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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 22, 2016

What is the purpose of assiduously following spiritual practices? What will be

the outcome of such efforts? Bhagawan exhorts us with a practical example
Many argue about how discipline (as described in the scriptures) can
result in the dawn of knowledge. Arent these mere bodily limitations,
they ask. Knowledge can arise only by the realisation of the principle
that guarantees self-realisation, they argue. But this line of thought is
based on a big mistake. Through these physical regulations,
traits (vasanas) are destroyed and concentration is established. Onepointedness is essential to establish spiritual wisdom firmly in the heart,
and this one-pointedness can easily be gained by bodily disciplines and
austerities (tapas) prescribed in the Upanishads. External control helps
internal control in many ways. To succeed in external controls indeed is
more difficult than to achieve success in controlling the internal! In a
working car, the wheels will always follow the direction of the steering.
A turn of the steering wheel in ones hand in any direction makes the
wheels of the car, which are not in your hand, move in the same
direction of the steering wheel isnt it?
- Prema Vahini, Ch 53

Continuous remembrance of the Lords Name (namasmarana) is the secret to

liberation from bondage. Baba
22 jnvrI,2016
sweI ienspwier dw pMjwbI trWslySn
pRSn: swnUM, iekwgr ic`q ho ky A`iDAwqimk A`iBAws ikauN krnw cwhIdw hY?ies qrHW dI koiSS dw kI is`tw hovy
gw? Bgvwn, A`j swnUM,iek audwhrx dy ky smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: keI lok, bihs krdy hn ik gRMQW iv`c d`sy AnuSwSn ikvyN igAwn dy skdy hn?kI, ieh aunHW dI SwrIrk
kmzorI(jW aUxqweI) kwrx nhIN hY? auh, ieh vI bihs krdy hn ik igAwn qW hI iml skdw hY jd aus AsUl
dw igAwn hovy ijhVw Awqm igAwn dI gRMtI idMdw hY[pr ieh kQn,aunHW dI soc dI v`fI glqI hY[ ienHW BOiqk
inXmW dy muqwbk, vwsnwvW smwpq huMdIAW hn Aqy iekwgrqw bxdI hY[ AiDAwqimk bu`DImqw hwsl krn
leI,iek ibMdU qy iekwgrqw,ihrdy iv`c hoxI bhuq zrUrI hY Aqy ieh iek ibMdU qy iekwgrqw,aupinSdW v`loN d`sy
FMg ijvyN,SwrIrk AnuSwSn Aqy qp`isAw(nYiqkqw) dI mdd nwl hI , hwsl kIqI jw skdI hY[bwhrI kMtRol, keI
qrIikAW nwl,AMdrUnI kMtRol krn leI mdd krdw hY[bwhrly kMtRol iv`c sPlqw,AMdrly kMtRol au`qy sPlqw
pwaux nwloN, AOKI hY[iek cl rhI kwr dy phIey,hmySw au`Dr nUM hI muVn gy ij`Dr, kwr dw styirMg muVy gw[ikauN

jo phIey,frweIvr dy h`Q iv`c nhIN hn, styirMg nUM moVn dI idSw hI,kwr dI idSw inrDwirq kry gI[(pRym
vwihnI, A`iDAwey, 53)
sMswrI bMDnW qoN mukq hox dw iek hI FMg hY ik qusIN hr vyly,Bgvwn dw ismrx kro[(bwbw)[

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