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. Fisher I DeBe


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0", of/DIU is tlai,tutl til colllrol tJu IDItpD 01 tJu ItI.IPW, IfIIIhWIlIi pDSSDSioIi 01 tile IuzJl, tUld to SCORE. III order til tlCCQmplisla tIW, we wiD II.U tIu'U IftdhoJs 01 cOllllrlMlliCtllillg DIU' pl4ys.

L HUDDLE. tIu ceIIU!r willllJl'lll tJu bddle UW111iU1b from IUId directzy behind tile bGll. TIle pllqer's lHzcJcJ will 1M til tJu Hll tIIId tAeir qa 011 tIu QB's lips.

-r ~ e 4 'T I.e ,. )C 'I Ie-


The !21. will call tile lorrtlJltUJlI, pllly, SIUlJ' ctHIlIt, rqHltII tlaeplay tUUl SIUlJl colUll- t/cua give "RetuIy Brule" -1ll1 plilyD'S will sprillt til tile 1iM...


$,"" Counq lire "Dowll-Set-H"IkI.." We ClUI go'oll ".DowJI" or MI,."mIH!r olt'Klkes. " We CIUI also us« "Fruz,e." 0,. Fru:tA 110 OM willlrlDH .".til tile QS l'qJeilU tAe Dtlw-Set- 1£,",

Audibla - tile p,., ClUI be duIIIged at tIu LOS 6.1 tile QB 4fkr lie stIJS "Dawl&." ~ word lae lUa wi1I be IIIIlIIlililJle, tuUl tile SNAP COUNT will be 'Oil 1M jim "Jrlke." The I114dibies CGII be block pll#erlU sllel,'a 'S' or MIZ% - oppos;u to tIIke the SIUfU play the othu way, or words tlulllIWUI pltlJs IIIclla; GIl) ~ IftaIU Zou (34-3S), tUUl CUI] Qzr IIWJ1ISI Cnlue. Exlurrpla C1Iic.,o metUU 34-3S,' CtI~ IfV.tUIS 36-31 Ouse.

Rummy Audibla C4II be IIUIl wlleJI tJce QB tdls tk« t.eQm befon leavbIg tlu addle.

IL BLl7Z" is lIS_ til lorce tIae U/eMe to IIligll arly ad e1imbulte sUmmillg. Tht! QB will CIIll tile plqs lit tJu liM witJa IUJ addle, tUUl t1ae SIUIp COIlIit will be 011 "KIke." Siglllllslor plllys will come from the ridelllle CIHICIt or predder-nUlled

/omuztilJlU tUUl plays will be IISd A/to ellCh play, tIu tum imnwBatel} goes to tlaeir posidoll$ to lUteli/or the QB's ctdL The III4dilJia CtUI H llSed to chlUlge plays.


III HURRY - HURRY,' is lUed to SaH time w/Ule worihtg to seor« qllicJcly. It is

abolll,tIt.e SQIM tu Blitz e:;a:ept til II ","cit qllieker ptu:e, witJa 1111 positloll$ gettillg aligned tIIUI dow,. while the QB receives the pili} lrolll sigllals 011 t!le siUlint!. Prtiktumined/ormatioll$lUId play sigMls will be IUd. Tlat! slUlp COllnt will be "DowlI-Set-Hilce GIld adibla ClUJ H Msd WIc~1I 1UeUd.

FtWIIfIlIiollS: Split R4} or Loft, ad '"" /h,,,, a4 Uft RMu: J4-JS, J4-JS 'S', J4-JS s.J

Ptma: AU" - 7t#', a4 Alllt# • II',

S;glUlb: HfUIIlI Rollbtg - J4-JS

HtUUIs RDllbt, tJwa oMIwul c:IDukd- 's' HtUUIs RoIliII, daI two Iuuub ex:tauW - &Ill Rir1at AmI ExwuW tlap,er IIIIIIIHn - 61# LI/f AntI ~tAajflq. ~1IIHn - " RJ,IItHMIl till BeIIIltiajUt,er IIIImHn-1##

LI/f HfIIfIl till Head tltajill,er IIIImlHn - H AI'IIU CIwMl- Swtqt witIa 61# - "

1M U4m wiIll'dllm to tIu Iultl4k /Dr 1M cd ww t/uN «N tilfl4 ollis or 10111 periods for. dad bIIll. Ewtry1NHly spriJttr to I4IW! tlmcJ QB will yell 'W1lI'r'Y • Hurry" whit we IIUt1 to be 011 tJu kIl 'fter plqs.


