstted beter ‘eneralzation as evidenced bythe dense sampling of novel test dia VIL Concuusions ‘The accuracy ofthe approximation for our benchmark acoutic scatter problem is several orders of magnitude better withthe von ‘Mises basis fntion network than that of the Gaussian network, ‘when an equal number of bass functions are used and provided ith xuvalem opportunity to learn. We speculate that this is de to the wellmatched characteristics of the spherical von Mises fonction to Spherical problems. The advantage wil likely deci as a function of increasing the numer of bats functions used inthe network, ‘The benelit of using fewer basis functions, however, besides the computational efficiency, is that when the numberof cbservations is limited, there will be lees chance of overiting and consequently beter peneralization (1) Rerenences 11) © Bishop, “Improving the generation popes of Rad Bas Functor newal networks" Heart Comp, ve pp. 519-388 191 [2] D-5.Broombesd ant D- Lowe "Malta ona inepaton tod apne newer.” Compe St 2 pp. 321388, 988 (3) NIP, Lew, and B..1 Emon Sail Anais of Sphere! Data_Cambes, UK: Cantge Unnray Pes, 187 (4) BL enn and K.P “Rail Bs Puan eel peter or ‘olan ausory Space J Acoust Soe Amer ol 85.p. 269.1938 (9) Ev) Harman .'B. Rede and). M Row “Liye nota fecvors wah Gatwan een alas ee pono” Newel Camp. se 2: 9p.210-215, 1980 (oy er preciing the tte Adtantape of Semi Unis Neel om, at. e657, 1 U7] Kook, Stnceombe, aed 1. 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The near! hetwrk cones two lye a hidden er and an cuipet layer. The hes ont rrespond to the nde ofthe Bow prph Te tpt sats represen fhe branch arab: The network hae nea order of compl, 1s eaaly programmable, and its sited for analog very large sal {megraton (VLSI eli The fnctonalty of he proposed tetwork ‘ited by 4 simulation example concerning the mana ow prblem Manet ested aly 6, 199%; eed Setter 8, 1998 ‘pe authors bens Heri, Cnn of Peg 05100 gia I TEEE Log Number 961325 104s.512795$0400 © 1995 EEE

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