Quiz 1

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Quiz #1 To build or not to build

I personally believe that the pipeline should be built. It would offer so many
job opportunities for Canadians and Americans. Considering the current state
of the economy in Alberta, it would offer a solution to so many individuals
who are out of work at the moment. Its also been stated the worrisome
effects from some environmentalists regarding the building of the pipeline.
As far as statistics go, a pipeline is the number one safest way to transport
natural gas and oil underground. By using other methods such as transport
trucks, trains, or even planes, the cost is much higher in the long run, and in
the case of an accident, much harder to contain the mess. Thus far, the
courts, Transcanada pipelines, and congress all approve the project. The
state and white house have disproved the line. Indigenous communities are
currently being consulted and are asked to come on board. Its only a matter
of time before an all final decision will be made.

The white
rejects the

the pipeline

The courts
approve the

a approves
the pipeline

The state
of Canada
were not

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