PLA Y CA l'.S': ar, 11U1tM by SllriU and hoi. or pass 1'OIlt ••

-: :,

Byll Seia: singh number, temr. 20 's. 30 's Ho/~: odd to kft 1,3,$,7,9 -1WlI to right 0,2,4,6,8

(on run plays thtfirst munw is 1M series, .cond 1M hole) Ptw Serig; all 3 digit calls. 40 ~ $0 's. 60 ~ 70 's. 80 's. 90 's Routg: 0.1,2,3,4,$,6. 7,8,9 pbu ndMdwonb

(on paD plays 1M jInt IfIIIIIHr is the $Ula, second 1M rout. - all ewn serlu Itaw «tim to right and odd to kft)

-Learn 1M bockjield action on allTIDI and paSs suI~sll

LINE SPLITS AND ALIGNMENTS; all alignments ConN ollthe CDIIU, so M must pt set quiclcly. Gu,a,-d's and tDclde ~ Modwilljust 6rcaIt:. IHlt p/tlM 0/. cm1U. lmIl: 1Jne split will cMpend upon Jt!1!Il izbility and 19E ruponsibil/ty on the play CDl/ed. 1M basic split betwen the center and guard wi~ .. 1M 2 to 3/eet,' HttH,n tht guard and tDcJd, j /.,t.

DERNSlYE TECHNIQUE <rl11,lC!: aJlltMm", will call 1M t,chnique 0W1' them .mll! timI. tMy come to the line. 1M caJ.11m1St 1M loud so all U"" and bac.b CQII hear it This call wiU cMtermine block pattems., nm IDnu. and audibles.

h\L!t .

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101-1" (Tay) I.


111-113 (1"..,) 14-lS

14-11DNw 114-11S



IIB-119 (S)

20-21 (Bl«k) 24-21 (BIod) 3IJ-31 (I)rtM- Yar) 32-3J

131-1J3 (D,.".,.Tay) J4-JI (H Sllfety-Blld) J4-31 Sal (H)

34-31 's' (BIod) 134-lJI


J4-JI RogI!I'



J6-J1&til 36-J1Oas.r

J6-J1 Xup (II)

JI-J9 ('I' - Zou - Sal)

IJI-139 .









.u.s4 (Flat)




.,I-S, (FhIt)

49-19 .

611QBDraw 61 FB SCIUII 61-1S

65-7S W1ue1 61-1SPDSt 61

61 R 01' L Jruk

61 R 01' L D-day I 69-."


69-19 Stop Post IIJ-90







16-96 Max

86-96 Max RoU 81-91



.: SE - Backside: Cut-off' Comer

Frontside: Block Comer's inside 112

IE - P.S. - Base block like 8 & 9

B.S. - Stay cut-off deep middle 113

BSI- Base

BSG· Base-Scoop

.. ~ .'

C - O. Shade, Scoop, MLB, PSLB to BSLB

ESG- At 1, 2, 3, Read White to LB

ESl:- B, 41, 4. S, Read White to LB


LJl- Run 8-9 and block Rule

m - Run 8·9 and be a ,reat faker! I



. m ~ Step lateral and crossover step to let square. Run off first covered lineman I'

from center to tackle (aUp at 7 feet) . .

!lB. • Reverse out, fake.sweep IDd Jive ball u deep U poSSlole





196-197 tnrow6ac.t1

SE .. On 106-107. &1M GeL Tlt:hnique 01' Stvttu Streak (out in tMft,ld). On Throwback, g,t a big split and 11111 a StI'Ulk .

TE - Block like 3'6-37 Keep

PST - A, I, 2, J, B, -I/, 4, s

PSG - Pull and blodjirst support on LOS .. ' C - ReaCh. Scoop Silly

BSG •. Scoop. IJa.., (AJI)

BST - Switch, Base (AlI)

LB .. Block First Dawn UlMlIIQII OIltsUM OT

PB - Get ball FaU sweep hard. p~ to X", Ibm," on ··Throwback" pass to Q!J FB - Block lin,1Jac:U, to md ana (IiU 8 .. 9)

QB - Run 8-9 and Bootl,g atY1JI1Id Old antl/or ThTowbackjrom HB



SE - FronJsilJ6 - Block ~ep out.rit:k J/3 BacksiM - Block ~'P Middl, //3

TE - B~ - FrontsidU .stay cut-off - backriiM

PST - &ue

PSG - Cardinal O.SlIDd4 - Base ~J.2.3

C - OnorBSLB

BSG - Base 01' Switch

BST - B~ or Switch

LB - Key Support Bo» Man and block accordingly

PB - Pivot CI'OSSf)l¥r - on third st~p rvn at the Inside Hip of light Ends Block. Think Inside. then out

FB - Open Step and BlocIc Playsiek Lber - Align at 7 yds deep


QB - Reverse Out and!Hod Pitch Ball to HB. FaJe. Boot.





'".,"9 am

SE - RMn a drag 12 yards dt,p avu BS tDckk. As a 2 point play or on 1M GL: Run to the middl, 0/ the goal posts no tk,fIU tJron 2 ytITds from tIw ,ndline. (Toy): Big split. run a thinposl

TE - No W"mg - Slam ,.letue to J 0-1 2 )'tZI'tb _pili and I1l1I to F1tzg. With W"mg - block au 8 & 9/01'2 112 couna rrWuc In FkII to 6 to 8 yard.J dtpth. (Ioy): Ibm Drag Rout, liuourBoot

PST - B Gap - ,/1 - ./ • S - in.riI2 to Gold If ilnt:owrtd PSG • O. ShDt:k. A. 1. 2. 3

C - ShDtMs, O. Aigrusiw Hi",..·


. SSG - Aggrusiw Hmp


BST - Aggrusiw Hinp -·don 't block Old on TO)'

LB - FaU 8~9 -from Wing. 11111 Stnak thnl CB ~ outsid4 pod. On goalliM 11I1J to flat

PB - FaU 8-91J1ocJcjirst opposit, colondj"sq oJlOT's IlZiI FB - FaU 8-9 and block tM LB or first thing that shows .

