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Prendergast/LaPage LS


, p. 1

Quiz for A Knights Tale

Connecting the film to The Canterbury Tales

Characters Fill in the appropriate boxes with their CHARACTER TRAITS

2 points each
The Knight

William (Heath Ledger)


Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein from



Williams Lady

His Enemies

Williams friends

Williams father

Wat and Roland


Each question 2 points each

1. How does William become a knight?

2. Other than the fact that he is naked, what is a clear difference between Geoffrey Chaucer and William, Wat, and

3. Why did Williams father leave him alone, when he was a young boy?

4. What was the reaction when they reunited? What was different?

5. When William is knocked unconscious briefly, his mind returns to his childhood and a conversation with his
father. What do you learn about him?

Prendergast/LaPage LS

, p. 2

6. Why doesnt William write his own letter to Jocelyn? Explain your answer.

7. William continues to fight in the final joust even after his is seriously injured. Why does he do this?

8. Did watching this movie help you understand the Middle Ages and The Canterbury Tales? If so, how? If not,
why not?

9. Did you enjoy A Knights Tale? Would you recommend it to a friend or watch it again? What makes it a
good story (use literary elements like plot, character, setting, theme in your answer.)

10. Describe the last scene of the movie, the last joust fight.

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