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Ryan Schlesser

October 29, 2014
Classroom Management Plan

I really believe that children in general are all about the same, when it comes
to their basic needs. They need what every human needs, food water, etc., but most
of all they need love and compassion. If you show them that you really care about
them genuinely and want them to succeed, you will see results, granted there will
always be that one kid that does not care if the earth was coming to an end, but in
general you need to show every single kid in every class you have that no matter
who they are or where they come from, you are there for them.
My classroom environment will be a positive atmosphere for any child to
learn in. I want the kids to have fun in the classroom, it is one of the most important
keys I think that is missing from education, no one is having fun everyone is gloomy
and old. There needs to be a revitalization in the classroom environment. I think an
incentive program that gets everyone involved all together as one and has them
work as a team to obtain the same goal is an awesome way to get all the kids
involved. I think it is important to give your students some freedom and let them
choose how to go about the class. The students will be able to have a say in what
and how the rules and procedures are used in the classroom. The classroom will
also be set up in pods to encourage that group learning, which is so essential in the
learning of the students. Give the air that the classroom is very open and kids are
encouraged to work amongst themselves as long as their work gets done, and they
are conversing amongst each other at the appropriate time. If the kids trust you and
feel that they can be themselves in your classroom the climate in the classroom will
be an effective one.
As I mentioned earlier the rules and routines will be a big part of this
classroom, the students will have a say in it at the beginning of the year. So they do
have a say in it and feel responsible to upholding these rules. These rules will be
consistently followed and executed by myself. Following the set of rules and
procedures we as a class will talk about each one, how the students will follow
them. The classroom will go over the expectations they can expect from myself and
what I will expect of them. After this we will practice and reinforce these rules and
procedures until it is second nature in the classroom. It will continue to stay the
same throughout the year with no exceptions, unless there needs to be an
exception that is appropriate for the class as a whole. If there are behavior problems
having to deal with the classroom rules and procedures it will be dealt with
promptly. I will use a very positive reinforcement with discipline. I will be very
involved with the students, and if they have problems in the classroom I will be
open to anything they have to say, as well if a student is struggling following the
classroom we will have a sit down and see if there are alternatives to their behavior,
and if anything I can do to help their situation. As I said I will be an open book with

the students as well as their parents. That is one of the keys in my mind to teaching
is keeping the parents involved in everything I do in the classroom. Whether their
child is struggling or not I think communication is huge. I will have weekly emails on
what we have done as a classroom, if anything needs to be done at home or signed
and that needs to be returned, as well as if they have any take home projects and
what their due dates are. My cell phone will also be included if they do not have an
email, or if they have any questions or concerns. The teacher parent relationship
can help mold the students to a positive behavior that can influence the classroom.
A sample rule is provided below about what is expected of the student and
their desk and storage area.
The students desk will be cleared of all things during instruction time unless an
assignment is given to them. If there is a project going on then only the things that
are necessary will be present on the desk. Their storage areas will be orderly and be
able to access any material or homework with ease without rummaging through
everything. There folders will be their money maker holding all their material they
will need to take home for parents or homework they need to do on their own time.

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