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Ingls sem Fronteiras

Professor: Luiz Ferreira

Listening section
Structure and written expression section
Reading comprehension section





Time5 5 minutes
(including the reading of the directions)
Now set your clock for 55 minutes.
This section is designed to measure your ability to read and understand short passages similar in topic and style to those that
students are likely to encounter in North American universities and colleges. This section contains reading passages and
questions about the passages.
Directions: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by a number of questions about it. You are
to choose the one best answer, (A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the
question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
Answer all questions about the information in a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage.
Read the following passage:
John Quincy Adams, who served as the sixth president of the United States from 1825 to 1829, is today
recognized for his masterful statesmanship and diplomacy. He dedicated his life to public service, both in the presidency and
in the various other political offices that he held.
Throughout his political career he demonstrated his unswerving belief in freedom of speech, the
antislavery cause, and the right of Americans to be free from European and Asian domination.
Example I
To what did John Quincy Adams devote his life?
(A) Improving his personal life
(B) Serving the public
(C) Increasing his fortune
(D) Working on his private business
According to the passage, John Quincy Adams dedicated his life to public service. Therefore, you should choose answer
Example II
In line 4, the word unswerving is closest in meaning to
(A) moveable
(B) insignificant
(C) unchanging
(D) diplomatic
The passage states that John Quincy Adams demonstrated his unswerving belief throughout his career. This implies that
the belief did not change. Therefore, you should choose answer (C).
Directions: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by a number of questions about it. You are
to choose the one best answer, (A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the
question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

Strategy for reading comprehension questions

1. Skim the reading passage to determine the main idea and the overall organization of ideas in
the passage. You do not need to understand every detail in a passage to answer the questions correctly.
It is therefore a waste of time to read the passage with the intent of understanding every single detail
before you try to answer the questions.
2. Look ahead at the questions to determine what types of questions you must answer. Each type of
question is answered in a different way.
3. Find the section of the passage that deals with each question. The question type tells you exactly
where to look in the passage to find correct answers.

For main idea questions, look at the first line of each paragraph.

For directly and indirectly answered detail questions, choose a key word in the question, and skim for that key word (or a
related idea) in order in the passage.

For vocabulary questions, the question will tell you where the word is located in the passage.

For where questions, the answers are found anywhere in the passage.

4. Read the part of the passage that contains the answer carefully. The answer will probably be in the
same sentence (or one sentence before or after) the key word or idea.
5. Choose the best answer to each question from the four answer choices listed in your test book.
You can choose the best answer according to what is given in the appropriate section of the passage,
eliminate definitely wrong answers, and mark your best guess on the answer sheet.


Problem with Main Idea Questions (Skill 1)

Almost every reading passage on the TOEFL test will have a question about the main idea of a passage. Such a question
may be worded in a variety of ways; you may, for example, be asked to identify the topic, subject, title, primary idea, or main
idea. These questions are all really asking what primary point the author is trying to get across in the passage. Since TOEFL
passages are generally written in a traditionally organized manner; it is not difficult to find the main idea by studying the topic
sentence, which is most probably found at the beginning of a paragraph.If a passage consists of only one paragraph, you
should study the beginning of that paragraph to determine the main idea.
Example I
The passage:
Basketball was invented in 1891 by a physical education instructor in Springfield, Massachusetts, by the name of James
Naismith. Because of the terrible weather in winter, his physical education students were indoors rather than outdoors. They
really did not like the idea of boring, repetitive exercises and preferred the excitement and challenge of a game. Naismith
figured out a team sport that could be played indoors on a gymnasium floor, which involved a lot of running, that kept all team
members involved, and that did not allow the tackling andphysical contact of American-style football.
The question:
What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) The life of James Naismith
(B) The history of sports
(C) Physical education and exercise
(D) The origin of basketball
The first sentence of this passage discusses the invention of basketball, so this is probably the topic. A quick check of the rest
of the sentences in the passage confirms that the topic is, in fact, the beginnings of the sport ofbasketball. Now you should
check each of the answers to determine which one comes closest to the topic that you have determined.
Answer (A) mentions James Naismith but not basketball, so it is not the topic. Answer (B) is too general; it mentions sports but
does not mention basketball. Answer (C) is also too general; it mentions physical education but does not
mention basketball. The best answer is therefore answer (D); the origin ofbasketball means that the invention of basketball is
going to be discussed.

Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions that follow. In this exercise, each paragraph is
followed by two main idea, topic, or title questions so that you can practice this type of question. On the TOE FL test, one
passage would probably not have two such questions because they are so similar.
PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1 - 2)
Most of the ice on the Earth, close to 90 percent of it, is covering the surface of the continent Antarctica. It does not snow very
much in Antarctica, but whatever snow does fall remains and grows deeper and deeper. In some areas of Antarctica,
the ice has perhaps been around for as much as a million years and now is more than two miles deep.

