vc3 CLIL

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Grado en Educacin Primaria

El ingls como lengua vehicular en el

aprendizaje integrado de contenidos
y lengua (CLIL)
Andrea Enciso

4 de Febrero de 2016

Grado en Educacin Primaria

8. Supporting language learning in content classes.
9. Methodological considerations on CLIL.
10. Language acquisition and language learning.
11. BICS and CALPS .


8.1 Content compatible and Content-obligatory language.

Language of learning = essential vocabulary or grammar associated

with the topic and the theme content.
Language for learning = language needed to operate in the learning
Environment and in particular in this lesson (i.e = how to explain or justify)
Language through learning = Homework research
8.2 Essential elements in supporting language learning in content classes.
There needs to be plenty of opportunities for oral interaction among students.


We have to bare in mind the natural order of acquisition of the 4 skills:

1. Listening.
2. Speaking
3. Reading
4. Writing
In order to promote learning in the classroom we need:
1.Create a psychologically and physically safe environment.
2.Consistently use one language ( ONLY ENGLISH)
3.In the beginning, it is acceptable for students to use the first language
(be careful here)
4. Speak slowly and articulate (or not)
5.Use an appropriate level of language (or not)
6.Use facial expressions, gestures and pictures to reinforce meaning.
( videos, pictures,photos,etc) VISUAL LEARNING
7. Make it meaningful
8. Repetition is required.
9. Provide a variety of language models (intercultural experience)

10. Create a wealth of opportunities to use the language

11. Communication is of primary importance.
12. Create a wide variety of opportunities to develop all four language.
13. Work systematically to build equal status for languages used in the school.
( assembly)
14. Set high but realistic expectations.
15. Find ways of recognizing students effort and success.
8.3 Giving students opportunities to lead conversations

Students interests

Travelling book


9.1 The CLIL approach as compared to traditional language and content
teaching approaches.
CLIL subjects were taught either as a English lesson or as a content lesson
In their mother tongue.
Educationalist and practicing teachers have realized that the pedagogical
potential of CLIL is higher that they had anticipated, and a number of more
innovatives advocates of CLIL insists that a specific CLIL methodology should
be developed.
Now the methodological discussions centers around different aspects depending
on the authors. ( i.e cognitive development, reading comprehension)

The discussion is the integration of content and language in the CLIL classroom.
CLIL teachers opt for an approach which is content-oriented but at the same time
language sensitive.
Content should move from more general to more specific vocabulary and structures.
Skill oriented= classroom discourse ( the language used in the classroom for the
teacher and the students)
Language necessary to evaluate, to analyze, to explain

Forbidden ____ vocabulary lists!

9.2 Contribution of applied linguistics.

The most important fields of Applied linguistics related to CLIL are Second Language
Acquisition Research ( SLA) Research on Bilingualism, Foreign language learning FLL
Applied Psycholinguistic
Distinction between EFL and ESL



Whats the difference?

Acquisition is related to the unconscious learning which takes place when

the emphasis is on communication and there is no attention to form.
Learning refers to the development of conscious knowledge of the target
language through formal study. Explicit knowledge
Similarities between L1 and L2 acquisition
We cannot learn a language just through imitation and practice.
Language seems to be created on the basis of some internal processes and
knowledge with interact with the language they are exposed to, allowing them
to find how the language system works.


Childrens early language seems best described as a developing system with

its own internal and systematic structures, not just an imperfect imitation of
the language they are in the process of learning.
Chomsky = Generative Grammar
Interlanguage is the learners language i.e, the type of language produced by
learners who are in the process of learning a second language.
Interference = L1 and L2.
During the L2 acquisition some students are going to use some patters of its
own language.
i.e the cat black rather than the black cat.



Mistake and Error ( different)
SLA has identified three main types of errors
1.Developmental errors ( natural product of a developing ability in the new
i.e She work hard.
2. Transfer or interlingual errors. L1 influence
3. Intralingual errors over-generalized application of language rules.
Research on SLA has revealed that there are three important similarities
between first language acquisition and second language acquisition.
The most important that in both learning processes there are stages in
the development of particular sentences.



(Cummis 1979)

Jim Cummins differentiates between social and academic language acquisition.

Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) are language skills needed in
social situations. It is the day-to-day language needed to interact socially with
other people.
CALP refers to formal academic learning. This includes listening, speaking,
reading, and writing about subject area content material. This level of
language learning is essential for students to succeed in school. Students
need time and support to become proficient in academic areas.
Academic language acquisition isn't just the understanding of content area
vocabulary. It includes skills such as comparing, classifying, synthesizing,
evaluating, and inferring. Academic language tasks are context reduced.
Information is read from a textbook or presented by the teacher. As a student gets
older the context of academic tasks becomes more and more reduced.
The language also becomes more cognitively demanding. New ideas, concepts
and language are presented to the students at the same time.



Thank you

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