General Steps To Flashing BIOS

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General Steps to Flashing BIOS

Why Should You Flash BIOS?

When the motherboard becomes unstable, or loses some functions, you can often try to
resolve the issue by refreshing or updating the BIOS.

Steps to Flashing BIOS

1. Set a jumper on the motherboard, or change a setting in CMOS setup to tell the
BIOS to expect an upgrade.
2. Create a startup disk to allow the system to boot into a command prompt.
3. If needed, download the updated BIOS software from the manufacturer’s
4. Boot from the disk and follow the menu options to upgrade the BIOS.
5. Set the jumper back to its original setting, reboot the system, and verify that all is
6. Be very careful that you upgrade BIOS with the correct upgrade version and that
all instructions from the manufacturer’s manual are followed correctly.

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