QB - Mak6 a good Fab on 8-9 and attack 1M opposit, conN1' armmd the ,nd area. 17ainJc runji1'st and throw .cond to the tight md on Drag oJ! Rover

101 ToY·



10 (Fr"'I, Prol, Influlncl)


QB - Ball Carri.r - ~ak. tb. blst bole availlble.

All other positions run .am. IS 30 Ixc,pt on; 'ROG no on. mo~.s .xcept C.nter and QB on Snap; and on INFLUENCE ~I~ard. attack "ide outsidl hip ot man on:

.!!.:.!::! ~,,£I\)eD(e



.. .


------------......,_,_----::----._ ... - .. '_ ... - ... _._'.- .'_--'.'

10 (Pr .. ze, Prol. Influence)


QB - Ball Carrier - ~ake the best bole available.


All other positions run aame as 30 except on; PROG no on. mo~.s except Center and QB on Snap: and on INFLUENCE ~,uard. attack vide outaid. hip or man on:

.!!.:. !:! ~.., f hJc!),e


. . .

.' .



SE.. • rrontside: Inside cut~ff Backside: Backside cut~ff

IE - Stay cut~ff - block deep middle 113

ESI - B Gap to LBer

ES.G - Base or Charlie

.c.. • Base or Charlie


BSI- 5 or LB

LB - Run wide'S' Pathway and 10 cut Rover rtf naked end 'HI him)

m - Run ri&llt at the tail of the center (read his block)

Ell - Fake 34-35 and block what shows in the • A· Gap. Don't chop LB in 'hole

QB - Pivot quickly and. Jive ball u deep as possible to HB. Fake pass.




111· 10 Uo:yl

TE - Block-Receiwr On Toy

SE - Bend

PST - In. On. George

PSG - Charlie and stop In Itok, GeOlp

C - Charlie, Base

. SSG - In, On, Out BST - In, On, Out.

FB • Run 12-/3 and get hit by LBu

QB • FaU /2-/3, step back andfind nmning back, he nm.r IItIdu it or no oM gets it! Look .

for 'T' quicldy .

LB - Run wide '5' path thnt deep uam PB • FaU / 2~/ 3 and get ttdkd by LBe,




I / .0/0 /

=- BE - Block inside half of the corner

TE - Bue or draw attack

BSr·. Base (Slam release)




C -Bue to BSLB (Scoop)

PSG - Draw Base. Scoop Shade and 0 ~ve). PuJple

PST - Draw Base or Purple


LB - Open step 011 Pake parallel to LOS 011 3td step push off to opposite side and read

the block OD the first covered lineman past the center. Listen for -3- Technique call from PSG!! Expect. A· Gap cUt first!!

PB - Run same fake u 400 steps (OD 3rd step) block PSLB'u. Read fint covered : lineman past center. ·3· tecbnique think • A-Gap.

FB - Fake 34-35 and block levels


QB - Make a agg4 Pake to fullback OD 34-35 and brlna ball deep to halfback. Fake Bootlel


" ·, .. ..,t ....


SE - BlocJc buidtt 112 of comer TE - ~ or Prirpk

PST - Draw .. or PIopI.

PSG· - Draw .... , Drlw Scoop SItotM and 0, hrpI.

C - Base to Playsidtl LB (Scoop)

BSG - BQS~ to P/ayskM LB

BST ~ Bas. (Slam &1,0..) ,

LB - Jam 14-1$

PB - Run 3.4-35 1IIDU ~ Fab FB .. FaJz 34-3$ and block kwb

QB .. MakI a good FaJr. to fuJibock on 34-3$ and hand ball ~meath to HB



11+111 fBQQREGJ .

SE - BooIto: RJuranl8-16yardcomeba4

Boot away: Run Drag - J 2 yard.J ~ep ow, BS tDcJcJe

TE - F.s.: Run FIIJg Route and ntJd CB

B.S.: RIIlJ Drag - be J ()..J 2 ytJrtb deep whm ftICII with B.S. oJ/. tacld,

PST - 3, Jj Gap, 41, 4. S,

PSG - 0, ShDd. A, I. 2. '3. InsiM

C -Block back - S/ItJd6. A. 1.2. 3. B Gop ana Hl!JB."

BSG - PuU and blockJi~ man offtDcllk·s butt

SST - Hinp and block B Gop - 41'- 4. S. OIItsiea Man

LB - Run J Step FtW poraIlel to Ws. '17tm Pvppy Track throvglr FB 's alignm,nt Read fi'st cowr,d lineman's block past tJw CDlte, ("you have J T,chnique etzl1 by OG think A Gap cut.)

