Parent Teacherconferences Contractservice2

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Cadet Teacher Academy: Contract Service 2

Parent-Teacher Conferences
A contract service is required each marking period (4 per year). Examples of contract
services are: school board meeting; faculty meeting; parent/teacher conferences; PTA or
PTO meeting; van buren intermediate school district learning center visitation;
individualized education plan (IEP) meeting; 504 meeting; or, approved by
instructor/coordinator. The main idea of this activity is to participate in as many out-ofschool activities as possible so you can see the depth of what a teacher is responsible for.
Name: Staysha Johnson
Marking Period: Period 1
School District: Bloomingdale
Date of Service: October 29, 2015
Time: 2 hours
City: Bloomingdale, Bloomingdale Middle School
Adult: Joel Baker

Description of Contract Service Activity:

I attended my first Parent-Teacher conference as a teacher intern. I did sit for a while
without talking, because more sixth grade students parents came over to Joel Baker, my mentor
teachers, table. I did make my own parent letter for the middle school students parents. Those
were the only times that I would talk. I also typed up and printed out my own private lessons
flier. I told the sixth grade parents and the middle school parents about my services and supplied
them with my phone number in case they decided to take the opportunity.

I got to talk to teachers, parents, and a few of the students who tagged along with their
parents. I learned how to introduce myself professionally and confidently to parents and how to
communicate their parent language (which I interpreted as what are you doing in my childs
classroom, what good are you doing for their education, and how is my child doing with your
services). I learned that I love talking to parents. I dont know whats different about it. Maybe it
is because parents are (hopefully) more mature than people my age, so they talk more mature and
converse better. I do not like sitting at a table for hours waiting for people to come over
wondering about how the teacher is doing his or her job and how the student is doing in that
teachers class. It gets lonely, sometimes. That will definitely be a low point in being a teacher.
Compared to the action of the classroom, the kinetic energy drops dramatically.

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