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OT A SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Document Scanning Lead Sheet Jan-26-2016 3:59 pm Case Number: CGC-16-550085 Filing Date: Jan-26-2016 3:53 Filed by: ARLENE RAMOS Juke Box: 001 Image: 05248921 COMPLAINT BRIAN SWITZER VS. UBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. ET AL 001005248921 Instructions: Please place this sheet on top of the document to be scanned. (obo Pana Us0 06 LA CORTE) su@tons (CITACION JUDICIAL) NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): UBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC.; ROGELIO BITUIN ows toj00 68, YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): BRIAN SWITZER NOTICE! You Rave been sued. The court may decide aginst you witout your being Rear unless you respond within 30 days, Read the information ow | “You nave 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on yout le a writen esponse at this court and havea copy serv onthe plaintif.Aieter or phone cl wl not aotet you. Your wren response must be in prope egal for you want he court oes your | cae. Tare may be a court frm tat yu can use for your response. You can fd thes cout frm and mor information atthe California Cours Onin Set tap Centr (vn cout ce. gowseep) your county etary, othe courthouse naarst yu. you cannot pay the ing fe, ak tne cour clerk or afee waiver fr. if you do not fie your response on time, you may se he case by defel, and your wages, money, and property ray bo taken without furtho: warning fom the court "rer ae oe legal oquements. You may want to cal anatomy ight away. H you do not know an atomey, you may wantin callan attomey telerral serie. you comet afer an ator, you may be elle fr fee lgel serves fom a nang egal senvces progam. You can cate hese nonproftgroups atthe Calfrie Legal Senvces Web se (ww lewnepcatoa on), Calflora Couts Online Sel Hap Center {ww courthf c gv/stne). oF by eotacting you eal out of county bar assoitin. NOTE: The cout asa statuary len for waved fees and coat on any setlemant or aotation award of $10,000 oe mor aa evl cate. The cous len must be pad before th cout vl emss the case [AVISO! Lo ban demendada. Sino responde dentro de 90 cles, acre puede Seis en su conta sin escuchar su verstn. Lea i ifomacion 9 continua. “Tene 30 01S DE CALENDARIO después de quel enteguen este ckacin y papeles legals pare presenta una respuesta par escrito en asta certey hacer que £8 entegue una copa al demiencant. Una carta una lamade teetnie rao prtegen. Su respuesta por asorto lene que estar en forms egal coecto 3 desea que procesen su caso en la cot. Es posble que haye un formuaro que usted puede usar para su respuesta Puede enconvar esos formulas de corte y mas inermacion on el Centro de Auta de es Cortes de Clfonia (mew score 2.0), en la bibotece delves de su condado oen la cote que fe quedo més coca. Sino puede pagar la cuola de presenta, pl sacrelao Ga cate uel un formula de exencion do pago de casas So pesorta su respuesta a anpo, puede perder e/caso por ncumplminio le corte Peers qatar su suelo, dinero ybienes sin ms adverterci, Hay ars requsioslgsls. Es recamendable qu lms a un booed iameditament. Sino conoce aun abogado, puede lamar aun servicio de remstn a abogodes. Sino pues pager aun abogade, es paste que cumpla con bs requis para obtener servis lgeles grt de un prorama de sence legals sin nes do ure. Puode encontrar estos grupos sin fires do lure eno io web de Calf Legal Serves, {nn awe pcatforia or), en el Conto de Ayuda as Corts de Califor, ww.\) 0 poniindose en contacto con aco 0 af colegio de abogedoslncals.AVISO. Prey, la core dene derecho a reclama ls cuois ys casts exertos por inpaner un gravaren sobre cusgurrocperasn do $10,000 6 mas de valor wotica mediante un acuerdo o un concesion de alleen un co de ceecho cll. Tere que [pagar grevaman do la coro anlos de quel core pueda dasochar oso. ‘The name and address of the court is: eater (Elnombre y direccién de la corte es) San Francisco County Superior Court 400 McAllister Street San Francisco, CA 94102-4514 ‘The name, address, and telephone number of plantif’s attorney, or plaintiff without an attorney, is “nombre, la dreccién y el nimero de teléfono del abogade dei dermandante, o del demandante que no tiene abogado, es) to uistiert Segs co con BOE Be farshall Street, Ste 4 Redwood City, CA $4603 ay — Maru Rowney, DATE: CLERK OF THE COU Clerk, b ARLENE RAMOS Deputy feosiay JAN 2.62016 cert me AED Neen NO (For prooT oT service Of Tis Summons, use Prout of Service of Summons (form POS-OT) (Para prueba de entrega de esta citacion use ef formulario Proof of Servico of Summons, (POS-010). = NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You are served sem 1. Cas an individual defendant. 