PB - Run J Step FaJce paralkl to LOS and block playsick LB'"


FB - Fak 14-15 and get out into Route. SlTetch Flat De/ow at 4-6 pd.s

QB - FaJce 14-15 (bring ball 1M. on FaJce). Read tk/ense ,ndp contain. Work/uJlbadc to Tight End.

, \~


SE - FroDtside: Inside cut-off Backside: Backside cut~ff



TE - Stay cut~ff - block deep middle 113 - don't pass up opposite color jersey - possible LB'er

PST- Middle or fint inside LB'er C/eer or Zone Reiease)

PSG - 0, Shade, Influence IDd block out

C -Block back - Shade. A. 1,2, 3, B Gap area to LB'er

BSG- Pull and trap first inan OD LOS Past the center

BSI' - B Gap to HiDle

LB - Run 18-19 - Make areat Fake

PB - Same


FB - Run midline of QB. and center. Break off center's block if covered. If center

uncovered,let into LOS before you cut. .

QB - Drop. step and clear for fullback. Bml ball as deep as possible. Fake 18-19





,,~ =

. 18-19 (' 51)


.~. SE - ProDtside: Switch block first inside defeDder (R), If Rover is lone, tum out OD comer

Prontside ('5'): Read Crack to the field, Rule of 10 into the ~UDdary. Backside: Inside release and cut-off COmet

TE - B.S. IDside release block deep middle 113 .

P .S. Tipt - Slam release to CB Split - rule of teD

BS'r· Hinae or attack B-Gap

BSG- Pull and block 5 - LB - FS

C - Block back

PSG- o· Shade -1- 2, Punch 3 to LB

PST - 3 - B - 41 - 4 - Punch 5 to LB (Call 5)

. LB - 18-19 Steps run ·5· BlockiDI Rules 011. AItG .

PB - 18·19 Steps eyes on QB immediately for pitch J!I-I?

FB - Fake Ht-~rap


(II ~'] .

QB - Fake J.F~ Trap. Tum underneath and Option Pitch Key.




F 1'1

118-119 (5)


·-:·SE - -Run throttled down slant from IWitch pathway. Tab 1 atep upfield and run at Rover, let upfieJd off Rover'. tail cl idle down in the hole '5' • nmjust like 45 .. 55. Nine yard Stop 1loute. Aaainst. bard corner. run idle.

TE - Base block like OD 113 ct 112- C ..... +& ;, S,I.'+ + ..... -.JA ... :J


PST- 3, B Gap, 41, 4, S, check for Stack

PSG- 0, Shade, A, 1,2, 3,lDside

C - Block back - Shade. A. I, 2, 3, B Gap area

BSG- Pull and block firstman offtaekle'. butt

BS'f - B Gap to HiDle

LB - Run 18-19. Mate areat Pake (if '5' call, nm '5' Pathway)

PB.- Same

FB - Fake 18-19 and block LOS level


QB -Fake 18-19. Chop feet u you work down the LOS and throw to Split End off the Rover




· ,·1

'F '

;I' Ie

000 O~,,, J

Q.-O __

SE • Stalk Come,

BacJcside: Cllt-o/l Comu

TE - Zone (Loop eMu to SS) B.S. ,..IMU. InsidtI, block eM. middle 1/3 PST • PSLB '0, always "r.a... outside 1M lWJd Key

PSG - Fin! LB 'er iJuitJ. 1M Reod JCq to BSLG (Wash)

C - FrontsitU ShoM~. 0, ... B3 ShtItIII, DoDad A-J-l, BSLB BSG • Scoop Sht:IM, A, J. 2, J, LB.

SST - Hinp

LB - Run lia 24-2$. but come out and ARC lia 34-3J PB - Run 34-3$

FB - Run midline pathway and mesh with QB lor Give 01' DlscOlVNct. Get ball down the I

fieM .

QB - Read First Down lineman from '~. Gap" OUtsiM on mit:llbM pathway of foDbacJc.

Attack Pitch Kq if IJist:tJnMct

READ KEY is First Down Lineman in A-Gap to Outside




1.f-Z1 (Blockl SE - Block insick 112 of COI7ID' on tM ftonlsklL Baclaick: Baclait.k CJlt-off

TE - First man outsick. "Block- KIf same 1Vhs cu 34-35 'j' Block

PST • First 1IIQ1J on LOS outsiIM 1M &Dd Key "Block" • sam. cu 20-21'

PSG • Same as 20-21

C • Same as 20-21

SSG - Same cu 20-21

LB • Same as 14-1 j Rule (Block PS LB '0) PB - Run 34-3$


FB - Run mid/ine pathway and Muir with QB Jar Gtve or DIscOl71lect. Get ball down the field

QB • Read First Down IiMman from "14 Gap" outsick on mldIilM pathway of fullback. Run oJftDclcle or tight end's block and option Pitch Key



_TE -'Rela. to the P'S lcYel

FST· 1. ShoeIhiDe 2. Bue

FSG- 1. Relax to LB level 2. Sue

, 3. Switch 3 Tedi. (Rub)

C - I. Drive or Draw B10ct Nose

2. Insure pp to LB 1eYd. Do-Did

3. CbarUe

BSG- I. Releue to LB Jcve1

2. Base

3. Switch 3 Tech. (Rub)

4. Charlie

BST- 1. SboeMine 2. Ba.te


- ,-----------------

SE· Streak. eIXf up, ill aD inside-out positioo to block.

