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Jonathan Navarro

LEI: 4724

Title: Traffic Jam

Citation: Priestley, D. (2014, November 1). Traffic Jam. Retrieved January 27, 2016, from

Equipment: 8 participants, 9 spot indicators to be placed on the floor (ex. 9 sheets of paper)
Activity Description:
1. All 8 players are working together to reach the same goal.
2. All players should be communicating trying to find the appropriate way to reach the gosl
of the game.
3. 9 sheets of paper are laid out on the floor in a straight line.
4. Each participant should stand on top of one sheet of paper, leaving the one in the middle
5. Each participant should be facing the paper in the middle. 4 players on one side should be
facing the 4 players on the other side.
6. The objective is for both teams to end up on the opposite side of the line.


Only one person may move at a time.

Players cant move back (only forward).
Players can only move forward to an empty space.
Players may not go in front of another player from their side.
Players are not allowed to get out of line to try and get a better view.
If any rules are broken then the players go back to original position and start over.

Leadership considerations:

Facilitator is to direct the activity, explain the rules, observe the behaviors of the
participants, and make sure the proper repercussion in enforced when rules are broken.

Discussion Questions: How did it feel being in the back of the line? How frustrated did
you feel throughout the game? Did you feel like you were being a follower rather than a

Modifications for MS: Since common symptoms of MS are fatigue, problems walking,
and dizziness, one adaptation that can be made to the game would be to have chairs
instead of sheets of paper. This allows participants to sit and rest while everyone
discusses what the next move should be.

When working with participants with Down syndrome, it is important that

communication between them and their teammate is flowing. Socialization and
communication are huge factors in completing the task at hand so it is vital that the
participant is involved and feels apart of the team.

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