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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 26, 2016

What makes Bharath a holy and sacred land? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us
From the most ancient times Bharatiyas considered Truth as
God, loved it, fostered it and protected it and thereby achieved
divinity.Bharatiyas were devoted to Truth, wedded
to Dharma(Righteousness) and esteemed morality in society as
the foremost duty. It is high time you realised what a sacred
country Bharat is. In this holy land, nothing is lacking. "What
cannot be found in Bharat cannot be found elsewhere" is an
ancient saying. In spite of these multifarious endowments, this
country is being regarded as poor and backward. This is born of
delusion. When everything is available within Bharat, why go
begging to other countries? Everything has originated from
Bharat. Hence, having taken birth in Bharat, strive to promote the
glory of Bharat. Every devotee should take a pledge to protect
and promote the greatness of Bharat. Like an elephant that does
not know its own strength, Bharatiyas are unaware of their
power. Despite their myriad capacities, they are behaving as
weaklings like an elephant before its mahout. You have to get rid
of this weakness.
- Divine Discourse 23 Nov 1990

Let all your actions be done as an offering to God; do not classify some as my work
and some as His work. Baba
26 jnvrI,2016
sweI ienspwier dw pMjwbI trWslySn
pRSn: Bwrq nUM, ikhVI cIz,piv`qr bxwauNdI hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl Xwd duAwauNdy hn[
au`qr: bhuq purwxy smyN qoN, Bwrq dy lokW ny, scweI nUM hI Bgvwn m`inAw hY,ies scweI nUM hI ipAwr kIqw hY,ies
nUM A`gy vDwieAw hY, ies dI r`iKAw kIqI hY Aqy ies dy Pl-srUp,idv`Xqw pRwpq kIqI hY[BwrqI, scweI dy
pujwrI sn, Drm au`qy cldy sn, smwj dw snmwn krnw,aunHW dI ifaUtI bx geI sI[hux quhwnUM pqw lg igAw
hovy gw ik Bwrq ik`nw piv`qr dyS hY[ies Bwrq iv`c, kuJ vI ies qrHW dI cIz nhIN,ijhVI ie`Qy nhIN
imldI[purwxI khwvq hY ik ijhVI cIz, Bwrq iv`c nhIN imldI,auh ikqy hor jgHw vI nhIN imldI[ie`nw ku`J hox
dy bwvjUd vI, Bwrq nUM grIb Aqy ipC`iVAw dyS ikhw jWdw hY[ieh swrw,Brm hox dy kwrx hY[jd swrw
ku`J,Bwrq iv`c imldw hY qW bwhrly dySW qoN mMgx dI kI zrUrq hY?swrw ku`J,Bwrq qoN hI aupijAw hY[quhwfw

jnm,Bwrq iv`c hoieAw hY, ies leI ies dI Swn kwiem rKo[hr swDk,A`j ieh pRx lvy ik auh, Bwrq dI
r`iKAw krygw Aqy ies nUM mhwn bxwaux leI Awpxw Xogdwn dvy gw[ ijs qrHW iek hwQI nUM,AwpxI SkqI dw
iehsws nhIN hY ausy qrHW , Bwrq vwsIAW nUM, AwpxI SkqI dw AMdwzw nhIN hY[ijs qrHW iek hwQI nUM, aus dw
muhwq Awpxy kwbU iv`c r`Kdw hY ausy qrHW BwrqI lok,Awpxy-Awp nUM,kmzor smJdy hn[quhwnUM,ies kmzorI qoN
bwhr inklxw pvy gw[( 23 nvMbr, 1990 dy idvX pRvcn)[
quhwnUM cwhIdw hY ik qusIN Awpxy krmW nUM,Bgvwn nUM Aripq kro; ieh kdy nW soco ik ieh myrw kMm hY Aqy auh,
aus dw kMm hY[(bwbw)[

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