2. Ti asthe person sued under the ftious name of (specify): 3. C2 onbohatf of rspecity): Ther. Loy GCP 416-10 (corporation) CCP 416.60 (minor GCP 416.20 (Getne corporation) ECP 41670 (conseratee) Ch 446.40 (association or partnership) GP 418.90 (authorized person) cther (speci 4. CA by personal delivery on cate: UNIMON? TTC Raaa BE aioe _ aoe 2 ison on TAD ELoestser, orien a @ _ e PLD-Pr-001 TGR TAROT ATOR Ps San oo eer -GEORGE W. ELLARD, ESQ. (SBN: 158195) EMANUEL LAW GROUP | 702 Marshall Street, Ste 400 Redwood City, CA 94063 raemnove no: 650-369-8900 raxno content: 650-369-8999 cunt rooness omer arioneyronnang: PLAINTIFF - Brian Switzer ‘SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO smecraconess 400 McAllister Street cmmozrcooe San Francisco, CA 94102-4514 suncinwe Civic Center Courthouse PIANTIFF: BRIAN SWITZER DEFENDANT: UBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC.; ROGELIO BITUIN JAN 23 2016 @ boes 110 100 | CLERKOF THE COURT ‘COMPLAINT-Personal Injury, Property Damage, Wrongful Death (AMENDED (Number): Bt, Bepity Cer “Type (check all that apply): (Gl motor VEHICLE CA) OTHER (specify: | () Property Damage C Wrongful Death (0) Personal injury C2) Other Damages (specify): | “Jaredieion (aheok al tat apply poorer C1 actions 4 uimiTeD civiL CASE Amount demandes [does not exceed $10,000 2 exceeds $10,000, but does not exceed $25,000 {K] ACTION Is AN UNLIMITED CIVIL CASE (exceeds $25,000) -16- EF AGmION Is RECLASSIFIED by tis amended complain | C60-16-550085 2 trom tmited to untimited 1 from untimited to timited 1. Plainti (name or names): BRIAN SWITZER alleges causes of action againstdefendant (name or names): UBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. ; ROGELIO BITUIN 2. This pleading, incuding attachments and exhibits, consis of the following number of pages: 8. Each paintif named above isa competent adult 3. Co except paint name): (1) C2) a corporation qualified to do business in Caitornia (2) an unincorporated entity (describe) CD a pubiic entity (describe) @) Cl aminer CO) anadult (@) C2 for whom a guardian or conservator ofthe estate or a guardian a item has been appointed ©) ED) other (speci) © OD other fovea . (except plant ine) (1) CQ a corporation qualified to do business in California (2) Can unincorporated entity (describe): (3) C0 2 public entity (describe): 4) CQ aminor (an aduit (@) C2) for whom a guardian or conservator of the estate or a guardian ad litem has been appointed (b) CC) other (specify): (&) Co other (specify) (2) Information about additional plaintiffs who are not competent adults is shown in Attachment 3. ard ‘COMPLAINT Personal Injury, Property carne Damage, ma >< Fier, arian Bae oa ib root ae een 07°) SEAT FERNS SWITZER vs. UBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC., ET AL. J & UO Plain (name): is doing business under the fictitious name (speci) : @ ry PLD-PI-001 ‘SHORT TiTLE: cor ] ‘and has complied with the fictitious business name laws. '5, Each defendant named above is a natural person a. Bi except defendant (name). c. CO excopt defendant (name) Uber Technologies, Inc. (1) ©) a business organization, form unknown (1) 2 a business organization, form unknown @) BD a corporation 2) CA acorporation 8) C1 anunincorporated entity describe): (2) © anunincorporated entity (describe) (4) 2 a public entity describe) (4) C2 a pubiic entity descnbe): (8) (HD other (speci): (6) CA other (specity licensed and doing business in California b. CA except defendant (name): 6. Ci except defendant (name) (1) Da business organization, form unknown, (1) C2 a business organization, form unknown 2) CD acomporation (2) Gy 2 corporation (3) Cl anunincorporated entity (describe): ) Dl anunincorporated entity (describe): (4) Ca pubtic entiy (describe): (4) D1 a pubic entity (describe): ©) Qother specify) (8) other (specity) (1 Information about additional defendants who are not natural persons is contained in Attachment 5. 