Max Life Insurance

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MUMBAI 40064


Subject:-Investment Analysis Portfolio Management


Topic: - Mutual Funds

Sub Topic:-Max Life Insurance

Presented To:-Prof. Neha Sarviya


Presented By,
Roll No. Name

Sharad Asawa


Arjun Choudhary


Sachin daiya


Ayush Jain


Jainish Jain


Kamlesh Choudhary



CEO: Rajesh Sud
Founder: Analjit Singh
Date founded: Year 2000
Max New York Life Insurance Company Ltd. is a joint venture between New York
Life, a Fortune 100 company and Max India Limited, one of India's leading multibusiness corporations. The company has positioned itself on the quality platform.
In line with its vision to be the most admired life insurance company in India, it
has developed a strong corporate governance model based on the core values of
excellence, honesty, knowledge, caring, integrity and teamwork. The strategy is to
establish itself as a trusted life insurance specialist through a quality approach to
In line with its values of financial responsibility, Max New York Life has adopted
prudent financial practices to ensure safety of policyholder's funds. The Company's
paid up capital is Rs. 807 crore, which is more than the norm laid down by IRDA.


1. Max life online term plan

Basic Life Cover


- Affordable protection with Sum Assured as Lumpsum.

Life Cover + Monthly Income

- Lump sum with monthly income to take care of any liability and provide
a steady income to family.

Life Cover + Increasing Monthly Income

- Lump sum with increasing monthly income to handle any liability and
take care of increasing living costs and expenses.

2. Protection plans

MAX LIFE Super Term Plan

- In an increasingly uncertain world, it is your top priority to ensure that
your family.

MAX LIFE Premium Return Protection Plan


- Provide your family with the best of everything, from education to

marriage to healthcare and financial support for.

3. Child plans

Shiksha Plus Super

- As parents, you want to provide the best education to your children. With
the rising cost of education, you need a savings plan that is designed to
provide adequate funds at key educational milestones and take care of
your childs future even if you are not around. Presenting Max Life
SHIKSHA PLUS SUPER a comprehensive solution for a secure and
bright future of your child.

4. Retirement plans

MAX LIFE forever young pension plans

- Today, in the prime years of your life, you are striving hard to offer the
best lifestyle to your loved ones. While you are enjoying all the comforts
that life has to offer, are you certain you will be able to maintain your
familys lifestyle, post retirement?


- Presenting Max Life Forever Young Pension Plan, which provides the
benefits of equity participation to build a large retirement corpus and at
the same time, offers a guarantee to protect your savings from market
downturns. It also offers additional benefits to safeguard your family
against unforeseen eventualities so that you and your loved ones live life
on your own terms.
MAX LIFE guaranteed lifetime income plan
- You have worked hard to achieve financial independence and a
comfortable lifestyle. You want to maintain the same lifestyle during your
golden years.
- Presenting Max Life Guaranteed Lifetime Income Plan, the smart way
to retire. Guaranteed Lifetime Income Plan is a non-linked traditional
annuity plan that guarantees a regular stream of income after your

MAX LIFE life perfect partner super

- In your journey through life, you will need to take care of changing needs
like asset creation, investing for retirement, childrens education,
marriage and so on. At Max Life Insurance, we understand your desire to
take care of these needs and yet simplify your financial planning and


- That is why; we have introduced Max Life Life Perfect Partner Super.
This product is a life insurance plan that provides you protection for life
and simplifies your financial planning and savings needs. This plan offers
you triple benefits as listed below:
- Life insurance coverage till age 75 years,
- Money back feature, where you will receive 7.5% of the Guaranteed
Maturity Sum Assured per annum for 15 years to take care of your needs
from age 61 years to 75 years,
- Maturity benefits at the age of 75 years
- This ensures that you can fulfill all your dreams and have a carefree
retirement. So enjoy your golden years with pride and independence.

5. Growth Plans
MAX LIFE fast track super plan
- Your investments need a product that helps you achieve your goals, by
providing you with portfolio strategies and multiple Fund options.

Presenting Max Life Fast Track Super, a product that helps you in planning
your finances better so that your future years are the best years of your life.

MAX LIFE platinum wealth plan


- You are a special person and deserve a special plan not only for your
wealth preservation but also for its growth to achieve your lifes goals.
- Presenting Max Life Platinum Wealth Plan That adds to your fortune
and secures your family future.

