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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 21, 2016

What is the best way for humanity to progress? How can we prepare ourselves
to play a role in this noble task? Bhagawan lovingly gives us a clarion call today.

To attain the knowledge of

righteousness (dharma), first, you must receive
training under wise people, who are imbued with
righteousness (dharma). Next, you must aspire to
purify yourself (Atma shuddhi) and practice
truth(sathya). Thirdly, you must realize the value of
knowledge of the scriptures (Vedas), which is the voice
of God. When these three steps are completed, you
will clearly understand the truth and discriminate it
from untruth. This enquiry into truth must be done in
amity and cooperation. Everyone is entitled to attain
spiritual wisdom. Everyone must be equally eager to
discover the truth and benefit from it. All opinions must
be tested on the touchstone of dharma, of universal
goodness (sarvaloka-hitha). The principles that pass
this test alone must be chosen and practiced, and
shared with the world. Then will help humanity to
progress. Then, everyone will develop joy and
happiness in equal measure. All of you must use this
method and perform noble and pure deeds
- Dharma Vahini, Ch 13

It is only when the pursuit of Artha (material prosperity) and Kama (desires) is based on Dharmathat
man will have genuine happiness. Baba
21 jnvrI,2016
sweI ienspwier dw pMjwbI trWslySn
pRSn: mwnvqw dI q`rkI leI, ikhVw rsqw, v`DIAw hY?AsIN, ies suinhrI mOky qy, AwpxI BUmIkw ikvyN inBw
skdy hW? Bgvwn, A`j swnUM, jgwaux leI , ibgul bjw ky sqrk krdy hn[
au`qr: Drm dw igAwn hwsl krn leI, quhwnUM swirAW qoN pihlW, auh bu`DImwn lokW qoN tRyinMg lYxI cwhIdI hY
ijhVy Kud Drm dy rsqy qy cldy hn[aus qoN bwd, quhwnUM Awqm Su`DI kr ky, scweI dy rsqy qy clxw SurU krnw
cwhIdw hY[aus qoN bwd,quhwnUM,vydW dw igAwn hwsl krnw cwhIdw hY, ijhVw igAwn,Bgvwn vloN id`qw igAw
hY[jd quhwfy ieh iq`n kdm pUry ho gey qW quhwnUM scweI dw igAwn hovy gw ik s`c Aqy JUT iv`c kI Prk hY[ ies

scweI dw igAwn, AwpsI myl nwl , hwsl krnw cwhIdw hY[Awqm-igAwn hwsl krnw, hr iek dw h`k hY[ hr
iek dI ie`Cw hoxI cwhIdI hY ik mYN, ies scweI dI Koj krW Aqy ies qoN lwB hwsl krW[ swirAW nUM Drm au`qy
clx Aqy lokW dI BlweI dw Drm Apxwauxw cwhIdw hY[ ijhVy lok,ies tYst nUM pws kr lYNdy hn,aunHW nUM sMswr
iv`c,ieh is`iKAw PYlwauxI cwhIdI hY[qW hI, mwnvqw dI qr`kI hovy gI Aqy hr iek nUM,ie`ko ijhI KuSI pRwpq hovy
gI[quhwnUM swirAW nUM,iehI au`qm rsqw Apxwauxw cwhIdw hY Aqy piv`qr krm krny cwhIdy hn[(Drm vwihnI,
A`iDAwey 13)[
jd koeI mnu`K,Awpxy duinAwvI su`KW Aqy ie`CwvW nUM , Drm dI nINh a`qy cl ky hwsl krn dI koiSS krdw hY qW
auhI, AslI KuSI hY[(bwbw)[

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