QB • Push back with wapt on pJayslde foot open to 6 o'clock and Jive ball to deep u possible. fib optioD dow1l LOS ••• Dever loot back.


FB - Run up the QB and Ct, bactboae. •• read the defense aDd run to dayU&ht. LB • ,Fake 34-35. QB can call Divide or H ..... I, -C"

PB • Fake 34-35, QB can caD Divide or B. ., ,. - , .,

NOTES ••• 1f in Doubles bl~ inside out on E (OLB). U man coveraae lWll F1a& Route.

. 30-31 DRAW Joe ~, YAEE. '==

Ilne set up in pass protection thea attack yoQr man. AD others Run »31.

32-3' (PB!DITERKtUD om TO nl

n - U - DC to •• f.ty or -llocJt-

AI - In.ide r.l •••• to de.p III

~I~ - •••• (1,4%,.,5,ta) or ... d -Whit.- with G if po.,ibl. ~'Q - A,l,2,l,"ad -Whit.-, La

C - O,lhad.,A,l,Mta,

.coop Bact,id. aad. - OVu an4 Up

PSLB to aSLB· .'

.IG - Icoop, cutoff, SWitch

.'t' - CUtoff, hi tell

•• - Pl.y,id, - any cut oft d.ep out,ide 1/3 lack,id. - cut off de.p ~ddl. (Fa)

Q. - lu ••• 34-35 _t ftO ••• Giv. to the n - super Pak. the

option. • .

n - Short , inch l •• d .t.p and run to , cheek of czuar4. G'. Block •. (Pr.-Snap Key ~. fir.t down .an the OT)

La - Sam •• ,·34-35 '5', if Hak.d End -Bw.


»a· - Sue a. 34-35 - Pak. r.c.iving the pitch, .. y flare it in dou]:)l •••

TE - On Toy. insitk re/etl# and read CB to Flat

On Dump. insitk release, witan to origiMl alignment and look/or 1M ball

SE - Push to outsid6 Streak. On Toy, 11111 Post

LUu - In-On and Aggrc.ssi1le

FB • Fake 34-35

QB • Fake 34-35 - On Dump. jump back and throw to 1E. On Toy. Bootleg to TE LB - 'H' Block on Dump. Run Crass RDllte 011 Toy

PB • FaJr.. 34-J5 on Dump. Mtix on Toy

TE - 8aclqid( -Inri. "leas. fktt and CfltOJ/ r,k'p middle 1/3

FronlSide -Ifsplit smale blod deep outside 113 - Crack to boundary If tighJ. ZoM releas« to./ne sofety (Loop Ched)


FST - I. ZOM Block - Bau A 4-3 LB. i/G is covered V,er -11$- J Tleh.

2. "SlacJc Rule - give "ECHO· call .

FSG - I. B~ - ShDt:k - A-1-2-J-LB

C - I. Scoop

2. Insure fronlside A Gap to LB iewl J. FSShoM

BSG - 1. Scoop 2. Cutoff

J. Possible switch

BST- 1. Shut-off and tiownjield 2. Switch


SE - P/avside - streaJc 40 yds. deep tznd then stalk de,p outside 1/3 possible Read Crack or

Switch - Crack to Boundary and on Sqfoty. Block the comer

Backside - block middle 1/3

. .

QB - Open at " 0 'clock - Rick with FB - Read first man in B Gap to outsid8 tackk on the LOS - then attack LOS - option QB responSibility and react accordingly. lfyou don't·

give to FB, do everything you can 10 pitch. /

. FB - Short 6" lead step and run 10 oulsick cheele ofguard/orming good mesh with QB and read guards block; being aware 01 cutting under guard's block of 2 or J Technique.

LB - Pivot and Crossover and ARC blockjirsl man thai mows in 1M supporl box. Be ready to tum up on srd slep if you get alia. stunljrom the Comer or Rowr. If Doubles ARC on Corner support - possible craele; it is an automatic crack on "opposite" ca/I into boundary. H' on CQ/L .

PB - Pivot and Crossover and be ready for pitch: You are responsible for maintaining a J yard deep 4 yard wide reiatiolUliip to the QB all the way down the field. If in Doubles. drop step in motion to regular Wishbolle position; liming should be such you don't have 10 slow dawn andfrom this position it is same as from Wishbone. GO;II motion on QB's fOOl

· 34-35 SAfEI'V


.- TE - ARC Release co Cometback.

LB - Block safety level, after checldq LB

SE - Block Comer


TE - Block

SE - Block Comer

_. .

