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Cadet Teacher Academy: Contract Service 1

Beginning of the School Year Staff Meeting

A contract service is required each marking period (4 per year). Examples of contract
services are: school board meeting; faculty meeting; parent/teacher conferences; PTA or
PTO meeting; van buren intermediate school district learning center visitation;
individualized education plan (IEP) meeting; 504 meeting; or, approved by
instructor/coordinator. The main idea of this activity is to participate in as many out-ofschool activities as possible so you can see the depth of what a teacher is responsible for.
Name; Staysha Johnson
Marking Period: Period 1
School District: Bloomingdale
Date of Service: September 15, 2015
Time: 2 hours
City: Bloomingdale
Adult: Joel Baker
Description of Contract Service Activity:
For my first contract service, I stayed after school to attend a marching band rehearsal.
Little did I know that I would have another after-school activity that day. My mentor teacher Joel
Baker asked me if I wanted to attend the Beginning of the School Year staff meeting at threethirty. I agreed in a heartbeat! I had always wondered what it was like behind the doors of a
professional staff meeting.
When I walked into the library, I saw all of the teachers there. It was odd seeing all of
them together. I realized that day how many of the teachers were friends. There were two
teachers scooping ice cream into styrofoam bowls and handing them out. I walked over to the

table, received my ice cream and walked away. As I walked around, I had multiple teachers ask
me what I was doing at a staff meeting. I proudly responded, I am a Cadet Teacher Intern!
When the meeting started, I sat down next to Baker and waited for the information to
flow from our principal Mr. Reos mouth to my listening ears. He began by saying welcome to
the first staff meeting of the year and then got right into dress codes. He told us all that since we
are teachers, we should not be breaking the student dress code. Mr. Reo said we should be
dressing professionally (meaning no super revealing tops, dresses, or skirts for the women, no
short-shorts for the men). The main point of that was to say we should be exceeding the student
dress code.
Mr. Reo talked to us about discipline; how to discipline students in certain circumstances
and whom to send students to if things get out of hand (Bekah Chartier, Assistant Principal). I
would not really be doing any of the disciplining besides moving sticks and filling out write-up
I did write down notes on these things, and I reviewed them, hoping that I would be able
to pull this information from my brain in times of need. I know for a fact that I will have to deal
with these issues in the future when I am queen of my own classroom, but I hope that I will have
the confidence and courage to deal with these rebellious students in a correct and calm manner.
This staff meeting opened up my eyes to the teaching world right at the start of the year. I didnt
have to experience confronting a student for myself to know what to do the next time. I will, of
course, learn more about how to handle situations during and after having to deal with them on
my own, but at least I know I am prepared for what could happen.

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