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Impacts and Solutions for GMOs.

By Nguyen Bui

Have you wondered where the food you eat comes from?
Do you have the same question about GMOs? GMOs
stand for genetically modified organisms. It is defined as
organisms genes that are being altered using unrelated
genes from different organisms (Key et al., 2008). GMOs
have many impacts over different aspects including the
communities, the environment, and health. There are also
solutions people have developed to fix the problems.
GMOs are viewed as unnatural because they used
technology to modified plants and that can affect the
body. For example, one study notes that GM food is
cited as being unnatural (Key et al., 2008). This means
that the people are concerned about the way plants are
being modified using science. In addition, there is not
much research about the effects of GMOs on living
organisms. This fact is an additional reason for people to
go against GMOs. Scientists are also used animal genes
to put in plants (Key et al., 2008). Putting animals
genes in plants helps scientists because there are more
genes available in the animal. There is not much research
on the effects of plants modified using animals genes on
people. Thus, the combined evidence provides us with a
better understanding that the public are refusing the use
of GMOs because of the unknown effects of it.
There are many factors that make people concerned
about modified plants. One reason was mentioned above

is that scientist use animal genes to modified plants. But

one research shows that Scientists use animal genes
because animals have more genes to choose (Key et al.,
2008). There are research articles about the topic but
people still not accepted GMOs. This means that there
are different information or bias that mislead people. For
example, another research note that False advertising is
one of the reason why people are still worry about
GMOs (Mercola, 2012). False advertising. Thus, the
combined evidence provides us with a better
understanding of the cause of the issue about GMOs.
Aside from public opinions, GMOs also caused many
problems to the environment. For example, one study
shows that
GMOs are
responsible for
the creation of
super weeds
and superbugs
that require the
use of even
Alliance, 2014).
This means that
as the
production of

GMOs increased, the amount of insects that are resistant

to pesticides increased. Another study shows that
Insects resistant GM maize is grown over an area of
10.6 million hectares and comprises 35% of all maize
grown in the U.S. (Key et al., 2008). This means that
the second study prove the first study. Therefore, the
combined evidence provides us with a better
understanding of how genetically modified organisms
can increase the amount of organisms that are resistant to
pesticides, thus, damaging the environment.
GMOs can have a big impact on the global communities.
For example, one study shows that GMOs can increase
crop yields to helps famine by adding more genes that
has more nutritional growth. (Key et al., 2008). This can
helps developing countries out of hunger. The study also
shows that The Golden Rice Project adds more
Vitamins A into rice to help malnutrition. (Key et al.,
2008). This shows that researchers are working on plants
that can helps with malnutrition in developing countries.
Furthermore, this can create a positive impact on society.
With the combined evidence, this provide us with a better
understanding of how GMOs can be used to helps famine
thus create more positive feedbacks to society.

There are many study shows the effects of people who

consumes GMOs. For example, one study shows that
GMOs have more nutrition (The Brooklyn Hospital
Center, 2014). This can help people with malnutrition. In
addition, GMOs can help famine from developing
countries. Also according to another source:
Researchers can modify medicine plants so that it will
be easier to grow. (The Brooklyn Hospital Center,
2014). This means that people will have more access to
vaccines and treatments because there are many
medicinal ingredients available. Therefore, based on the
combined evidence, GMOs can be used to modify plants
efficiently thus provide supplies to fight other peoples

GMOs have many benefits but also many consequences

that go along with it. Thats why people is thinking of
ways to regulate them. For example, one source notes
that There are three that regulate GMOs: The U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA), The Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). (Dresbach et al.,2014). This
means that it can prevents consumers from eating nonverified GMOs which may leads to many health issues.
There are also The Golden Rice Project listed above
and many more GMOs projects still in research phase.
That can helps counter many problems of the world such
as famine. Thus, based on the combined evidence, GMOs
are being regulated efficiently and there are many
researches projects to counter hunger.
There are many other solutions we can also put into
practice. For example, one study noted that Labeling of
GMOs so people with allergies know to avoid certain
foods. (Genetic Science Learning Center, 2014). This
means that people dont worry about which foods will
make them have allergies and just follow labels which
will save more time. In addition, this can leave a good
impression on people. According to another source:
More researches are being put into GMOs to find
potential effects and risks that come with GMOs.
(Genetic Science Learning Center, 2014). This can let
people know more about if there are any risks related to
GMOs. Furthermore, by knowing the risks, people will
be less worries about GMOs.
There are solutions people have established to solve
problems about GMOs. Scientists are research projects
such as The Golden Rice to help people with
malnutrition. They also research on how to modify GMOs
to make it easier to plants medicinal plants. That will give
people more access to treatments and medicines. There are
some problems that people still cant resolve. For
example, people still concerned about GMOs because of
their unknown effects on human. There are also research
show that the increase of superbugs and super weeds
are related to the increase of GMOs. In the end, good or
bad don't matter, the problem is knowing how to fix them.

Genetic Science Learning Center. (2014). Genetically Modified Foods. Retrieved January 26, 2016, from
[GMO food proposition]. Retrieved from
[Golden rice]. Retrieved from
Foodshed Alliance. (2014). GMOs, Local Food and Farms. Retrieved January 26, 2016, from
Key, S., Ma, J. K., & Drake, P. M. (2008). Genetically modified plants and human health. Retrieved January 26,
2016, from
Mercola. (2012). Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) - Myths and Truths. Retrieved January 26, 2016, from
Sereana D.,Ralston, R., Flax, H., Sokolowski, A., & Allred, J. (2014). The Impact on Human Health of
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in Foods. Retrieved January 25, 2016, from
The Brooklyn Hospital Center. (2014). Genetically engineered foods: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia.
Retrieved January 26, 2016, from
[What is a superbug]. Retrieved from

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