1. The main idea of the passage is that

(A) the Earth is a cold planet
(B) most of the Earths ice is found in Antarctica
(C) it snows more in Antarctica than in any other place on Earth
(D) Antarctica is only two miles wide but is 90 percent ice
2. The best title for the passage is
(A) Snowfall in Antarctica
(B) The Icy Earth
(C) The Cold, Cold Snow
(D) The Causes of Antarcticas Ice

PASSAGE TWO (Questions 3 - 4)

The extremely hot and humid weather that occurs in the United States in July and
August is commonly called the dog days of summer This name comes from the star
Sirius, which is known as the Dog Star. Sirius is the brightest visible star, and in the hot
summer months it rises in the east at approximately the same time as the Sun. As
ancient people saw this star rising with the Sun when the weather was at its hottest,
they believed that Sirius was the cause of the additional heat; they believed that this
bright star added its heat to the heat of the Sun, and these two together made summer
weather so unbearably hot.
3. The topic of this passage is
(A) how dogs like to play during the summer
(B) the causes of hot and humid weather
(C) why the hot summer days are known as the dog days
(D) the days that dogs prefer
4. The main idea of this passage is that
(A) the name for the summer days came from Sirius, the Dog Star
(B) dogs generally prefer hot summer days
(C) the hottest days occur in the summer because of the movements of the Sun and stars
(D) Sirius rises at almost the same time as the Sun during the summer months
PASSAGE THREE (Questions 5 - 6)
The term primitive art has been used in a variety of ways to describe works and
styles of art. One way that this term has been used is to describe the early period within
the development of a certain style of art. Another way that this term has been used is to
describe artists who have received little professional training and who demonstrate a
nontraditional naivet in their work.
A wonderful example of this second type of primitive artist is Grandma Moses, who
spent all her life living on a farm and working at tasks normally associated with farm
life. She did not begin painting until she reached the age of seventy-six, when she
switched to painting from embroidery because the arthritis in her hands made
embroidery too difficult. Totally without formal education in art, she began creating
panoramic images of everyday life on the farm that have achieved international fame.
5. The subject of this passage is
(A) an example of one of the types of primitive art
(B) Grandma Mosess life on the farm
(C) how primitive art differs from formal art
(D) Grandma Mosess primitive lifestyle
6. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?
(A) Grandma Moses spent her life on a farm.
(B) Art critics cannot come to any agreement on a definition of primitive art.
(C) Grandma Moses is one type of primitive artist because of her lack of formal training.
(D) Many artists receive little professional training.

PASSAGE FOUR (Questions 7 - 8)

In the first half of the nineteenth century, a New York newspaper, the New York Sun, successfully carried out a hoax on the
American public. Because of this trick, readership of the paper rose substantially.
On August 25, 1835, the Sun published reports that some wonderful new discoveries
had been made on the moon. The article described strange, never-before-seen animals
and temples covered in shining jewels. Many members of the American public were
fooled by the story, even some prominent members of the scientific community.
The effect of the false story on sales of the paper was dramatic. Paper sales
increased considerably as people eagerly searched out details of the new discoveries.
Later, the newspaper company announced that it had not been trying to trick the public;
instead, the company explained the moon stories as a type of literary satire.
7. Which of the following best states the topic of the passage?
(A) A nineteenth-century discovery on the moon
(B) The New York Sun
(C) A hoax and its effect
(D) The success of a newspaper
8. The main point of the passage is that
(A) the New York Sun was one of the earliest American newspapers
(B) the Sun increased sales when it tricked the public with a false story
(C) a newspaper achieved success by writing about the moon
(D) in 1835 some amazing new discoveries were made about the moon

Problem with stated detail questions (Skill 2)
A stated detail question asks about one piece of information in the passage rather than the passage as a whole.
The answers to these questions are generally given in order in the passage, and the correct answer is often a restatement of
what is given in the passage. This means that the correct answer often expresses the same idea as what is written in the
passage, but the words are not exactly the same.
The passage:
Flutes have been around for quite some time, in all sorts of shapes and sizes and made from a variety of
materials. The oldest known flutes are about 20,000 years old; they were made from hollowed-out bones with holes cut in
them In addition to bone, older flutes were often constructed from bamboo or hollowed-out wood. Todays flutes are generally
made of metal, and in addition to the holes they have a complicated system of keys, levers, and pads. The instrument
belonging to well known flautist James Galway is not just made of any metal; it is made of gold
The questions:
1. According to the passage, the oldest flutes
(A) had holes cut in them
(B) were made of metal
(C) were made 200,000 years ago
(D) had a complicated set of levers and pads
2. The passage indicates that James Gaiways flute is made of
(A) bones
(B) bamboo
(C) wood
(D) gold

The answers to the questions are generally found in order in the passage, so you should look for the answer to the first
question near the beginning of the passage. Since the first question asks about the oldest flutes, you should see that this
question is answered in the second sentence. The passage states that the oldest flutes were bones with holes cut in them, so
the best answer is answer (A). Answers (B) and (D) are true about todays flutes, but not the oldest flutes, so they are
incorrect. Answer (C) is an incorrect number; the oldest flutes are 20,000 years old, not 200,000 years old.
The answer to the second question will probably be located in the passage after the answer to the first question. Since the
second question is about James Galways flute, you should skim through the passage to find the part of the passage that
discusses this topic. The answer to this question is found in the statement that the instrument belonging to well-known flautist
James Galway is not just made of any metal; it is made of gold. The best answer to this question is therefore answer (D).

Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions that follow.

PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1 - 2)

Many parts of the Southwestern United States would become deserts again without
the waters of the Colorado River. A system of thousands of miles of canals, hundreds of miles of tunnels and aqueducts, and
numerous dams and n bring Colorado
River water to the area. The Imperial Valley in Southern California is an example of
such a place; it is a vast and productive agricultural area that was once a desert. Today,
2,000 miles of canals irrigate the fertile land and keep it productive.
1. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage as a way that Colorado River water gets to the Southwest?
(A) By truck
(B) In bottles
(C) In wells
(D) Through canals
2. According to the passage, the Imperial Valley
(A) is a desert today
(B) is located in Colorado
(C) produces a lot of agricultural goods
(D) does not require irrigation
PASSAGE TWO (Questions 3 - 5)
The ancestors of humans had a lot more hair than the humans of today; in fact, they
had thick hair all over their bodies. This thick hair was necessary for protection against
the cold of the Ice Ages.
As the Earth got warmer, the hair began to thin out, except for on the head. The
head hair has remained through the evolutionary process, both as a sort of pillow to
cushion the sensitive head when it gets banged around and as a sort of hat to keep the
head warm and prevent so much heat from escaping through the scalp.
3. Which of the following is true about the hair of the ancestors of humans?
(A) There was not much of it.
(B) It covered their entire bodies.
(C) It was thin,
(D) It was not useful.
4. According to the passage, what happened as the temperature on the Earth increased?
(A) The hair on the head began to thin out.
(B) The hair on the body remained the same.
(C) The hair on the body got thicker.
(D) The hair on the body began to thin out.

5. The author indicates that one of the purposes of hair on the head is to
(A) fill up pillows
(B) help heat escape through the scalp
(C) ensure that the head is warm
(D) make it easier to think
PASSAGE THREE (Questions 6-10)
The plane with the largest wingspan ever built was nicknamed the Spruce Goose.
The wingspan of the Spruce Goose was 320 feet (almost 100 meters), and the plane
weighed 200 tons. It was so big that it needed eight engines to power it.
The plane was designed by Howard Hughes in response to a U.S. government
request for a plane that was able to carry a large cargo for the war effort. It was made of
wood because wood is a less critical material in wartime than metal.
The plane was so difficult to build that it never really got used. It was flown one
time only, by 1-lughes himself, on November 2, 1947; during that flight it traveled a
distance of less than one mile over the Los Angeles Harbor, but it did fly. Today, the
Spruce Goose is on exhibit for the public to see in Long Beach, California.
6. Which of the following is true about the Spruce Goose?
(A) Each of its wings measures 100 meters.
(B) It weighs 200 pounds.
(C) It has eight wings to help it to fly.
(D) It has a wingspan larger than the wingspan of any other plane.
7. The passage indicates that the plane was designed
(A) as a cargo plane
(B) as a racing plane
(C) to carry wood
(D) for exhibition
8. According to the passage, the Spruce Goose is constructed from
(A) wood
(B) lightweight metal
(C) plastic
(D) steel
9. According to the passage, when the Spruce Goose flew,
(A) it went only a short distance
(B) it fell into the Los Angeles Harbor
(C) it flew 100 miles
(D) it carried a large cargo
10. The passage indicates that the Spruce Goose today
(A) flies regularly for the U.S. government
(B) is in the Los Angeles Harbor
(C) is in storage
(D) can be seen by the public
TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1 - 2): Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions that

PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-3)

The center part of a hurricane is called the eye of the storm. In the eye of
a hurricane, winds are calm and no rain falls. There can even be blue sky and sunshine in
the eye of the storm.
This dry and calm spot is caused as the air spins around the center of the hurricane.
The spinning air rises and pulls moisture with it. What remains in the center is dry,
clear air.

