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Maria D.

Activity: Acting
Source: Transition: A bit of a drama? - SEN Magazine. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2016, from
Equipment Needed: Hat of any kind, index cards, crayons, and timer.
Activity Description:

Activity can include from 3-16 participants and from different age groups.
Have all participants sitting in a circle or side by side.
Start by passing out an index card and a crayon to each participant.
Ask each participants to write down a location, two persons or things, and a situation. For
example: a) chocolate store, b) owner of store and customer, c) customer falls on the
All index cards will be placed inside the hat and mixed
As the leader, make sure to pair all participants. In case that one person is left without
pair, make a team of 3 participants.
Now the important part is that one pair at a time goes to the hat and read their card and
act out the scene described in the skit.
Leader must ensure the use of timer and allow a minimum of 2 minutes and maximum of
4 minutes per pair.
Continue activity until everybody participates.

Leadership Consideration:
1. Even thought this activity works with many disability group, leader must be cautious
while working with acute mental clients. Given that population, it is necessary for the
leader to come prepare with already prompted skits instead of giving the freedom to write
their own as described above. While working with this group, the leader must keep in
mind personal safety and safety of participants. A way to do so, is by establishing rules
that participants should follow, and explain the importance of respecting personal space.
i.e. Participant should not use inappropriate offensive words, they must not use sexual
explicit movements, and respect personal space of each individual.
2. When working with people with Learning Disability, it is preliminary for the leader to
pair participants according to their learning pace. One of the ideas of the activity is for
participants to learn how to work together to share the spotlight. For that reason, leader
should gauge different learning levels and pair accordingly. With Learning Disability
groups, it is important that leader stays clear of using jargon, double meanings, sarcasm,
speaking fast etc. In other words, try to be clear and concise. Specially since this
fundamental activity will aid to improve coping skills needed through different stages in
participants life.

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