LB - Block opposite TB - to Safety, leVel •


14-35 SE6L -llM. Dill] '" TE

TE - FI'OIIISiM - "Seal" &leaM for LB Ie .... L QB "'lgIrI option LB. liM • V.e, bloddng

SE - /aDd Crad

AU Otlun - Sam. as 34-35

34-35 "H" SML -lbIlI Dilly til TE

QB • SamelU 34-35 H LB - ~asJ4-JJH

All Otlttn • Same as 34-lJ S«U

., WJ-S (Block) TE - ARC· J 0 yard rule, on "Block" man 011.

LINE - Veer Block

SE - Check Support BO% - Possibl, IW:1d Crack - Rule of J 0 InJo boundI:zry

LB - Block LB '/~' inside or oulSiiM md 1IIQIJ on LOS. i/1IO LB go to Saftty level. (Can ARC)


3lt .~. BtD~ k
~ e: ;
e, ~~ R B Co
S o;~
o~ , lUlU'S'

(S, 1, " ¥-', o.s. s-ra. PrIrt, n." 'I-S-mJ

SE • R1l1I Route etdled 01' compliment

TE • Run Route CtJlkd. compliment 01' block PST • Gap Pau Pro

PSG· Gap Pau Pro

-----C-- • Shadu. O. ~HInp -

BSG • Aggrusiw Hinp SST • Aggnssiw Hi.

LB • Run 'j' PaJhway and nadFS and 1V1I Roufll CICCOI"dbrg1y

PB • MtI% protlct'

FB • Gap Pass Protection (Fax. 38·39 $)

QB • Fake "38-39 S. Glt outside IS block and read Safoty lor thraw to JiB


-13&.\ 'S·



oosoo o




oo®o o


JNSROGER FS TE OR FS SE - In.ridtI,..ra.. and blDck COI"ItU bock

FST - Veer "lease and tum outsJik/or Rawr or FS

~G ) BA3E •. Prot«t tnsid6 Gap SSG


SE or TE • (B4lI ClIrr1o) Drop Step tnI nm throfIgh RB 's alignment, "tId tIICJck area and

get up-field ' .

QB - Falr4 J4-J5 and pitch to SE (Adll" -v.s- Eia. eitJwr sliM) FB • Falr4 J4-J5

LB - HBlock

PB - Falr4 34-35, Maz Pau Prp



'rE 0' FS SE • CrackF1qz

FST ~ V,.,. "luzse and Loop bGc.t to LOS




In-On and Aggressive, no OM down-fi,/d

'~~ tS'tE - Block the ea, -Slock· (Tan) BSTE - Cut ott and block deep tbird PSX - Cbeck ·Support- Box ~ea",~ BSX - Cut ott tb. Backside Corner

PST - Sl •• Veer and widen to rs - -GAp· -va- LSer Plul - ·VaabR it man lour tao. - Double vitb Y on Tan •


PSG - Veer 81ock1na C - Veer B1ock1n,-

SSG - In-On-LSer-OF - (poss1b1e sw1tch) SS~ - Shut otr and OF •• w1tcb

FB - Read luard's block and run or block accord1n.l,

(LB 'er to 1S) . -'

QB - Read Inside Linebacker (take it outSide un1.s. he runs outside) and run option accord1naly. Call 'H' -va- tire. 'Audible to ·'5' - - B-Gap that came trom outside-lnl

~B - ARC Block. It 'H' is called. block the man responsible tor the QB.


PS - Get 1n pitcb relat1onsh1p witb QB and become ball carrier



g. - -Block- and run .ccordi~ly n - Pale. and block LIS C .xp.c1: to ))cune.)

z.a - Bloc:lc LB your 'l'B'. ):)loc:lc - •• va. .LOCK ~ DenT eM ZIIGJr.nrDfQ.

31-'9 H IASI ILOCI <Any front>

~ - 211y,141 - Ba.. Block I. - S ..... 34-35

n - 34-35

31-39' $ i (BLOa) <VI.r>

r.u. -

~8·3'i Sif.4 , (If) TI. - s" .. ~

L.8 - ~ It, .~ tt

.. - H Block Rla4 K.y r.a - '5' Blockln9

ALL OTKZRa - Sam ••• 38-3t

38-39 Cougar

•• ~ - Rook th. .an on

La - '5'



n - La to FS *HQlI - Clnter to 78 if uncover.d on all 3a-3"., 'XClpt on Tom



O-Lin. - Zone Block ~ Fa - Block Rlad X'Y~

Jf.J1 (0tmiM Yecr)

TE .. Block down /11 C aq, .. TQII- v.s. Etzgle go to MLB FST - Tan with TE II1IIus "Gap" IsClllkd

FSG - Pull and BI«k LB If you or 1M tackk an II1tCOW!r«l &sc If both an t:OWI'Ut C - 1. Reach P.s. for A. Gap 10 J TechnJf/Ile

2. Ba.-

J. Shade G

BSG - 1. JJa. 2. SIDy cutoJ/ J. Switch

BST - 1. Shut off and D.F. 2. Switch

SE - 1. CUloffmiddh /13, 2. Rex-uo stnDIc or Crack or &ad Crt:d

QB .. Tah elongat«l*p JIat down LOS and Mula with FB. ' 1'011 will haw to Ils. a littk "BWS" as)'Oll rUJd 1M C-Gap. IJ P, IIJtlU pitch Fab oJ/Conwr SIIppOrl.