6. The true names of defendants sued as Does are unknown to plaintif a. [ED Doe defendants (specify Doe numbers): 1_to 100 were the agents or employees of other named defendants and acted within the scope of that agency or employment. b. (ED Doe defendants (specify Doe numbers): 1_t.0 100 ____are persons whose capacities are unknown to plait 7. (AL Detendants who are joined under Code of Cuil Procedure section 382 are (names): 8, This court is the proper court because 1, [il atleast one defendant now resides ints jurisdictional area, . Gd the principal place of business of a defendant corporation or unincorporated association i in its jurisdictional area Gl injury to person or damage to personal property occurred in its jurisdictional area, 4. C2 other (specity: 9. C2 Plainttis required to comply with a claims statute, and LL has complied with applicable claims statutes, or b. Co is excused from complying because (specity): Date ATT ‘COMPLAINT-Personal injury, Property naa aT Damage, Wrongful Death S sen Fas : : Switzer, Brian ae ® @ PLD-PI-001 10 tang coer lacunae aac an econ cre py mh sph at nae ma aes a. (E) Motor Venicie b. (J General Negligence cc, Intentional Tort 4.) Products Liability : Premises Liability TF otter (specify) 11. Plaintif hes sutfered TA wage toss [QD oss of use of property hospital an medial expenses (Z) general damage I property damage [hess of earning capacity [ether damage (specify) Lost household services. (1 listed in Attachment 12, 12. (2 The damages claimed for wrongful death and the relationships of plaintif to the deceased are b. Cy 2s foltows: 19, The relief sought in this complaint is within the jurisdiction ofthis court, 14. Plaintif prays for judgment for costs of suit fr such relief as sf, just, and equitable; and for (1) compensatory damages 2) punitive damages ‘The amount of damages is (in cases for personal injury or wrongful death, you must check (1)): (1) BD) according to proof (2) CQ inthe amount of: $ 15. C2] The paragraphs ofthis complaint alleged on information and beliet are as follows (specify paragraph numbers). ete: 1/25/2016 hig WA SORGE W.ELLARD. ESQ. » VA) (OYE OR PRIN HE) (SGRATURE OF PCANTIFE OR ATTORNEY aim ‘COMPLAINT Personal injury, Properly aa 2a ag Damage, Wrongful Death een : a e oe ‘SHORT THE. (CASE NUMBER, SWITZER vs. UBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC., BT AL. ELRST 97 ——— CAUSE OF ACTION- Motor Vehicle ATTACHMENT TO GQ Complaint [CJ Cross-Complaint (Use a separate cause of action form for each cause of action.) Praintif (name): BRIAN SWITZER MV-1. Plaintif alleges the acts of defendants were negligent; the acts were the legal (proximate) cause of injuries, ‘and damages to plaintiff; the acts occurred fon (date). 11/10/15 at (place): Sutter Street at Leavenworth Street, San Francisco, CA. Mv.2. DEFENDANTS 2. QE) The defendants who operated motor vehicle are (names): Rogelio Bituin; Uber Technologies, Inc. does 1 ____ to 100_ ». CH] The defendants wo employed the persons who operated a motor vehicle in the course of their employment ate(names'Uber Technologies, Inc. dces 1 ___ to» ind ___ ¢ EX) The defendants who owned the motor vehicle Rogelio Bituin was operated with their permission are(names): Uber Technologies, Inc. [ED ves — 10 100 4. GQ The defendants who entrusted the motor vehicle are (names): Uber Technologies, Inc. I does 3 to 100 ©. EE) The defendants who were the agents and employees ofthe other defendants and acted within the scope ofthe agency were (names): Rogelio Bituin; Uber Technologies, Inc. [I does to 100 __ £ CA The defendants who are fable to plaints for other reasons and the reasons for the lability are ised in atachment MV-2f Ls folos C2 does to Page 4__ SEgesreeasse etna CAUSE OF ACTION - Motor Vehicle recs saao “say a7 2) sea fons Switzer, Brian : @ : rp pra01 SHORT TE nae SWITZER vs. UBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC., ET