1. The topic of the passage is

(A) the destruction of hurricanes
(B) the harsh weather during a hurricane
(C) the calm in the center of a hurricane
(D) the beautiful weather that follows a hurricane
2. The passage indicates that in the eye of a hurricane
(A) it is windy
(B) there is a lot of rain
(C) there is cloudy, gray sky
(D) it can be sunny
3. According to the passage, what causes the calm spot?
(A) The air circling around the center
(B) The blue sky and sunshine
(C) The high temperatures
(D) The heavy rainfall
PASSAGE TWO (Questions 4-8)
The invention of the phonograph happened quite by accident. Thomas Edison
moved to Menlo Park, New Jersey, in 1876, where he established an industrial research
laboratory There, Edison was working on a carbon telephone transmitter to improve
the existing Bell telephone system.
In that laboratory a year later, Edison invented the phonograph while he was trying
to improve a telegraph repeater. He attached a telephone diaphragm to the needle in the
telegraph repeater; in this way, he was able to reproduce a recording that could be
played back. After he made some improvements to the machine, he tested it. He recited
Mary Had a Little Lamb into the machine and played his voice back to a very
surprised audience.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
(A) Thomas Edisons Many Inventions
(B) Improvements in the Telephone and Telegraph
(C) The History of Menlo Park
(D) An Accidental Invention
5. According to the passage, the invention of the phonograph
(A) was quite unplanned
(B) was Edisons principal project
(C) was surprising to no one
(D) took many years
6. In what year did the invention of the phonograph occur?
(A) 1876
(B) 1877
(C) 1878
(D) The article does not say.
7. According to the passage, how was the phonograph made?
(A) With a telephone needle and a recorder
(B) From a recording of a telegraph
(C) With only a telegraph repeater
(D) From a combination of telephone and telegraph parts
8. According to the passage, how did Edison test his new invention?
(A) He made improvements to the machine.
(B) He used a carbon transmitter.
(C) He read a childrens rhyme.
(D) He reproduced the audiences voice.

PASSAGE THREE (Questions 9 - 14)

The Sears and Roebuck catalogue was a fixture in American society for many
decades. Practically anything needed in the American home could be ordered through
this comprehensive catalogue and delivered by mail. The catalogue made it easier for
homeowners in urban areas to track down items they were trying to find; the catalogue
was an absolute necessity for residents in out-of-the-way areas where many types of
home supplies were not available for hundreds of miles.
In the early twentieth century, it was not possible to buy just home supplies from
the Sears and Roebuck catalogue. It was actually possible to buy a mail-order house. If you
ordered a house through the mail, you would receive all the necessary building
materials as well as plans for constructing the house; all of this could be had for prices
starting around $600.
9. This passage mainly discusses
(A) products sold in the Sears and Roebuck stores
(B) the design of the Sears and Roebuck catalogue
(C) how to shop using catalogues
(D) shopping through the Sears and Roebuck catalogue in the past
10. The passage indicates that items ordered through the Sears and Roebuck catalogue
(A) had to be picked up at a Sears and Roebuck store
(B) were delivered by mail
(C) arrived in Sears and Roebuck trucks
(D) had to be small
11. According to the passage, why was the Sears and Roebuck catalogue important to people in remote areas?
(A) It contained the only products they could afford.
(B) They did not like the products in local stores.
(C) It had a lot of products they could not get in their local areas.
(D) It was the only way to get a new home.
12. The passage mentions that which of the following large items could be purchased through the Sears and Roebuck
(A) A home
(B) A car
(C) A boat
(D) A train
13. The mail-order house in the Sears and Roebuck catalogue
(A) was for urban areas only
(B) was set up by Sears and Roebuck workers
(C) needed to be put together
(D) arrived in one piece
14. The price of $600 mentioned in the passage was
(A) the lowest price for the item
(B) the average price for the item
(C) the only price for the item
(D) the highest price for the item

Problem about unstated detail questions (skill 3)
You will sometimes be asked in the Reading Comprehension section of the TOEFL test to find an answer that is not
stated or not mentioned or not true in the passage. This type of question really means that three of the
answers are stated, mentioned, or true in the passage, while one answer is not. Your actual job is to find the three
correct answers and then choose the letter of the one remaining answer.

You should note that there are two kinds of answers to this type of question: (1) there are three true answers and one answer
that is not discussed in the passage, or (2) there are three true answers and one that is false according to the passage.

The passage:
The Florida Keys are a beautiful chain of almost 1,000 coral and limestone islands. These islands form an arc that heads first
southwest and then west from the mainland. U.S. Highway 1, called the Overseas Highway connects the main islands in the
chain. On this highway, it is necessary to cross 42 bridges over the ocean to cover the 159 miles from Miami on the mainland,
to Key West the farthest island on the highway and the southernmost city in the United States.
The questions:
1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the Florida Keys?
(A) The Florida Keys are a chain of islands.
(B) The Florida Keys contain coral and limestone
(C) The Florida Keys are in the shape of an arc.
(D) The Florida Keys are not all inhabited.
2. Which of the following is NOT true about U.S. Highway 1?
(A) It is also known as the Overseas Highway
(B) It joins all of the islands in the Florida Keys.
(C) It has more than 40 bridges
(D) It connects Miami and Key West
The first question asks for the one answer that is not mentioned about the Florida Keys. The passage states that the Florida
Keys are a chain (answer A) with coral and limestone (answer B) in the shape of an arc (answer C), so these answers are not
correct. The best answer is therefore answer (D). The passage does not discuss whether or not the keys are all inhabited.

