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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 27, 2016

What is the barometer of genuine worship? Bhagawan lovingly describes the

outcome of a pure worship, exhorting us to measure ourselves on the quality
of our devotion.
Worship with deep-rooted consciousness on the Divine,
purity of feeling, and being free from all extraneous thought,
becomes itself mental union with the Divine (bhavasamadhi).As a result of this mental union, the Lord appears
before the inner eye of the devotee in the form that they have
chosen for worship. The vision is not merely a matter of
imagination; it is a face-to-face experience. Without
changing location, the devotee can abide in the presence of
the Lord in the self-same place. This is called being always
with God (salokya-mukti).Besides being always with the
Lord, the devotee realises all that they see as the glory of the
Lord. The experience is referred to as seeing always the
glory of the Lord (samipya-mukti). Existing ever with the
Lord, witnessing always the glory of the Lord, and becoming
suffused with God-consciousness is merger in the divine
form (sarupya-mukti). This is the final fruit of devotional
- Prema Vahini, Ch 54.

Surrendering the fruit of your every action to the Lord is true sacrifice. Baba

27 jnvrI,2016
sweI ienspwier dw pMjwbI trWslySn
pRSn: AslI pUjw dw kI pYmwnw hY? Bgvwn,ipAwr nwl ies SuD pUjw bwry dsdy hn ik quhwfI BgqI dw kI
imAwr hY[
au`qr: idvXqw pRwpq krn leI ,AwpxI fUMgI cyqnw nwl pUjw kro[ ies qrHW krn nwl,ivcwr Su`D hox gy Aqy
mnu`K dI bu`DI dw imln idvXqw nwl hovy gw[bu`DI nwl imlwp kwrx, swDk nUM,Bgvwn dy auhI rUp dy drSn hox
gy,ijhVy rUp dI auh pUjw krdw hY[Bgvwn dy ieh drSn,koeI bnwvtI nhIN huMdy pr ieh drSn,Awmxy-swhmxy
vyKx vwlw AnuBv huMdw hY[ies nUM kihMdy hn,Bgvwn dw hr vyly, Bgq nwl rihxw[Bgvwn dy nwl rihx dy
nwl-nwl,auh swDk Bgvwn dy ikRSmy nUM hr vsqU iv`c vyKdw hY[ies qrHW dy AnuBv nwl,AwnMd imldw hY Aqy
AMq iv`c auh Bgvwn iv`c hI vlIn ho jWdw hY[iehI AMiqm Pl hY ijhVw swDk nUM, imldw hY[(pRym vwihnI,
A`iDAwey 54)[

Awpxy hr krm dy Pl nUM, Bgvwn nUM smripq kr dyxw hI , s`cw iqAwg huMdw hY[(bwbw)[

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