6. Saving Plans
MAX LIFE guaranteed income plan
- Life is all about fulfilling your dreams for your family, like providing for
childrens education, planning for retirement, etc. However, in an
environment which is full of uncertainty and volatility, you need surety
that these dreams will be fulfilled, even if you are not around.
- To ensure that your dreams for your family are fulfilled, Max Life
Insurance brings to you a plan that takes care of your worries related to
volatility. Max Life Guaranteed Income Plan offers guaranteed benefits
from the very outset. The plan provides a Guaranteed Income for a period
of 10 years after the Policy Term. The income payable monthly in the last
5 years of the payout period is twice the income payable monthly in the
first 5 years of the payout period. This is followed by a one-time
guaranteed Terminal Benefit payable at the end of the Payout Period.
Additionally, it ensures that the lifestyle of your family is protected
against any exigencies.


MAX LIFE whole life super

- In your journey through life, you plan and save for your child's education,
marriage, your retirement, etc. but what about creating a legacy for your
loved ones after you.
- To cater to this unique need, we have introduced Max Life Whole Life
Super, a life insurance plan in which you pay premiums for only a limited
number of years and enjoy protection up to the age 100 years. With the
power of bonuses, life cover continues to increase as your age increases.
In case of your death, your family will get a comprehensive death benefit
that will take care of all the financial needs and provide a legacy for your
Additionally, this plan also provides the flexibility to withdraw money from
your policy to support major or minor events without having to surrender
your policy.

MAX LIFE gain premium

- In your journey through life, you plan to fulfill various important goals
like your children's education and/or marriage, peaceful retirement life
etc. At Max Life Insurance, we understand the significance of these
milestones and help you plan for them, financially.


- Max Life - Life Gain Premier will help you save systematically to build a
corpus, which you can utilize to fulfill the important goals of your life.

MAX LIFE group gratuity premier plans
Max Life Group Gratuity Premier Plan facilitates the employers to fund their
gratuity liability in the most effective manner. This plan helps the employer
in the following ways:
- The gratuity fund is built up systematically to meet the future gratuity
- The fund will earn returns as per the performance of the funds opted by
you. Better fund performance will increase returns and reduce cost to the
- Assistance in the formalities required for the formation of the trust and
approval of the fund.
- Assistance in the administration of the scheme.
- Fixed Cover of Rs. 1,000 per eligible member.
MAX LIFE group super life premier in lieu of EDLI
- For all employees who are covered under the Employees Provident Fund
and Miscellaneous Act, 1952, it is mandatory for you as an employer to
subscribe to an Employees Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme 1976,


which aims at providing benefit of life insurance to all employees. Under

this scheme, the deceased employees insurance benefit will depend on
the length of service and the PF balance in the account.

MAX LIFE group super life premier

- In all sectors of the economy, whether organized or unorganized,
employees of an organization are its most critical and important asset.
However, creating a motivated workforce with healthy retention rates is a
key challenge an organization usually faces. Employers across the world
strive to secure and ensure benefits for their employees.
- We, at Max Life Insurance Company, understand your priorities and
challenges. Towards this end, we have prepared a flexible group term life
insurance plan - Max Life Group Super Life Premier - to safeguard your
employees' future from unfortunate incidents like death.

MAX LIFE - Group Credit Life Secure

- You want to be sure that all loans that you have sanctioned be repaid in
full. While you are taking measures to ensure that defaults are kept to
minimum and a recovery mechanism is in place, you need to insure
yourself against non-payment by borrower on account of his/her death.
The purpose of the Group Credit Life Secure plan is to provide cover
against loan in the event of death during the period of coverage.


MAX LIFE - Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana

- Life is full of uncertainties and it is your prime responsibility to ensure
financial security of your loved ones even when you are not around. Life
insurance helps you ensure the financial wellbeing of your loved ones in
case of an exigency.

- Presenting Max Life Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana, a group
life insurance plan, which offers pure protection to the members of the
master policy in case of loss of life. A group term life insurance product
is a life insurance scheme in which a single contract covers an entire
group of people. Under this product, the life insurance scheme owner is
the bank and risk coverage is provided to members holding a savings
bank account with the participating bank.


Our Differentiators
From a financially strong and enviable lineage to a diversified distribution model,
we have ample reasons to stand out amongst the other insurance providers in the

We Stand for


Financial Strength
Safety of our policyholders and shareholders money.
Consistency of returns to policyholders, shareholders and distributers.
Ability to offer feature rich products.
Balanced distribution touching more customers.

Quality Of Advice
Customer relationship builds on the foundation of Trust.
Need and Risk profile based customer solutions.
Enabling customers to take informed decision.
Through well trained and knowledgeable team.

Service Excellence
Caring mindset at all customer touch points.
Bias for long term customer relationship.
Responsive service.
Continuous improvement in customer processes.


Superior Human Capital

Great place to work.

Inclusive meritocracy
Opportunities for development and growth.
Direct and open communication.

Corporate Governance
Honest organization that always does what is right.
Bias for win win actions.
Predictable outcomes and delivery of promise.
No compromise on compliance.
Value Driven Culture

Caring, credibility, collaborative, excellence.

Integrity in all what we do.

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