The second question asks for the answer that is not true about U.S. Highway 1. The passage states that it is called the
Overseas Highway (answer A), that it has 42 bridges (answer C), and that it cover(s) the 159 miles from Miami. . . to Key West
(answer D), so these answers are not correct. The best answer is answer (B). The passage states that the Overseas
Highway connects the main islands in the chain, so it does not connect all of the islands.
Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions that follow.
PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-2)
Blood pressure measurement has two components: systolic and diastolic. Systolic pressure is taken when the heart is
contracting to pump blood; diastolic pressure is taken when the heart is resting between beats. In the usual blood pressure
reading, the systolic measurement is given first and is the higher of the two. Normal blood pressure is a systolic measurement
of 120140, and when the systolic pressure is 160 or higher, then hypertension exists. Systolic pressure between 140 and
160 indicates borderline hypertension.
1. Which of the following is NOT true about systolic blood pressure?
(A) It is taken during the contraction of the heart.
(B) It is usually given first in a blood pressure reading.
(C) A normal systolic measurement is 120 140.
(D) Hypertension exists when the systolic pressure is below 140.

2. Which of the following is NOT stated about diastolic pressure?

(A) It is one of the two components of blood pressure measurement.
(B) It is taken when the heart is resting.
(C) It is lower than systolic pressure.
(D) A diastolic measurement of 140 is normal.
PASSAGE TWO (Questions 3 - 4)
In the 1960s, as space travel was becoming a subject of much discussion, Pan
American Airlines began receiving some fairly unusual requests for flight information.
People began making requests to be on the first flight that Pan Am made to the Moon.
On a whim, Pan Am started a waiting list for the first flight to the Moon. Similar
requests have come to Pan Am over the years, and Pan Am has responded by adding the
names of the requesters to the list.
Unfortunately for Pan Am, the original company is no longer in business, and it
never got to the Moon. However, when it went out of business, it had a waiting list of
more than 90,000 names for its first lunar flight.
3. All of the following are mentioned about Pan American Airlines, EXCEPT that
(A) it started business in the 1960s
(B) it received requests for its first flight to the Moon
(C) it kept some people on a long waiting list
(D) it went out of business
4. Which of the following is NOT true about Pan Ams Moon flights?
(A) People asked Pan Am about its flights to the Moon.
(B) Pan Am kept a waiting list for its Moon flights.
(C) Pan Am never really made any Moon flights.
(D) Pan Ams waiting list had only a few names on it.
PASSAGE THREE (Questions 5-8)
The tunnel trees in Yosemite Valley are an amazing attraction to people who visit
there. The tunnel trees are huge trees, giant redwoods, which have had tunnels carved
in them, and cars can actually drive through some of the trees. The fact that the trees
are large enough to have cars drive through them should give you some indication of
just how big the trees are.
There are currently two existing tunnel trees in Yosemite Valley. One of them is
called the Dead Giant. This is just the stump, or bottom part, of a much larger tree.
The hole was cut through the base of the tree in 1878, and stagecoaches used to drive
through it. Today the Dead Giant still exists, but the stagecoaches do not. Passenger cars
can and do drive through the 10-foot-wide opening in the tree stump.
The other existing tunnel tree is the 230-foot high California Tree, which had a hole
carved through it in 1895. This tree is no longer open to the public, so it is not possible
to take a car through it.
Unfortunately, a third tunnel tree no longer exists. The Wawona Tunnel Tree was a
2,100-year-old tree which was carved in 1881. A terrible snowstorm in 1969 caused this
ancient giant of a tree to fall.
5. Which of the following is NOT true about the tunnel trees in Yosemite Valley?
(A) They are trees with holes cut in them.
(B) They are giant redwoods.
(C) Three tunnel trees currently exist.
(D) Cars have driven through some of
6. All of the following are stated about the Dead Giant, EXCEPT that
(A) it is still a tunnel tree today
(B) it is just the stump of a tree
(C) it was cut less than a century ago
(D) it has a 10-foot opening

7. Which of the following is NOT true about the California Tree?

(A) Its tunnel still exists.
(B) Its tunnel is 230 feet high.
(C) Its tunnel was cut in 1895.
(D) Cars are not allowed to go through it.
8. All of the following are true about the Wawona Tunnel Tree, EXCEPT that
(A) it does not exist anymore
(B) the tree lived for more than 2,000 years
(C) the tunnel tree was destroyed in a snowstorm
(D) the tunnel was destroyed in 1881
TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 13): Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions that
PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-4)
When the typewriter was first invented, its keys were arranged alphabetically. This
made the keys easy to find. However, this arrangement also caused the bars of the
machine to jam, or get stuck.
To solve this problem, a new letter arrangement was introduced by Christopher
Latham Scholes in 1872. His system, the standard keyboard system, is still used on
typewriters today. He arranged the letters in such a way that the bars hit the inked
ribbon from opposite directions as much as possible. This resulted in far less jamming
than had occurred with the alphabetical models.
1. The main topic of this passage is
(A) the invention of the typewriter
(B) a problem and solution concerning the early typewriter
(C) how to write a letter on the typewriter
(D) why the keys stick on todays typewriter
2. According to the passage, on the first typewriters
(A) the keys were in alphabetical order
(B) the keys were hard to find
(C) the bars on the machine never jammed
(D) Scholess system worked quite well
3. Which of the following is NOT true about the system invented by Scholes?
(A) It was introduced in 1872.
(B) It is still used today.
(C) It became the standard system.
(D) It was alphabetical.
4. The passage indicates that under Scholess system, the bars hit the ribbon
(A) in alphabetical order
(B) from opposite directions
(C) and caused the keys to jam
(D) in the same way as they had on the original typewriter
PASSAGE TWO (Questions 5-9)
Desert tundra, or cold desert, occurs on the Arctic edges of North America, Europe,
and Asia. In these areas the temperatures are almost always freezing, and they cause an
environment in which plant life is virtually impossible. The existence of ice rather than
water for the majority of the year means that vegetation does not have enough moisture
for growth to take place. During the short period of time when the temperature
increases enough for the ice to melt, there is generally a large volume of water. Too
much water and not enough drainage through the frozen subsoil make it difficult for
plants to grow.

5. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

(A) Where Desert Tundra Is Found
(B) The Weather in the Arctic
(C) The Effect of Desert Tundra on PlantLife
(D) The Variety of Plant Life in Desert
6. According to the passage, desert tundra is found
(A) throughout North America, Europe,and Asia
(B) in Antarctica
(C) on the Arctic borders of the northerncontinents
(D) at the North Pole
7. According to the passage, what makes plant life almost impossible in areas of desert tundra during most of the year?
(A) Excessive water on the plants
(B) The frozen state of the water
(C) The increase in temperature
(D) The lack of ice
8. According to the passage, which of the following does NOT happen when the weather heats up?
(A) Plants grow well.
(B) The ice melts.
(C) There is not enough drainage.
(D) There is too much water.
9. According to the passage, why is it impossible for the water to drain after it melts?
(A) The land beneath the surface is stillfrozen.
(B) The temperature is too high.
(C) The period of time is too short.
(D) The vegetation is flourishing.

PASSAGE THREE (Questions 1014)

Whales are mammals rather than fish, yet they live in the worlds oceans rather than
on land. Because of the fact that they are mammals, scientists have believed for quite
some time that whales are descendants of land mammals.
Some interesting evidence to support this theory has recently been found. In Egypt,
fossils have been found of a forty-million-year-old whale leg, kneecap, ankle, footbones,
and toes. It appears from the fossil evidence that the bones were not very strong and not
very large in comparison to the size of the whale.
Based on this fossil evidence, the following evolutionary path has been
hypothesized. As the whale began its evolution toward the water, its legs weakened and
decreased in size. Then, during its millions of years in the water, the legs slowly
disappeared, leaving only the front flippers today.
10. The main idea of this passage is that
(A) numerous whale fossils have been found in the worlds oceans
(B) there is evidence that whales may have descended from land mammals
(C) whales are mammals and not fish
(D) whales have not evolved very much over the last millions of years
11. All of the following are true about whales, EXCEPT that
(A) they are mammals
(B) they live in the ocean
(C) they are fish
(D) they may have come from the land
12. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the whale fossils in the passage?
(A) They were found in Egypt.
(B) They support the theory that whales came from land.
(C) They are forty million years old.

(D) They showed that ancient whales had flippers.

13. Which of the following was NOT mentioned in the list of whale fossils found in Egypt?
(A) A whales kneecap
(B) A whales ankle
(C) A whales footbones
D) A whales fingers
14. According to the hypothesis in the passage, what happened to whales legs?
(A) They got stronger over time.
(B) They got larger over time.
(C) They disappeared quickly.
(D) They became front flippers.

Reading Comprehension: Problem with implied detail questions (Skill 4)
Some questions in the Reading Comprehension section of the TOEFL test will require answers that are not directly stated
in the passage. To answer these questions correctly, you will have to draw conclusions frominformation that is given in the
passage. Questions of this type contain the words implied, inferred, likely, or probably to let you know that the answer to
the question is not directly stated
The passage:
The number of rings in a tree can be used to determine how old a tree really is. Each year a tree produces a ring that is
composed of one light-colored wide band and one dark-colored narrow band.The wider band is produced during the spring
and early summer, when tree stem cells grow rapidly and become larger. The narrower band is produced in fall and early
winter, when cell growth is much slower and cells do not get
very large. No cells are produced during the harsh winter and summer months.
The questions:
1. It is implied in the passage that if a tree has 100 wide bands and 100 narrow bands then it is
(A) a century old
(B) two centuries old
(C) fifty years old
(D) two hundred years old
2. It can be inferred from the passage that cells do not grow
(A) when the tree is ill
(B) during extreme heat or cold
(C) when it rains too much
(D) if there are more light-colored bands than dark-colored bands

The first question asks about the age of a tree with 100 wide bands and 100 narrow bands. The passage does not tell
the age of a tree with 100 wide and narrow bands, but it does indicate that one... wide band and one narrow band are
produced each year. From this you can draw the conclusion that a tree with 100 wide and narrow bands is 100 years, or a
century, old. The best answer to this question is therefore answer (A).

