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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam February 01, 2016

What should we keep in mind to go through life without being pulled by the
temptations along the way? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us with a practical
example today.
A farmer clears and levels the land, removes
the stones and thorns, ploughs and prepares
the field, manures and strengthens the soil,
waters and fertilizes it. Then after sowing,
transplanting, weeding, spraying, and waiting,
he reaps the crop. After winnowing and
threshing, he stacks the corn. All these
various processes are for the sake of feeding
the stomach. So too one must feel that all
hunger and thirst, joy and sorrow, grief and
loss, suffering and anger, food and appetite
are but impulses that help us march forward
to attain the Presence of the Lord. When you
have this attitude, sin will never tarnish any of
your activities. Your appetite for hunger and
material desires will also vanish, without a
vestige of name or form. On the other hand, if
you treat the appetites as more important, you
will be sure to earn only sorrow, not joy. It will
be impossible to acquire peace.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 55.

Desire destroys devotion, anger destroys wisdom, greed destroys work hence
sacrifice these bad qualities. Baba
01 PrvrI, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:swnUM,jIvn iv`c,ibnW pRoloBn qoN rihx dw ikauN mn iv`c ivcwr r`Kxw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn, A`j swnUM iek
audwhrx dy ky smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: iek ikswn,zmIn nUM swP krdw hY,aus nUM brwbr krdw hY,aus iv`coN p`Qr Aqy JwVIAW k`Fdw hY, hl
clwauNdw hY,Kyq nUM iqAwr krdw hY,aus iv`c Kwd fwldw hY,im`tI nUM puKqw krdw hY,pwxI idMdw hY Aqy zmIn nUM
zrKyz bxwauNdw hY[aus qoN bwd,bI boNdw hY,Ancwhy Gw nUM bwhr k`Fdw hY,spry krdw hY Aqy ieMqzwr krn qoN bwd
Psl k`tdw hY[ ieh swrw ku`J,auh pyt pwlx leI krdw hY[ausy qrHW hr iek nUM mihsUs krnw cwhIdw hY ik

Bu`K,ipAws,KuSI Aqy gmI,lwB Aqy hwnI,du`K Aqy gu`sw,Bojn Aqy aus dw pcxw,ieh auh swrIAW qrMgW hn
ijhVIAW swnUM,Bgvwn dI hoNd dw AwBws krvwauNdIAW hn[jy quhwfy AMdr ies qrHW dI Bwvnw hovy gI,qusIN pwp
krn qoN fro gy[quhwfI Bu`K
Aqy Kwx dI ie`Cw Aqy sMswrI cIzW dI ie`Cw dw ivnwS, nW Aqy rUp qoN ibnW, ho jwvy gw [ aus dy ault,jy
qusIN,Bu`K dI ie`Cw r`Ko gy,quhwnUM KuSI dI bjwey,du`K hI imly gw[SWqI dI pRwpqI nwmumikn ho jwvy gI[(pRym vwihnI,
A`iDAwey 55)[
ie`Cw,swDnw dw ivnwS krdI hY; gu`sw,bu`DI dw ivnwS krdw hY;lwlc,krm dw ivnwS krdw hY,ies leI ieh
AvguxW dw iqAwg kr dau[(bwbw)[

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