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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 30, 2016

What should we seek and what is the victory we must achieve? Bhagawan
lovingly and thoroughly reminds us today.
You must seek Truth and test it thoroughly with all the
canons of reasoning. The discipline consists of: 1)
The heroism to observe dharma rigorously (Ojas). 2)
Fearless self-control (Tejas). 3) Discarding of all
feelings of joy or sorrow with equanimity, due to the
peaks and troughs of life. 4) Having unshakable faith
in dharma and truth(Sahana). 5) Mental and physical
health of the most excellent kind, earned by discipline
and celibacy (bala).6) The desire and ability to speak
sweetly and straight, won by the practice of truth and
love. 7) Withdrawal of the five senses of
wisdom (Jnanendriyas) and the five senses of
action (karmendriyas) from vice and sin, and the
sublimation of all the senses to serve truth (indriyamoha). 8) Victory over Self resulting in acceptance by
the world. 9) The destruction of ones prejudices and
the pursuit of truth at all times (dharma). It is essential
that all humanity today acknowledges the glory of this
universaldharma. You must earnestly pray, May all
this be conferred on me as found in
the 'Chamakam' hymn.
- Dharma Vahini, Ch 13

Let all your actions be done as an offering to God; do not classify some as my work
and some as His work. Baba
30 jnvrI,2016
sweI ienspwier dw pMjwbI trWslySn
pRSn: swnUM,iks cIz dI kwmnw krnI cwhIdI hY Aqy swnUM, iks cIz qy kwbU pwauxw cwhIdw hY? Bgvwn,Aj
swnUM,ipAwr nwl Xwd duAwauNdy hn[
au`qr: quhwnUM,scweI dI kwmnw krnI cwhIdI hY Aqy ies nUM,hr sMBv qrIikAW nwl prKxw cwhIdw hY[AnuSwSn
iv`c, hyT id`qIAW cIzW huMdIAW hn[
1.aujs, ArQwq Drm dI hr hwlq iv`c pwlxw krnI[

2.qyjs, ArQwq ibnW fr qoN Awqm-sMjm[

3. izMdgI dy auqwr-cVHwau iv`c, KuSI Aqy gm nUM,ie`ko ijhw m`nxw[
4. sihnw, ArQwq Drm Aqy scweI qy Atl ivSvwS r`Kxw[
5.bhuq hI v`DIAw FMg dI idmwgI Aqy SwrIrk ishq,ijhVI AnuSwSn Aqy bRhmcwrI vrgI hovy[
6. scweI Aqy ipAwr dy A`iBAws nwl ij`qI hoeI ie`Cw Aqy im`Tw bolx dw gux[
7. igAwn dIAW pMj ieMdRIAW Aqy krm dIAW pMj ieMdRIAW nUM,pwp Aqy bury krmW qoN bcwauxw Aqy ienHW nUM,scweI
dI syvw iv`c lgwauxw[
8. auh guxW dw ij`qxw, ijhVy sMswr nUM cMgy l`gx[
9. p`K-pwq dy Avgux dw ivnwS krnw Aqy hr vyly Drm Aqy scweI dI pwlxw krnw[ieh zrUrI hY ik mnu`Kqw,
bRhmMf dI Swn nUM bxwey r`Ky[quhwnUM,Awpxy qih idl qoN pRwrQnw krnI cwhIdI hY ik hy Bgvwn, ieh swry
AnuSwSn dy gux, myry iv`c Aw jwaux,ijhVy ik cmkm dy muhwvry iv`c vI d`sy gey hn[( Drm vwihnI, A`iDAwey
quhwfy v`loN kIqy swry krm,Bgvwn nUM Aripq hoxy cwhIdy hn[ieh kdy nw soco ik ieh myrw kMm hY Aqy auh iksy
hor dw kMm hY[(bwbw)[

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