AL. __sEconn__________ CAUSE OF ACTION- General Negligence = Page S___ (oumben) ATTACHMENT TO [XJ Complaint (2) Cross-Complaint (Use @ separate cause of action form for each cause of action.) GN-1. Plaintiff (name): BRIAN SWITZER alleges that defendant (name): ROGELIO BITUIN; UBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. i Does, to ‘was the legal (proximate) cause of damages to plaintf. By the following acts or omissions to act, defendant negligently caused the damage to plaintiff fon (date): 11/10/15 at(place; Sutter Street at Leavenworth Street, San Francisco, CA. (description of reasons for ability) By this reference Plaintiff hereby incorporates each and every paragraph in this Complaint a8 though fully set forth herein. Defendants and DOES 1-100, and each of them, were negligent in that they violated statues, Codes, regulations and other laws, including but not limited fo Cal. Vehicle Code Section 21453(@) which stale that drivers shal stop fora red laht, Defendants did not exerese due ‘are for the safety of Plaintiff, as Defendants did not stop for a red light and Defendants. collided with Plaintiff. Vehicle’ Code section 21453 (a) was in full force and effect at the time Of the incident giving rise to this Complaint, and Defendants’ violation of said statute legally and proximately catised Plaintiffs injuries. The incident was of a nature that said statute was designed to prevent, and Piaintf was among a class of persons for whose protection said statute was adopted. As a result of the negligence of Defendants, and DOES 1-100, and each of them, Plaintiff suffered special damages incuding, but not limited to, medical expenses, were loss, pain and suffering, emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, anxiety, and inconvenience Plaintiff is unaware of the true identities of Defendants fictitiously identified herein as Does 1 through 100. Plaintiff will amend this Complaint to assert the true identifies of Defendants identified herein as DOES 1 through 100 once the same has been ascertained, Each of the Defendants fictitiously named as DOE Defendant is in some manner responsible for the conduct alleged herein and is therefore responsible for the resulting injury and damages to iainti Each Defendant, whether actually or fictitiously identified, is the agent, employee, representative, Subsidiary, and/or affiliate of each of the other Defendants and in doing the things alleged herein, was acting within the course and scope of said employment agéncy, affiliation with the ratification, authority, or with the express of implied permission of €ach of the other Defendants. Teepe eas ‘CAUSE OF ACTION: General Negligence Cand Ooi Pre 8 neni can 2007 5 eee Esse FORMS” Switzer, Brian moto ome a Omar [GEORGE W. ELLARD, ESQ. (SBN: 156195) EMANUEL LAW GROUP 702 Marshall Street, Ste 400 Redwood City, CA 94063 rewmwoneno. 630-369-8900 __raxno._ 650-369-8999 sromerrongany PLAINTIFF - Brian Switzer SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO , smaecraooness 400 McAllister Street | dan 2° 708 GrmoarcoeSan Francisco, CA 94102-4514 ye Thy at imams 000, Srgneteco, on aflez CLERKOF TY “CASE NAME: BRIAN SWITZER vs. m™ ‘Sepa UBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. ,ET AL CIVIL GASE COVER SHEET Conpex Gis Oianion PR § 500 BD ce CAhcounter Conder 6 demanded demanded is Filed with first appearance by defendant ican exceeds $25 000) $25,000 orless)|__" "(Gal Rules of Cou le 0.400) oer Items 1-6 below must be completed (see instructions on page 2). |r Check one box below forthe case type that best describes this case! Auto Tort Contract | Exp auto 2a) Breach of contactwarranty (06) Uninsured motorist (46) Rule 3.740 collections (08) ther PUPDIND (Personal InjuryiProperty Provisionally Complex Civil Litigation (Cal Rules of Court, rules 3400-3403) ‘AnttrusvTrade regulation (03) ‘othe collections (08) Construction detect (10), iron coverage 1) vane apagetrongt Death) Tort Shercoectan Seca igatin 20 ae Environmental Taxic tort (30) Product ably (24) Medical maipractice (45) (Other PUPOWD (23) Non-PUPDAWD (Other) Tort ‘Business torunfar business practice (07) Real Property Eminent domainfinvsrse