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Project 2.3.

1 Affordable Housing Design (MOON MODIFIED)

Across America, several organizations and communities provide
programs that design and build affordable homes so that people can
realize the dream of owning their own homes. Creating this opportunity often involves logistically
ensuring that the financial burden on the homeowner is reasonable. Affordable homes should also
be affordable to maintain and to support. The designer or architect must determine that balance
when designing layout, functions, and material choices. The designer should also strive to create
a product with universal design so that any occupant can utilize the home without adaptation in
the present or future.

The design should follow Habitat for Humanity guidelines and adhere to residential codes.
Universal design features must be incorporated into the design.
Green and sustainable features must be incorporated into the design.

Revit Deliverables (PHASE 1)

Title Page and Table of Contents (Include a rendering of your project.)
Project Overview
o Location
o Client Survey Highlights
o Site Description and Orientation
o Project constraints / codes (with notes
addressing approvals for any exceptions)
o Benefits of your design
o Architectural Style
o Landscaping Plan
Revit Sheets
o Site Plan Sheet
o Renderings / Camera View Sheet (elevation
rendering, interior renderings, landscape renderings)
o Floor Plan Sheet (fully dimensioned with labels and areas) must include traditional furniture
/ appliances to show flow (at least a washer, dryer, dishwasher, fridge, stove, beds, dressers,
couch, toilets, sinks)
o Elevation Sheet
o Schedule Sheet (windows, doors, room schedule, gross area)
Support Documents
o Client Survey, Adjacency Matrix, Bubble Diagram, Rough Floor Plan (to scale), Final Floor
Plan with Dimensions (to scale) with client signature
Other Deliverables (PHASE 2)
Calculations: Water Supply Calculations, Storm Water Runoff calculations, Wastewater

Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2010

CEA Unit 2 Lesson 2.3 Project 2.3.1 Affordable Housing Design Page 1 (MOON MODIFIED)

HABITAT Preliminary Work RUBRIC


0 - 12 points
-2 points per minor error (e.g. door opened wrong direction),
- 4 point per major error (e.g. door missing)

Client Survey

Detailed / Thorough / Clear / Typed Questions

and Answers


2 full bubble diagrams with labels (with bubble

sizes and locations creatively considered),
1 bubble diagram chosen & signed,
Diagram is clear / neatly drawn,
Clear Title


All rooms properly represented in matrix,

Matrix is properly filled out,
Key is provided,
Matrix is clear / professionally presented,
Clear Title

Floor Plan

Scale properly documented,

Overall dimensions documented,
Room Labels provided,
Clear Title

Floor Plan

Codes &


Flow and


Major components properly represented (front

load washer, front load dryer, dishwasher,
fridge, stove, beds, couch, toilets, sinks, entry
closet, bedroom closets, linen closet)
All codes and regulations & universal design
recommendations met
Habitat for Humanity requirements followed
(max area, simple and decent design, 6 corners
max, etc.)
Design provides best flow,
Doors and windows placed appropriately,
West glazing minimized

Appropriate titles, Professionalism shown,

Dated signatures at the bottom of each page,
Page numbers at the top of each page

Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2010

CEA Unit 2 Lesson 2.3 Project 2.3.1 Affordable Housing Design Page 2 (MOON MODIFIED)



0 - 10 points
-2 points per minor error (e.g. door opened wrong direction),
- 4 point per major error (e.g. door missing)

Floor Plan
X 2

Codes and
X 2



Site Plan



Sheet Format

Dimensions correctly shown, All rooms

and furniture / appliances represented,
Design provides best flow, Doors and
windows placed appropriately, Room
labels with areas
All codes and regulations, universal
design recommendations, and Habitat
for Humanity requirements are met

Elevation views appropriately aligned

and labeled, Correct elevations shown
on one view

At least three renderings / camera

shots provided that best represent the
house, A background is provided,
Renderings are visually appealing
The full site plan (as shown on sheet
one) is provided, House and plantings
are correctly represented on site

Schedules provided for the rooms,

windows, and doors, Appropriate
information represented in the tables,
Tables formatted correctly, Total gross
area shown
Landscaping plan is well thought out
and complete, Landscaping plan
includes diverse plantings
Title Blocks appropriately filled out, All
caps used on all text, Sheets
appropriately sized and balanced

* If a grading topic is not attempted at all, no points will be accumulated for that topic.
Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2010
CEA Unit 2 Lesson 2.3 Project 2.3.1 Affordable Housing Design Page 3 (MOON MODIFIED)

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