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Feb 2016.

On Monday you didnt hear a word I said because you started yelling first, as you usually
do. I want to explain why you deserved me telling you to go fuck yourself, and why Im
never going to see you again. The visit started downhill we made reference that my 44 th
birthday was soon, you said that you retired from your first job at 47; but your motivation
was really to rub in my face that you were better off than me at my age. The truth be
told, your so called retirement is bullshit because you didnt really retire, everyone else
was transferred to Halifax, and you were excluded. Essentially, you were pushed out;
mainly because youre just an asshole and no one enjoyed working with you because
youre a prick.
When you said that zika virus would kill millions, I tried to explain why this wasnt factual,
as a result, you insulted me with Mr. know it all, and essentially told me to shut up. I was
okay with this, because Ive accepted you as an emotionally abusive asshole, and was
willing to let that slide. Shortly afterwards, I reminded you that we planned Id take you to
hospital on Feb 3rd. You said that, Dana was doing it because I wasnt in touch much.
You said this with a sour tone to blame me for ignoring you, as if you didnt deserve to be
treated like this. This is typical Jim, because you love playing the victim. At that point, I
had enough of your crap, and needed to explain why I avoided you. I was however willing
to forget about December, because to be part of your life, I had accepted you as a
disagreeable and dislikeable man. Another way of saying it; youre just a cunt. My father,
the cunt; rather ironic isnt it? My father, the dick; this makes more sense.
You didnt hear anything I said concerning the asshole that you were, because from your
point of view, youre perfect, and infallible. Let me remind you what happened. I skied
over, in a snow storm to help you clear snow. I put a little snow on the neighbours house,
you yelled at me, like I was an idiot; but Ive not used a snow blower in 23 years. Next, the
throttle cable connector fell off, so you unfairly blamed me for breaking it. When I was
sorting the snow, to find it; you again patronized me and demanded that I shovel the
driveway properly. Then, I asked you, to turn it off, so we could discuss what to do next as
the machine wasnt driveable anyway, but you refused to do so and continued to yell at
me. Finally in the garden, when you directed me to cut into the snow bank, it caught your
net and tangled into the blades; as a result, you flipped out, and I stepped back in case
you punched me.
Monday night, you heard me say, I feared you might hit me; you rebutted, that youve
never hit anyone before. This is bullshit because my bottom tooth is chipped because of a
back hand slap that you gave me. That wasnt the first time you hit me, there are many
times; the most memorable was when punched me with a large block of cheese in your
hand, this was a lucky escape because you had a telephone in your other hand. Another
time, you slammed me on my deck injuring my elbow after tearing the sleeve off my black

polo hoodie. It goes to show, you are in full of shit, you are still very abusive, and very
capable of punching someone.
I also told you that when I have visited, you dont genuinely ask how I am; instead I have
to listen to you bad mouth people, or brag about your son in laws millions, this happens
on a regular basis. Its boring because you only brag about him, to make me feel bad
about my current position in life. You said that I stole $300,000 from you by cheques, but
this is the same crap you say about mom. Its fucking bullshit.
You seem to like the theme of putting me down, by claiming I stole money, or talking
about money, on a previous visit, you bragged about how your niece Rebecca is living in
Europe on a big salary; your motivation for that discourse was obviously because I came
home from Europe having lost my career there. Again you were just trying to rub it in
because youre emotionally abusive, and always have been.
The worse things were hearing you bad mouth my mother, and listening to your bullshit
about life and how youre always the victim. The most unbearable bull shit you got on
with was how you sold the marital home and got one up on mom, then implied that you
left her. This is not the case; she walked out on you because youre an emotionally abuse
asshole. The sad thing is that youve not changed at all since then and youre still the
abusive, tempered, explosive asshole to your current wife. Ive seen it.
Sadly your current wife is the latest victim of your emotional abuse and temper. I
understand her background, and culture, and without speaking for her, Im pretty sure that
shes not told any of her friends, or family about your abuse and what kind of asshole you
really are. Youll have to confirm this with her, but it explains why they tolerate you. All of
moms friends know what a prick you are, and none of them would have anything good to
say about you. Again, Im just being factual without passing judgment.
I understand why you brag about your achievements, and have no interest in hearing
about what Im doing. This is mainly because youve not been socialized properly through
your life; youve had no true friends, never have, and never will. A cant imagine anyone
wholl read your Eulogy and say what I great guy you were, I sure wont. Its a good thing
that youve a dog right now, at least you have one friend. Make sure you dont grab the
dog by its neck and throw it across the room and down the stairs. I mention this because,
you did this to Mindy, our family dog; you also rubbed her face in shit around the house
hoping to train the animal. You clearly dont know how to treat, or raise dogs; and this is
evident today which explains why your current dog, is still pissing around your house. My
point is that you really dont know how to treat people or animals. This explains why you
have so many plants?
To conclude, telling you to fuck yourself results from all the years of your abuse, and Im
sick of it. I feel sad for your wife. Last year, when you got drunk, became abusive to her,
and scared her into the bedroom where she called me for help. If I had my time back, Id
have told her to leave the house and stay somewhere that night. You would have deserved

it, and had you chocked on your vomit and died that night, her life would be far more
peaceful today. Shed be better off, but youll have to confirm.
You yelled at mom for 25 years, and the people at work, but never got held to account for
your bullying behaviour. Seeing you have not grown and developed as a person, I dont
think theres much point in getting your heart fixed, its not like youre going to be around
and add quality to anyones life? Cant you ask the doctors to fix your brain instead, or at
least give your place on the waiting list to someone would be more valued by their family
and community? Your neighbours hate you because youre a dick.
You can write an autobiography and brag about the crap youve done, but as Im
concerned, if you cant be patient when I come to help you clear snow, or apologize for
being an asshole; then youve achieved nothing in your life. Im happy to have a copy of
your book; but only so long as its printed on toilet paper. Youre such an asshole, and it
sits well with me that my last words to you, both written and spoken are, go fuck yourself.
Online version of
letter www.tiny.cc/JAVS

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