condemnation (14) ‘Wrongful evievon (23) (tne real property (26) Insurance coverage caine arising fom the above listed provisionaly complex case types (41) Enforcement of Judgment (OY Enforcement of judgment (20) Cc rights (08) Unlawful Detainer Defamation (13) ‘Commercial (31) Migcottaneous Civil Complaint Fraud (16) Residential (2) RICO (27) Intellectual property (18) rugs (38) (ner complaint (not specified above) (42) Canna e Jucicial Review Miscellaneous Civil Petition (Other non-PUPDIWWD tort (35) ‘Asset footure (05) Partnership and corporate governance (21) | Employment Petition re: arbitration award (11) Other petition (not spectfed above) (43) Wrongful termination (36) Wt of mandate (02) thar employment (15) (ther uci review (29) 2. Thiscase CQ is CEQ isnot complex under rule 3.400 of the California Rules of Court. Ifthe case is complex, mark the factors requiring exceptional judicial management: a. [) Large number of separately represented parties. [1] Large number of witnesses 6. Cy Extensive motion practice raising dificult or novel e. 7} Coordination with related actions pending in one ar more courts issues that will be time-consuming to resolve . C2) Substantial amount of documentary evidence Remedies sought (check all that apply). a. (KJ monetary b. in other counties. states, or countries, or in a federal court £12) Substantial postudgment jusicial supervision Tronmonetary, declaratory or injunctive relief c. [punitive Number of causes of action (specify): 2; Motor Vehicle; General Negligence This case Lis isnot a class action sul IF there are any known related cases, file and serve a nolice of related cas ele i Date: 1/25/2016 GEORGE W. ELLARD, FS! _ » noricl | + Plainti must fle this cover sheet withthe fest paper led inthe action or proceeding (except small claims cases or cases fied Lunde the Probate Code, Family Code, or Welere and insttustons Code), (cal. Rules of Cou ule 3 229) Fale tote may rest insanctons «lots cover sheet in adation to any cover sheet quire by local cout ue + itis ease is complex under rule 3400 et seq ofthe California Rules of Cour, you must serve a copy of his cover sheet on all tier partes to the action or proceeding. + Unless iss colections case under rule 3.740 or complex case, his cover shee wl be used for statistical purposes ony gett OAS Sco a “Switzer, Brian BETEA™ pence, CIVIC CASE COVER SHEET meee" ESSENTIAL FORMS™ ’ e e INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO COMPLETE THE COVER SHEET To Plaintiffs and Others Filing First Papers. ifyou are fling a frst paper (for example, a complaint in a civil case, you must complete and fe, along wih your fret paper the! Civil Case Gover Sheet contained on page t, This information willbe used to comple Statistics about ie ‘and numbers of cases filed. You must complete tems 1 through 6 on ihe sheet. In tem 1, you must check cM-o10 ‘ne box forthe case ype that best describes the case, ithe case fis boih a general and a more specitc type of cate listed inter 1 Sheck the more specite one. If the case has mutiple causes of action, check the Box that Best Inaicales ine" primary cause of action {Sisal arlctng ie shel earl a cages ha besa unr cac avo pe fon tae acd blow. Acove Sheet must be fled only win your inal paper Faure to fe a cover sheet wih the frst paper fied n a chil case may subject @ pat, ig counsel, or both fo sanctions under rules 2.30 and 3 220 ofthe Galforia Rules of Cour * ale To Parties in Rule 3.740 Collections Cases. A “colections case" under rule 3.740 is define as an action for recovery of money Owed a sum slated fo be cortain thal not more than $25,000, exclusive of interest and atlomeys fees anzing rom transaction i Se ror, sees, oc money was acaured on eat. calacons cave dos notice aan aking he loving () ot jamages, (2 funive damagee, @) recovery of real property, (2) recovery of personal propery. () a prejudgment wa ‘tachment. The lentfeation of ¢ case as a ule 3740 ealeclons case on ths form means that t wil Be exempt om the general {imeorservcs requrements and case management rues, unless a defendant fies a responsive pleading, rule P40 eatections ase wll be subject fo the requirements for service and obtain a