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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 17, 2016

What should you do to get full and complete protection from the Lord?
Bhagawan lovingly explains to us the secret.
The Lord will protect in all ways and at all times those who
worship Him in complete and pure uncontaminated
devotion(bhakti), just as a mother protects her infants, a
cow saves her calf from danger, and the eyelids guard the
eyes effortlessly and automatically. When the infant grows
up into an adult, the mother wont pay so much attention to
its safety. So too, the Lord doesnt pay much attention to
the wise one (jnani). The devotee who worships any
form (saguna bhakta), like an infant of the Lord, has no
strength except the strength of the Lord. For the realized
soul (jnani), their own strength is enough. Therefore, until
one can rely on ones own strength, one must be an infant
in the Lords hands, just like a devotee of the Lords form.
No one can become a devotee of the Formless
Supreme (nirguna bhakta) without having been a devotee
of the form.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 48.

To the person who has completely surrendered, everything they experience (good or bad)
is a gift from God. Baba
17 jnvrI,2016
sweI ienspwier dw pMjwbI trWslySn
pRSn: Bgvwn qoN pUrI sur`iKAw lYx leI , quhwnUM kI krnw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn, Aj swnUM,ies leI gupq igAwn
idMdy hn[
au`qr: ijs qrHW A`KW dIAW plkW, A`KW dI dyK-Bwl krdIAW hn, gW Awpxy bCVy dI, mW Awpxy b`cy dI, Kqry
qoN r`iKAw krdI hY ausy qrHW Bgvwn, Awpxy aus Bgq dI r`iKAw krdy hn ijhVy Bgq, aunHW dI pUrI qrHW Aqy
ibnW S`k qoN, hr vyly pUjw krdy hn[jd b`cw v`fw ho jWdw hY, qW mW aus v`l bhuqw iDAwn nhIN idMdI[asy qrHW
Bgvwn vI, Awpxy bu`DImwn Bgq v`l, bhuqw iDAwn nhIN idMdy[auh Bgq , ijhVw Bgvwn dy iksy vI rUp dI pUjw
krdw hY, aus nUM, Bgvwn dI SkqI, Awpxy-Awp hI pRwpq ho jWdI hY[igAwnI BgqW nUM, Awpxy- Awp hI SkqI
iml jWdI hY[ies leI, jd qweIN mnu`K iv`c ie`nI SkqI nhIN Aw jWdI ik auh ies SkqI qy Brosw kr sky, aus
nUM Bgvwn dw durbl b`cw bx ky rihxw cwhIdw hY[ koeI vI Bgq, ijs ny Bgvwn dy iksy vI rUp dI BgqI nhIN
kIqI, auh inrwkwr dw Bgq nhIN ho skdw[(pRym vwihnI, A`iDAwey 48)[

ijs mnu`K ny, Awpxy-Awp nUM pUrI qrHW, Bgvwn nUM Aripq kr id`qw hY,auh cMgy Aqy mwVy nUM,Bgvwn dw qohPw
m`ndw hY[(bwbw)[

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