FB .. Same as 301 ~pI your kzndmarlc Is a little wiMr to 1M InsIt2ldp 0/ 0fH tDcJ:lL l/you

don't gel the ball, squeeze 1IOI1h and bloclc LB /fyou CQlI. (Align ai 7 foet) .

LB .. Run ICKJd course Jor insitk cheek ollE - you are responsibk Jor tIN P.s. LBu. If he is I absorbed, flatten to 1M Safety Lew! Avoid CB on Fire. Block Comer on ARC.

PB .. Same as J4-3J

TE - Block Inside LBIT or Wash

FST - BlockJ-B-oIl

FSG .. Base S-A-/-2-J-B--I1


C .. Base

QB .. Read Man on TE

LB - Same as J6-J7. possible ARC


JI-;" gEP C1M SE - as: ClIt-06 middle 1/3 - FS: block CB

TE - Y,,, down T,ch f1WT tod:J, - doubl, YAtJr tDckJ,. gap call you htzt,.w thlm by yourulf - if I4ddI is 1lIICOYD'td, go to MLB



C • Rudt 1-2-A-Shad-O

PSG • Pull and block the End

and on UHH go widn to LbI,

To N." - PSG· 1st man on LOS (S T,cIa out) PST - GGp or Slam

.' .

LB - Stznr, 36-37 (tal "s" BlocJdng ruI,) or "H··

PB - Ibm 36-37

FB . - Fak4 3~37 antI,.,ad guards block on End/or LB insitM or out • on '~H" bounce for . LB toSafoty. AI/gnat sevmfat

QB - Fak4 36-37 antI/ollow Jul/bock /1Lfid6 or outside iUJ,nsiw,nd. Pitch Key isfirst ~ outsids tmd. If "H", atIIJCIc ovtside 1M ,nd Ql'1Q.

3 (, i<';.. J,~ F.

S &



136-137 <KEEP) (S)

- SE - Run a deep cross (2S yards deep 011 the opposite I'.) off the comer. If corner is

- nJDn;DI hard on the backside, route may break behind him to the post.

TE - Block like 36 & 37 aDd know when let pp call

PSr- A. 1,2. 3. B, 41, 4, 5

PSG- Pull and bJock man over tiaht eDd or first to &how

C - Reach, Scoop Stay

BSG- Scoop or Auressive Hin,e

BST - Agressive HiDae - .

LB - Run 36. Block first opposite color jersey to PSLB'er

PB - 'H' Protect

FB - Fake 36-37 and block LB to End uea


QB - Fake 36-37 Keep (make a areat Fake). Throw to the split end OD crossing route off the. comer

•• ,.


36-37 CREASE

-= *W"dI be used wheo the DB is mockina our PST off his ZODe release and we can iet

aD LB - (3-4 foot splits). .

A~~ .

TE - ... Release to Safety. BS - Middle 113

SE - FrQutside .. Streak Block or Read Crack - Into Boundary ·CrackBaek$ide - Middle 113

PST- 1. Base

2. Tom

FSG- 3. Rub Under

1. A Gap to LB - IelAC."

2. Scoop -

~. I.Scoop

2. Stay Cut Off

3. Switch



1. Inside Release

2. Switch


QB - 36-37 Technique and Read End Man on LOS - Step for more width on second step

FB - 36-37 • Stay in the Crease.

LB - Read and React to HOle-Hard 10 outside, Squat 10 block, Feather Out 10 under to Rover. Stay out of FB '5 pathway.

PB - 34-35






,-- Plaii1de - ARC on 'S or Loop Cbe.k.

Backside - In.1de rel.I •• to m1441e 1/3

SI - SI.e as 3--35

PS~ - Bla. or Under

PSG - 1. 2~ 3.

c - 1. 2.

SSG - 1. 2.


BS'!' - 1. 2.

Blae oppoaed Possible Red Cill Possible ·Under·


'la181de Gap (K.d Call)

Scoop Cutoff A Glp Sw1tcb

Ina1Ce Sw1tcb


QB - 'l'tl.reis no 1iv. to the FS·but lOU DUst FA ICE to mike tbe play lucc.aaful. Aocelerate and option QB respona1bility.

lB - 3~-35 except you know lOU won't rec.ive tbe ball. Make I k. and you mast b. tackled or blook.

LS - Same la 3~-35. (H or Safety)

PI - 3--35 /

sE-"_ Treat Ju.t 11k. lo"e. Check SlJpport Box tront.ide. unless into bouncary .tben crack.

Deep Middle 1/3 lt backs14e

TE _ Block 11k. any lone play - ARC to l.S. when t1cht. When

aplit into boundary automatiC Crack unless'lou bear Saretl call _ blle CS.

