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Heather Stout

Edu 101
Nov. 22, 2014
Junior Achievement class:

Kids lined up orderly and quiet, without the teacher having to tell them to.
Student independent learning/reading, which is given to them, and group work also offered
Hands-on learning
Teacher takes time out for student(s) and focuses on their needs
Respect and courtesy between students and teacher
Kids listen to not only teacher, but guests as well
Teacher has time and patience for students
She is open minded for new methods to teach and help students learn
She has a somewhat self-teaching method
The teacher includes hands on activities in lessons
Uses old school methods of understanding knowledge, not technology based class
Encouragement with a willing, caring nature

Being in the fourth grade class, it was really amazing to see the kids so independent and well-behaved.
The teacher is really outgoing and student-oriented, which is a great thing to see teachers who are
willing to put so much time into their career and kids. Seeing a newer teacher, 4-6 years experience,
use a majority of the methods my teachers used with me and my classmates, was also somewhat of an
amazement. Also the school not having much technology use in classrooms is another shock, since we
are so developed and reliable to technological equipment. I loved the atmosphere and the eagerness
seen on the students' faces. This is the teacher's first or second year teaching at an elementary level, but
if you did not know that, you would think she has been around younger children her entire career. It
was great to see how adaptable she is.
Secondary Level Class:

German Class
Various greetings
Fun activities to to relax after break
Tests: mix of writing, scantron (multiple choice), and dictations
Spanish Class
Full-on active class, cheer type session which gets kids involved
Different activities for certain days of the week
ex. Fridays are Culture Day
Coloring, or hands on, projects

Day of the Dead skulls

Fun all class long, not lecture type

Seeing the German classroom with Herr Ruth was like going through a flashback to great times in high
school. It's always awesome to see a room with students liking the subject, especially a foreign
language. I loved that he gave me the time to check out the other classrooms, such as the Spanish IV
class I took notes about. To see the differences between both teachers and how they run their class was
great. They are at opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to experience, methods, etc., but the
thing is that those ideals and their philosophies of education work for them, getting the students
involved and able to understand the knowledge that is being taught. If the teacher is not eager to learn
the subject, the students will not be either. Both teachers are always energetic and enjoy what they do,
which is dispensed throughout their pupils. I did believe that the Spanish teacher's methods of teaching
through nothing but activities was not so beneficial, due to the students I witnessed not even knowing
what the basic words meant. This then lead to 20 hands being raised on and off with questions, and the
teacher running across the room to translate. The idea of combining ways of learning to benefit each
type of learner, is something I think only the greatest of teachers can accomplish, which Herr Ruth has
done for the many years he's taught German and Michigan City High School.

InTASC Standard Three: Learning Environments

The teacher works with others to create environments that support
individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive
social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self
Name of Artifact: Classroom Observations
Date: Nov. 22, 2014
Course: EDUC 101: Introduction to Teaching
Brief Description: Visited an elementary and secondary level class to observe the
teacher's methods and interaction with students. Took notes and saw how the
two compared and/or differed.
Rationale: I believe this works with InTASC Standard 3, because I worked with
others to create an environment that supports the individual and collaborative
learning. Also encouraging positive social interaction, active engagement in
learning, and self motivation.

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