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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 23, 2016

How to earn the true respect of all? What can fill our life with goodness and
bliss? Bhagawan lovingly explains today.

Always love and follow only truth; falsehood is never beneficial.

Some people may respect, but you will find that no one honors
falsehood, deceit, and injustice all the time. On the contrary,
everyone respects truth, honesty, integrity, and justice. Who is a
divine person (devatha)?It is just a name for the person who
observes truth as their vow(vratha) in daily living. The right
conduct (dharma) as prescribed in the scriptures (Vedas) is tested,
proven and capable of standing the test of time. It is impartial and
just. Faith in it grows with practice. The worship of the Divine must
follow the rules prescribed in the Scriptures(Vedas); through this
means, people get strengthened in leading a
righteous (dharmic) life. This dharma is the command of the Lord; it
is the authentic voice of God, so it might as well be followed by
all.Dharma brings goodness to all; it confers bliss (ananda) here and
- Dharma Vahini, Ch 13

The one who discriminates well before engaging in any activity will naturally be righteous
in conduct and behaviour. Baba
23 jnvrI,2016
sweI ienspwier dw pMjwbI trWslySn
pRSn: swirAW qoN, AslI ie`zq ikvyN hwsl kIqI jw skdI hY?auh ikhVI cIz hY ijhVI swnUM,A`CweI Aqy KuSI
nwl Br skdI hY? Bgvwn, A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: hmySw ipAwr kro Aqy scweI dw rsqw Apnwau[JUT, kdy vI shwiek nhIN huMdw[ku`J lok, BwvyN quhwfI
ie`zq krn pr quhwnUM pqw l`gy gw ik koeI vI mnu`K, JUT, DoKy Aqy byienswPI nUM, hmySw leI sihn nhIN
krdw[aus dy ault, hr mnuK, scweI, iemwndwrI, vcn-v`Dqw Aqy ienswP dI ie`zq krdw hY[idvX mnu`K kOn
hY? idvX mnu`K auh hY ijhVw Awpxy rozwnw jIvn iv`c scweI nUM, Awpxw AwDwr m`ndw hY[ijhVw Drm,vydW iv`c
d`isAw igAw hY auh Atl hY[Drm,iksy dw pkS-pwq nhIN krdw Aqy ieh s`cw hY[ies au`qy ivSvwS, AiBAws
krn nwl bxdw hY[vydW iv`c id`qy inXmW muqwbk hI BgqI krnI cwhIdI hY ikauN jo ies qrHW krn nwl hI mnu`K
iv`c SkqI dw pRswr huMdw hY[ieh Drm hI, Bgvwn dw audyS hY Aqy iehI Bgvwn dI bwxI(Awvwz jW Sbd)

hY[swry DrmW dy lokW nUM,Bgvwn v`loN d`sy vydW dw Anusrx krnw cwhIdw hY qW hI mnu`K nUM,cMigAweI Aqy AwnMd
dw AwBws hovy gw[(Drm vwihnI, A`iDAwey 13)[
ijhVw mnuK, koeI vI krm krn qoN pihlW,ieh vyK lYNdw hY ik ieh krm TIk hY jW glq, aus vloN kIqw krm
Aqy aus dw vrqwau, Drm dy muqwbk hI hovy gw[(bwbw)[

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