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Effectiveness of Sensory and Motor Rehabilitation of the Upper Limb Following the Principles of Neuroplasticity: Patients Stable Poststroke Nancy yl, Jennifer Roderick, Olfat Mohamed, Monica Hanny, Josh Kotler, Amy Smith, Nolly Tang, and Gary Abrams Ep he Demet of Py herp el econ oa Tap Cnty of catia es Ce AS AGA nnd: Dp oyna Tee, eek ene on ieee TEE tees 1, Noe I IOP TRPIR Bete and Ch Bape Pa ‘Ravapy amt Mens Sy ie hoe So pince ca ogee Poca tans 1 N Woah | Mme O, ney Ror Sh, rebel infarctions (surckes) are the leading ‘Sue of disityin the tnded Sates ws an estimated 732000 new or securent strokes por year! Approsimately 30% of hee mal fering a ace do net surive Alhough some have {complete recovery, the mapsrity suffer residual seurlogial impalement parteulrly in he cor tralueral upper limb” Decreased voluntary contol, tweslees, stereotypical mevements, co contaaions Of agsniss and ahtagonses, atmorteal symersics Of Seeeek atigtee oe eeeeiag eae thal Inking of arm and leg movements are com See ee Shes teal tes ete with weakness, inccorduation, and deceased motor ‘action time also impaired On the ipsilateral side * Tmnedutcly posuuoke, physiobgicd healing fan be enianced with appropriate drug manage ‘Pent Tol pentioning, avd puted srateyie owe ‘neni. The most extensive and spontaneous Expeovements are cbecred in the fit 30°65 90 days postaroie” butin the chronic phase of recov fy, remodeling and reorganization can be fiat ff wah goalonented learning.” afier a central postu gsenp i AG tg 4 the foundaton for leaning, the acquisuon of few skills and the bass of recovery of function 3 Dial mtopeatog leach Grae vole ect of motor nearen penis, unser of function from Sete pene epee eared peas, stengthening of redundant or parallel re igen Scag (dru sproating enbanced myslinalon of remain

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