The second question asks when cells do not grow. The pas sage indicates that no cells are produced during the harsh
winter and summer months. From this you can draw the conclusion that cells do not grow during the extreme heat of summer
or the extreme cold of winter. The best answer to this question is therefore answer (B).

Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions that follow.
PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-3)
Until 1996 the Sears Tower was the tallest building in the world, with more than a hundred stories. It is located in Chicago,
whose nickname is the Windy City. The combination of a very tall building in a city with such weather conditions leads to a lot
of swaying in the breeze.

On a windy day, the top of the building can move back and forth as much as three feet every few seconds. The inside doors at
the top of the building open and close, andwater in sinks sloshes back and forth.
1. The Sears Tower is probably
(A) as tall as the Empire State Building
(B) no longer the tallest building in the world
(C) taller than any other building
(D) still the highest building in the world
2. It can be inferred from the passage that Chicago
(A) has moderate weather
(B) is generally warm
(C) has humid weather
(D) usually has a lot of wind
3. It is implied in the passage that the upper-level doors in the Sears Tower open and close because
(A) the building was poorly constructed
(B) people go in and out so often
(C) the building moves in the wind
(D) there is water in the sinks
PASSAGE TWO (Questions 4 - 6)
The most common last name in the English-speaking world is Smith, which was taken from the job of working with metals. A
silversmith, for example, is someone who works with the metal silver. Historical records indicate that the use of this last name
is at least 700 years old. Today, there are more than 3.3 million Smiths living in the United States and perhaps another million
Smiths living in other English-speaking countries worldwide.
4. It can be inferred from the passage that family names
(A) were always taken from the area where a family lived
(B) were short names
(C) had little or no meaning
(D) could be taken from jobs
5. Which of the following is implied about the Smith family name?
(A) it is definitely not more than 700 years old.
(B) it existed 600 years ago.
(C) It did not exist 500 years ago.
(D) it definitely was not in use 1,000 years ago.
6. In England there are probably
(A) more Smiths than there are in the United States
(B) more than a million Smiths
(C) fewer than a million Smiths
(D) no families with the name of Smith

Reading Comprehension problem: Problem with Vocabulary in

Context Question (Skills 5)
On the TOEFL test you will sometimes be asked to determine the meaning of a difficult word or expression, a word or
expression that you do not know. In this case, the passage often gives you a clear indication of what the word or expression
A line in the passage:
She has a large geranium growing in a pot in the corner of her apartment
The question:
A geranium is probably which of the following:
(A) A sofa
(B) A chair
(C) A fish
(D) A plant

In this type of question, you are not expected to know the meaning of the word geranium. Instead, you should understand
from the context that if the geranium is growing in a pot, then it is probably a plant. Answer (D) is therefore the best answer.
Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions that follow.
PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-4)
When babies are born, they always have blue eyes. This is because the melanin, the
pigment that colors the eyes, is not on the surface of the iris. Instead, it is within the
creases of the iris. Because there is little melanin on the surface of the iris, the eyes
appear blue.
After a few months, the melanin moves to the surface of the iris. It is the amount of
melanin on the surface that determines a persons permanent eye color, so it is at this
point that a babys eyes develop the color they will have for a lifetime.
1. The word pigment in line 2 is closest in meaning to
(A) skin
(B) muscle
(C) tissue
(D) color
2. The word surface in line 2 is closest in meaning to
(A) top
(B) inside
(C) back
(D) bottom
3. The word permanent in line 6 could best be replaced by
(A) changeable
(B) lasting
(C) dark
(D) possible
4. The word point in line 7 could best be replaced by which of the following?
(A) Dot
(B) Era
(C) Time
(D) Place


Reading Comprehension problem: "Where" Question (Skills 6)

Sometimes the final question in a reading passage will ask you to determine where in the passage a piece of information is
found. The answer choices will list possible locations for that information. The best way to approach this type of question
is to study the question to determine the information that you are looking for and then to go to the lines listed in
the answers and skim for that information.

The passage:
The words capital and capitol are confused in spelling
and in meaning by a lot of people who try to use them. Both
their spellings and their meanings are quite closely related. A
capital is the location of the center of government while a
capitol is the actual building where the government officials
meet. Thus, in the United States for example, the Capitol
building is located in Washington, D.C. which is the capital
city of the United States.
The questions:
1. Where in the passage does the author define the word capital?
(A) Lines 1 - 2
(B) Line 3
(C) Line 4
(D) Lines 6 8
2. Where in the passage does the author mention where the U.S. Capitol can be found?
(A) Lines 1 - 2
(B) Line 3
(C) Lines 4 - 5
(D) Line 6 - 8
To answer the first question, you should skim for the word capital and then look for its meaning. A capital is the location of
the center of government, and this definition is given in the fourth line. The best answer to this question is therefore
answer (C).

