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A plebeian is a roman commoner, a
member of the lower classes. In the
play he is poor and looked down by
everyone else. He is a servant to the
rich, and does his job to earn his
living. He has no refinement, often
uncultured and uncultivated.


Simple, tattered rags

Messy hair
Unkempt body
Very dirty
Bare Minimum

Plebeians were the working class of
Ancient Rome. They lived in small
apartment-like buildings. They had
no toilets, thus had to do their
businesses in pots which were often
emptied out onto the streets.
Creating very unhealthy and
unsanitary conditions. Plebeian
children often went to school for a
couple of years to learn to read,
write and do basic maths. Food was
hard to come by, and usually
consisted of stale bread, pea soup,
and/or porridge.

Plebeians were workers of the
aristocrats. They were very low in
the social strata, however they were
still better off than the slaves. Slaves
were considered property whereas
plebeians had basic human rights.

Plebeians live in a small apartments
called Insulae. These apartments
were usually crowded and often two
families had to share one room. The
Insulae were often made of wood,
and were usually very badly
constructed. It was not rare for one
to collapse or catch fire.


The Insulae.

The inside of the Insulae.

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