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A Comparison of the Statement of Principles of the

Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta and the Wildrose Party

Column A

Column B

Our fiscal and economic objectives include: a

diversified economy that will provide for maximum
employment and fiscal planning that will protect
priority programs while minimizing taxation.

Provincially, to reflect, strengthen and efficiently

serve the common-sense values of Albertans:
civic responsibility;
the lowest possible taxation;
a strong and enterprising work ethic;
stable families and a growing population;
self-directed communities;
prudent provision for Albertas future;
sensible assistance for the sick and
respect for the rule of law;
respect for traditional fundamental
freedoms; and
secure ownership of and benefit from
private property.

The creation of wealth and jobs can best be

achieved by a free enterprise economy. We will
foster policies that encourage and respect
entrepreneurship and innovation.

We believe that government must be fiscally

prudent, namely:
balancing budgets;
limiting taxation;
minimizing the size and growth of the
public sector; and
that it should treat public monies as funds
held in trust.

We recognize that lifelong learning is central to a

successful society. It is important that learning
opportunities be accessible, affordable, and
sustainable for all Albertans. We believe in
enabling and encouraging Albertans to contribute
to their fullest potential.

We believe in universal public access to education.

Albertans should have access to affordable and

sustainable health care when they are ill or infirm.
We also believe in the value of individual
responsibility for personal wellness.

We believe in universal public access to health


Our social policies should support an environment

in which Albertans can work together, be selfreliant, and accept responsibility for their own
lives. We also believe that our social policies should
ensure that those who need assistance can lead
dignified and meaningful lives.

We believe that the government should provide for

the basic needs of those who are genuinely unable
to do so themselves.

Sustaining the quality of our air, water, soil,

wildlife, and natural environment is important to
Albertans. We must ensure that our activities,
growth and development take place in an
environmentally sensitive manner for the benefit
of current and future generations.

We believe in being environmentally responsible

through conversation and renewal of the
environment for present and future generations.

A or B

Column A

Column B

The family is paramount in the development of

social responsibility and a sense of self-worth. The
family, as defined by its individual members, is of
vital importance to our communities.

We believe that the family is the building block of

society and the means by which citizens pass on
their values and beliefs; therefore, the family
should be protected from unnecessary intrusions
by government.

We respect the rights of the individual and are

mindful of the responsibilities that accompany
those rights. By accepting responsibility and acting
on their own initiative, Albertans will achieve their
full potential as contributors to prosperous

We will defend the fundamental rights and

freedoms of all persons.
We believe in the inherent value and dignity of
each individual citizen.
We believe that all citizens are equal before the
law and entitled to fundamental justice.
We believe that all citizens have certain
fundamental and immutable rights and freedoms,
the right to life, safety, liberty, and privacy;
the freedoms of speech and expression and
the freedom to advocate, without fear of
intimidation or suppression, public policies
which reflect their deeply held values;
freedom of religious belief and practice;
freedom of peaceful assembly and choice
of association;
freedom of mobility; and
freedom to own, enjoy, and exchange
private property in a free market.
We believe in freedom of the press and other

All individuals are equal under the law and the

application of the law must be fair and equitable.

We will defend the fundamental rights and

freedoms of all persons.
We believe in the inherent value and dignity of
each individual citizen.
We believe that all citizens are equal before the
law and entitled to fundamental justice.
We believe that all citizens have certain
fundamental and immutable rights and freedoms,
the right to life, safety, liberty, and privacy;
the freedoms of speech and expression and
the freedom to advocate, without fear of
intimidation or suppression, public policies
which reflect their deeply held values;
freedom of religious belief and practice;
freedom of peaceful assembly and choice
of association;
freedom of mobility; and
freedom to own, enjoy, and exchange
private property in a free market.
We believe in freedom of the press and other

We must strive to maintain sovereignty over

provincial matters, believing that a strong and
vibrant Alberta is a cornerstone of a strong and
united Canada.

Federally, to encourage and support earned

prosperity among all provinces, equal treatment of
all provinces by the federal government, and the

A or B

Column A

Column B
full exercise of Albertas constitutional rights and

We must strive to maintain sovereignty over

provincial matters, believing that a strong and
vibrant Alberta is a cornerstone of a strong and
united Canada.

We believe Alberta should play a leadership role in

a unified and democratic Canada.

We will be accountable for the responsibilities that

we accept.

We believe that the government, elected officials

and civil servants are to serve the people; and that
all citizens should be treated equally without
prejudice in receiving the services offered by

We will consult with Albertans on public policy

matters and we will provide Albertans with access
to information to allow for an accurate assessment
of our actions.
We will be accountable for the responsibilities that
we accept.
We will consult with Albertans on public policy
matters and we will provide Albertans with access
to information to allow for an accurate assessment
of our actions.

We believe that elected representatives are to

serve honestly, ethically, and with concern
for all;
that their duty to their electors supersedes
their obligations to any political party; and
that government must be open and
accountable to the people.

(No Equivalency)

The Party and its representatives shall be guided by

these principles and shall ensure that its policies
conform to these principles.

(No Equivalency)

We believe the Legislature is subject to judicial

review as judges protect our constitutional rights;
however, judges are to interpret laws, not make

(No Equivalency)

We believe that functions of government should be

delegated to the level of government closest to the
people and best able to fulfill the function; and that
the division of powers among the levels of
government must be respected.

(No Equivalency)

We believe in the preservation of Albertas


(No Equivalency)

We believe in democratic processes including:

free and fair elections;

fixed election dates;

free votes in the Legislature; and

the power of citizens to recall elected

representatives and initiate binding referendums.

A or B

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