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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam February 04, 2016

What can we do to experience and cultivate pure, Divine Love? Bhagawan

lovingly reinforces His omnipresence in, around and above us.

For achieving anything in life two things are essential: firm faith
and pure love. To experience pure, Divine love, you must be
prepared to give up selfishness and self-interest. You must
develop purity and steadfastness. With firm faith in the Divine,
you must foster the love of God regardless of all obstacles and
ordeals. You should never think that pleasure and pain are
caused by some external forces; it is not so. They are the result
of your own thoughts. There is no meaning in blaming others. If
you develop love of God, that love will banish all sorrow and evil
tendencies like attachment, anger and envy. One should pursue
both spiritual education and secular studies. You have to realise
that Nature is also a manifestation of God. Hence, Nature should
not be ignored. Nature is the effect and God is the cause. Thus
you should recognize the omnipresence of the Divine in the
entire cosmos.
- Divine Discourse, 20 Jun 1996.

You are all caskets of Divine Love; share it, spread it, express that love in acts of service,
words of sympathy and acts of compassion. Baba
04 PrvrI, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:AsIN,idvX ipAwr nUM pYdw krn Aqy aus dw AnuBv hwsl krn leI,kI kr skdy hW?Bgvwn,A`j
swnUM,swfy Awly-duAwly Aqy swfy au`qy AwpxI srv-ivAwipkqw dI hoNd dw iehsws krvwauNdy hn[
au`qr: Awpxy jIvn iv`c,koeI vI mn-cwhI cIz hwsl krn leI,do cIzW bhuq zrUrI hn Aqy auh hn,p`kw
ivSvwS Aqy piv`qr ipAwr[piv`qr Aqy idvX ipAwr hwsl krn leI,quhwnUM hr hwlq iv`c, KudgrzI Aqy injI
rucI C`fxI pvy gI [quhwnUM,piv`qrqw Aqy p`kw ivSvwS pYdw krnw pvy gw[jy quhwfw Bgvwn au`qy p`kw ivSvwS hY
qW hr iksm dIAW AVcnW Aqy musIbqW dy bwvjUd,quhwnUM Bgvwn dw ipAwr pRwpq hovy gw[ieh kdy nw soco ik
du`K Aqy su`K,iksI bwhrlIAW SkqIAW kr ky AwauNdy hn[ieh ies qrHW nhIN hY[ieh qW quhwfy Awpxy ivcwrW
kwrx hI hn[ies vwsqy,iksI dw ksUr k`Fx dw koeI mqlb nhIN hY[jy qusIN Awpxw ipAwr Bgvwn nwl pYdw kr
lYNdy ho qW auh ipAwr,quhwfIAW musIbqW Aqy moh-mwieAw,gu`sw Aqy hsd vrgIAW mwVIAW rucIAW dw ivnwS kr

dvy gw[mnu`K nUM A`iDAwqimk is`iKAw Aqy Drm inrpyK pVHweI krnI cwhIdI hY[quhwnUM,ieh vI iehsws hoxw
cwhIdw hY ik kudrq vI Bgvwn dw rUp hY[ies leI kudrq dI AndyKI nw kro[eISvr kwrx hY Aqy kudrq,aus
dw pRBwv jW Asr[ies leI quhwnUM cwhIdw hY ik swry bRhmMf iv`c, eISvr dI hoNd nUM pihcwxo[(20 jUn,1996 dy
idvX pRvcn)[
qusIN swry,Bgvwn dy ipAwr dy pwqr ho,ies nUM sWJw kro Aqy ies ipAwr nUM,syvw kr ky,dieAw ivKw ky Aqy
hmdrdI ivKw ky, pRkt kro[(bwbw)[

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