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EDL 680

Module 2 Reflection

What I know

What I would like to know

What I learned

Id like to know how this applies to me being

a teacher or a future administrator.
I really do not have any
knowledge of Enterprise
Architecture or anything
else pertaining to this class.

What business use the TOGAF

Id like to know about frameworks and
which ones are best for my school district.

I am having a hard time getting a hold on what is an Enterprise Architecture (EA) and The Open
Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF). This is all Greek to me but I will keep trying to get a good
handle on the subjects. The chief reason for developing AE is to support the commerce by providing
the critical technology and process structure for an IT approach. This will enable IT to be successful
in a modern business strategy. TOGAF provides the procedures and tools for supporting the
production, use, and maintenance of an enterprise architecture. After reading on the TOGAF I feel
like its a critical part to help propel our school in the right direction. I feel like our school can benefit
from TOGAF. Our organization is planning to rebuild our whole technical infrastructure. We have
been growing at such a fast rate we have let down our students and stakeholders in many ways.
TOGAF will give us the ability to align our business framework with the data/information needed to
conduct and enhanced systems efficiency and effectiveness.

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