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Caroline Sugrue

Period 4


Redskins, Solidarity or Slur?

The Cowboys vs The Redskins game is on, and its getting intense. The
Redskins are down 46-49, and could tie it up with this last play. They are on
the 2 yard line, and the quarterback calls it. Set, HIKE! The quarterback
hands it off to the offensive linemen and he runs for the touchdown. He
makes it! The crowd cheers for joy as the Redskins take a victory lap. The
fans cheer, all except a big group of Native Americans. They are holding
signs that say Change the name! We dont have redskin, Redskins! Why
would they do this, you might ask. They think the Redskins are making fun of
them, but theyre not. I believe the Redskins should not change their name,
but others may disagree. I believe they should not change their name
because the logo for the Redskins was made by Native Americans, 90% of
Native Americans dont find it offensive, and the name has been The
Redskins for 81 years.
The Logo of the Redskins was made by Native Americans, so why
would they find it offensive? You might ask. Its confusing, right? It needs to
be said that an Indian from the state of Montana created that (Redskins)
logo, and did it the right way. States Don Wetzel in The Washington
Redskins, The Truth About The Redskins Name and Logo. This means that
the Native Americans should be proud that they are featured in the Redskins
name and logo! Also, in 1971, the Native Americans approved the name and
logo. That just means that the Natives like the logo so there should not be
any trouble. The Redskins logo was made, and approved by Native
Americans, so there shouldnt be any trouble.
According to a letter written to Senator Harry Reid by Bruce Allen, 8390% of Native Americans do not find the Redskins trademark offensive, so
why cant the other 10-17% just accept it? In fact, according to the
Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, a national
survey of Native Americans reported that an overwhelming ninety percent of
respondents said the name was not offensive. Some Native Americans
actually embrace the name and take it like they are being honored. Also,
many schools embrace the Redskin name and use it to represent their

schools. Clearly the majority of Native Americans do not find the name
Redskins to be offensive, its just a small section of Native Americans that do.
The NFL team has used the name Redskins for the past eighty one
years. Some of you may think that the Redskins name is racist because it
represents a skin color, but eighty one years ago it meant A Native
American term of solidarity. The team uses the name as a sign of solidarity,
not a skin color. Ives Goddard states, The actual origin of the word
(redskin) is entirely benign and reflects a more positive aspect of relations
between Indians and whites.
Using the name as a sign of solidarity and not as being disrespectful to
Native Americans, is what the original name was meant to be. Maybe this is
why the owner of the Redskins, Dan Snyder has said he will never change
the name.
Native Americans have wanted the Redskins name and logo changed
for many years, but Dan Snyder will not change it. This is because the
Redskins mean no harm to the Native Americans. They mean to honor them
and be respectful to the Native Americans. Also, at games, the fans sing
Hail to the Redskins which shows that the people are happy that the Native
Americans have shaped this country into what it is today. Therefore, The
Redskins should not change the name because they honor the Native

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