To answer the second question, you should skim for U.S. Capitol and then look for where the U.S. Capitol is found. The
U.S. Capitol is located in Washington, D.C., and this information is given in the sixth through eighth lines. The best answer to
this question is therefore answer (D).
The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember when you are trying to determine where in the
passage something is found.
TOEFL EXERCISE 6: Study each of the passages and choose the best answers to the questions that follow.
PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1 - 3)
A geyser occurs when rainwater seeps into the ground and volcanic magma beneath
the surface heats it. The rainwater then turns into steam. The pressurized steam rises to
the surface and bursts out as a geyser.
Yellowstone National Park has more geysers than all of the rest of the world
together. The most famous of these geysers is Old Faithful, which erupts in a high arc of
steam about once an hour.
There have not been any volcanic eruptions in the Yellowstone area for 70,000 years. However, the existence of the geysers
is proof that the area is volcanically active.
1. Where in the passage does the author mention what heats the water in a geyser?
(A) Lines 1 - 2
(B) Line 4
(C) Lines 5 - 6
(D) Line 7
2. The author indicates how often Old Faithful erupts in
(A) lines 1 - 2
(B) line 4
(C) lines 5 - 6
(D) line 7

3. Where in the passage does the author state how long it has been since a volcano erupted at Yellowstone?
(A) Lines 2 - 3
(B) Lines 5 - 6
(C) Line 7
(D) Line 8

PASSAGE TWO (Questions 4-7)

By 1963 the one-man space flights of Project Mercury had successfully taken place,
and NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration) was ready for a new
challenge. That new challenge was to send two men into space at the same time, rather
than one, so that it would be possible to conduct a wide variety of new maneuvers and
An appropriate name was found for that new project: the new project was called
Project Gemini. The name Gemini might seem appropriate because it is the name of
one of the constellations of stars in the sky, but that is not the real reason for the choice
of the name. Gemini comes from the Latin word geminus, which means twin. The
constellation Gemini received its name because it consists of two very bright stars with
no other bright stars close by, and those stars seem like twins. The NASA project
received its name because of the number of men who would be together in the space
capsule orbiting the Earth.
4. Where in the passage does the author state what the initials NASA represent?
(A) Lines 1 - 3
(B) Lines 6 - 7
(C) Line 9
(D) Lines 11 13
5. Where in the passage does the author describe NASAS new challenge after Project Mercury?
(A) Lines 35
(B) Lines 67
(C) Line 9
(D) Lines 1113
6. The author explains the derivation of the word Gemini in
(A) lines 13
(B) lines 67
(C) line 9
(D) lines 1113
7. Where in the passage does the author describe the composition of the Gemini constellation?
(A) Lines 3-5
(B) Lines 67
(C) Line 9
(D) Lines 1011
PASSAGE THREE (Questions 8-12)
One of the best-known stories in American historythat Betsy Ross created the first
flag of the United States - is believed by a number of scholars to be somewhat
The official story goes as follows: In 1776, a group that included George Washington
came to the workshop in Philadelphia where Betsy Ross worked as a seamstress; they
brought a drawing of a flag with stars and stripes on it and asked if Betsy could make it.
The flag with the stars and stripes was definitely adopted by Congress on June 14,
1777. In the minutes on that day there is a resolution accepting a flag with 13 stars and
13 stripes as the official flag of the nation. However, there is no mention of Betsy Ross
as the one who had made the flag.
The first time that there is a documented reference to Betsy Ross as the one who
made the flag came more than a century later, when her grandson gave a speech to the
Philadelphia Historical Society indicating that the family had passed down the story for
a hundred years that grandmother Betsy had made the first flag. Philadelphians

enthusiastically supported the story. Betsy Rosss house was restored and renamed Flag
House, and it was opened to the public as a memorial to Betsy Ross.
Many historians dispute this story, and certainly no one has been able to come up
with indisputable proof that it was Betsy who made the first flag. This much is known
about Betsy Ross: She did exist, she was a seamstress, and she did sometimes make
f1ag for the ships of the Pennsylvania State Navy. If the story about the first flag is not
completely trueand who is to know at this pointat least it makes a good story.

8. Where in the passage does the author mention a group that came to visit Betsy Ross?
(A) Lines 13
(B) Lines 46
(C) Lines 78
(D) Lines 910
9. Where in the passage does the author state when the flag was adopted by Congress?
(A) Lines 13
(B) Lines 46
(C) Lines 79
(D) Lines 1114
10. The author describes the first historical reference to Betsy Ross as the creator of the first U.S. flag in
(A) lines 46
(B) lines 910
(C) lines 1114
(D) lines 1718
11. The author discusses how Philadelphians responded to the Betsy Ross story in
(A) lines 910
(B) lines 1416
(C) lines 1718
(D) lines 202 1
12. Where in the passage does the author discuss how historians have reacted to the Betsy Ross story?
(A) Lines 89
(B) Lines 1114
(C) Lines 1718
(D) Lines 1920

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