January 25 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 25, 2016

What does the path of winning the Lords Grace with self-effort look like?
Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.
Overcoming senses that stray outward is difficult
they are attracted by taste, looks, and feels.
The internal tendencies are like pure water
which has no form, taste, or heaviness and is
good for you! Impure water hurts you and harms
you. You must purify your mental behavior,
which is presently spoiled by the delusions of
the world. If you desire happiness, you must first
control and conquer the external delusion. Then
your internal tendencies will easily move in the
direction of securing bliss (Atmaananda). Spiritual practices and
penance (Yogaand Tapas) are only other names
for the path to control and conquer these
external tendencies and shield you from
delusions. Choose any path through which you
feel grace is flowing to you. Liberation is
achieved by strict adherence to the rules and
observances of following your chosen path. The
path will give you the strength to overcome
delusion and grant you one-pointedness.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 53.

Desire destroys devotion, anger destroys wisdom, greed destroys work hence sacrifice
these bad qualities. Baba
25 jnvrI,2016
sweI ienspwier dw pMjwbI trWslySn
pRSn: auh rsqw,ijhdy nwl mnu`K AwpxI koiSS nwl,Bgvwn dw AwSIrvwd pRwpq kr lYNdw hY,iks qrHW dw lgdw
hY? Bgvwn, A`j swnUM, ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: auh ieMdRIAW ijhVIAW bwhrI sMswr dIAW cIzW, ijvyN svwd,KUbsUrqI Aqy Bwvnw Awid v`l iK`cIAW jWdIAW
hn,aunHW au`qy kwbU pwauxw AOKw hY[AMdrlIAW BwvnwvW, iek swP pwxI dI qrHW hn ijnHW dw koeI rUp jW svwd
nhIN huMdw Aqy auh quhwfy leI cMgIAW hn[gMdw pwxI, mwVw huMdw Aqy quhwnUM nukswn phuMcwauNdw hY[quhwnUM, Awpxy
mn nUM piv`qr krnw cwhIdw hY ijhVw mn, sMswr dI moh-mwieAw ny dUiSq kIqw hoieAw hY[jy qusIN SWqI Aqy
KuSI cwhuMdy ho qW bwhrlI moh-mwieAw au`qy kwbU pwau[ies qrHW krn qoN bwd,quhwfy AMdrlIAW BwvnwvW, AwpxyAwp Awqm-AwnMd hwsl krn dI idSw iv`c cl pYx gIAW[A`iDAwqimk swDnw Aqy qpis`Aw,auh do nW hn

ijhVy bwhrlIAW ie`CwvW au`qy kwbU pwaux leI zrUrI hn[auhI rsqw cuxo, ijhVw quhwnUM Bgvwn dw AwSIrvwd lYx
iv`c mdd kry[cuxy hoey rsqy dy inXmW dI pwlxw krn nwl hI, mokS dI pRwpqI hovy gI[cuxy hoey rsqy nwl hI
moh-mwieAw au`qy kwbU pwaux dI qwkq imly gI Aqy quhwfy iv`c iekwgrqw dw gux Awvy gw[(pRym vwihnI, A`iDAwey
ie`Cw,BgqI dw ivnwS krdI hY; gu`sw, bu`DI dw ivnwS krdw hY; lwlc, krm dw ivnwS krdw hY, ies leI ieh
iq`nW AvguxW dw iqAwg kr dau[(bwbw)[

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