judgment in rule 3.740. To Parties in Complex Gases. n complex cases only, parties must also use the Civil Case Cover Sheet to designate whether the saves comple. a lant beevos the cae ic complex under rule 3400 othe California Rules of Cou his ust be indcated ‘Completing the appropriate boxes in items 1 and 2. Ifa plainti designates a case as complex, the cover sheet must be served with the ‘Complaint on all partes to the action. A defendant may file and serve no late than the time ofits fist appearance a joinder in the plaintiffs designation, a counter-designationt the case is complex. Auto Tort “Auto (22}-PersonalinjuryProperty ‘DaragalWrongfl Death Uninsured Motorist (28) (7 he ‘ace involves an uninsured ‘motonst claim subject f0 Barraton, check this Rem instead of Auto) (Other PUPOAVD (Personal Injury! Property DamagenWrongful Death) Tort “Asbestos (04) ‘Asbestos Property Damage ‘Rebostos Personal injury? Wrongful Death Product Liatily (nat asbestos or toxivenuionenta) (24) Medical Malpractice (5) Medical Malprecice- Physicans & Surgeons ter Professional Heath Care Malpractice (other PUPDIWD (23) Premises Lisi (€.9. slip ‘rd lh Intentional Bedi IjuyPoNWD (ea, asseut, vandalism) Imestiona fiction of ‘Emotional Distress Negligent nficion of Emotional tress other PUPOMWD Non, PUPDNWD (Other) Tort Business TorvUnfai Business Practice (07) Civ Rights (e¢.,esermination, false arrest) "(not cus Darassmend) (08) Defamation e. slander, libel) <3) Fraud (15) Intellectual Property (13) Professional Negigence (25) Legal Malpracice Other Professional Malpractice (ot medical or egal) (Other Non-PHPDMD Tort (5) Employment ‘Wrengil Termination (36) (ter Employmont (15) ‘CASE TYPES AND EXAMPLES Contract Contract (nf unlawful detsiner ‘or wrongful eviction) ContractWarranty Beach Seer Plant (not raud or nepligonce) Negligent Breach of Contract Warranty ‘other Breach of ContactWarranty CColections (2. money owed, open ‘book accounts) (8) Golecion Cace-Seler Paisit ‘Other Promissory Note/Calections Case Insurance Coverage (not provisionally ‘compex) (18) Rute Subrogation ther Coverane ‘other Contact (37), ‘Contractual Frous (thar Contract Dispute Real Property ‘Eminent Domaininverse Candermation (1) Wirongfl Eviction (33) Other Real Property (a. quot te) (26) ‘Wet of Possession of Real Property Mortgage Foreclosure Quiet Te Other Real Property (not eminent domain, landordtenen, or foreclosure) Unlawful Detainer ‘Commercial (31) Residential (32) ‘Drugs (38) (the case involves itegal ‘hugs, chock his item; etorwiso, ‘report as Commer or Residential) Judicial Review “Asset Fortature (06) Petition Re: Arbaraton Award (11) ‘Wt of mandate (02) \Wet-Agminisratve Mandamus \WitMandamus on Limited Cour Gace Mater wok Other Limited Cour Case Review ‘Other Judit! Review (39) ‘Review of Health Oficer Order Notice of Appea-Laber ‘Gommasioner Appeals the case is not complex, o, ifthe plain has made no designation, a designation that Provisionaly Complex Civil Litigation (Cal Rules of Court Rules 2400-3403), ‘AntivustTrade Regulation (03) Construction Detect (10) Claims Involving Mass Tor (40) Secures Ligation (28) EnvronmentalToxc Tort (20) Insurance Coverage Claims {ansing rom provisionaly complex ase ype Iisted above) (81) Enforcement of Judgment Enforcsment of Judgment (20) “Abstract of Judgment (Out of County) Confession of Judgment (non: domestic relations) Sister State Jusgment ‘dminstatve Agency Award (rot unpaid taxes) Pettion'Centeaton of Entry of “Jodgment on Unpaid Taxes ‘Other Enforcement of Judgment ose Migcellaneous Givil Complaint Rico @7) ‘Other Complaint (not specitod ‘atove) (42) Declaratory Reet Only Injunctve Rei Ont (oon- harassment) Mechanics Lien (Other Commercial Complaint ‘Case. (norforinen complex) Cotner Gt Complaint (en-tor’non complex) Miscellaneous Civil Petition Partership and Corporate Governance (21) (the: Pettion (not specited ‘above (3). Civ Harassment Workplace Viotonce EloedDependent Adult ‘Abuse Election Contest Pettion for Name Change Petiion for Relief fom tate ‘aim ‘other Cit Pettion aOR THT, ESSENTIAL FORM: CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Switzer, Brian

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