IS~ - Sbut ott and Dr. SWitCh ISO - Sooop, Switch. Cut ott

.C - Iteaob 2. 1. A and take Sbade In4 O· PSG- Tom Block Man over tackle or Seal LSer PST - Veer to rirst .an 1nsid. to as' LSer

La - Run ARC Rule. (L1~ten ,tor Satetl call trom QB) P8 - Run 38-39

.8 - Run 38-39 and bounce to blOCk Ller to Sarety.

18 - Run 38-39 and option QB responsibility. Make Quick Pake to

FB (no Read). don't bani lone vi tb him. S. aware ,or "Pi tcb" Key accorc11n& to 'ARC or Sarety.






f--- ---








Run a Crack-P1I,.Stud4Ir Strlak,Stop, or Ct as called. On 138-139 :. ~ Halfback run an outsl~e streak.

Run an Inside Streak. Do not block until ball 1s tbrown.

!! - G.L. - P.S. Inside Release and run Fla, Route B.S. Ins1de Release. run Post

SE.- Pronta1de:



lock 11ke 38-39 ~. - ~ !2I 10 downt1eldl c$41' "1.~Jt:.

Alaressive H1n,e or A"ress1ve Sama (Goalllne)

LB - Release on ARC Pathyal


f! - on Pltch- aelat101'lsb1p

FB - Open St&P to End Area and block Pl.,51de LSer. Get into LOS, b~t -- ~o not cbase 4ovnt111d.

g!, - Execute 38:-39 =-- and e11minate Pitch Key (E.Tr\Ol-OS)


V 9

v o

cD H.8.


1. Si11fllJatu OIIT J6-J1 pkly action witA 0111' QB CtJIIIing back 011* LOS J sups. and throwing bocJaia


G & T - Bleck IN. ON or Step insitM and grt your InItt 0111 o/IM way. On "Gap " c.aJJ block Lber or first man ;(ISi. GuonI ha.r A-Gap and tocJde htu B-Gap

FB - On·"GGp '., bltdflnt 1fIQ1f off tJw IDCkk I" I4JI

La - '·H" Bleck -limnp ~'Gop'./DI' 'Wi" MR- Path

PB - Check ~'lOlkl" tMn nIeDs. to rou •• unla:sMAX or SOUD Is called TE - Bb;A "'FIRE··, ifntRlC, rekcse to rou~

~ Step playsitU gap. IIIr1I bad and to.bI fint man In your laa. Ifno OM in )I0Il' jau, drt;Jp at 90 tIt,.e angle and check/07IJacksitJ.rush or release Jor possibk sCreen..


G <I T - Step to p~ gap and taU jim man inyovr ja&e. Uno OM in your face. drop at 90 cavee angle and check/or badaiM rush 01' T./~ joT possible screen. No Jl9SSibl, .scre,n on "Sqlicr or ~'Mar" call or '~wn,er.

PB - CMck "Solid" then "rea.u 10 Route, unJus Maz or Solid i.r called

4. FSX ;sHot Rec,iwI'. "HOT·· is a Slant Ra&lle. If comer is playing tight X wi/J signal 10 QB (puU/ace mask), QS will acJarowledp and X willnm stTeoJc.

5. The Routu:

40/-$0/ : QB Drawl 402-502 : FB Screen 403-503 : Post WM,I Cross .

404-504 : Search WlNel (Read &arch 10 Post) 40S-50S : Search

407-507 : Post

409-S09 : Flag

402-502 FB SCREEN

~ RD's ad 1'£ or SB Rlm Post-Wheel to aide of screen UJd use recuJar rules for backside.

O-Llne- Block Rules for SCreeD. Block ONLY -Base·'

FB - Set up beb;nd pard, th~ after ODe count slip out behind TB area to opposite side. Stay behind LOS IDd look for ball quickly.

. QB - Set up fot 400-500 thea drop. expect the PI to be dpt IZld close to the LOS.


401-501 QB DRAW

- . RB'5· TE - SE- Run Post-Wheel, decoy or block backside.


O-Llne- Block Base Pass PrOtectiOD Rules - if DO one to block. 10 to BSLB

FB • Block Base Rules and let PSLB'er

QB ~ Set-up on DOrmal400-S00 drop Uld read first covered IiDemaa from center to backside. .



4OQ.500 RO~<; mIl SJILJT END


laside mIeate to simullle

backside cut-01f. At 5-7

yds work to center &be CB

up (push vertically). AI 14

yd.t push to post cl wort curl off the lint UDdemcalh def'ender

InsIde release to simulate hlclaicle cat-otL At 5-1 ,. work to CIIl. tbe CB lIP (pusI1 vertically). At 14 JdI head 4 shoulder Fake to P1a& "IUD to Dear post

Inside reIe:ue to simulate bacbide cut-otf. At 5-., 'y4a work to ceDter 1M CB up (push ver1ica1ly)1' At 1. yd.s head a shoWdrz Pake to the pose ct !WI your spot.


!lad outside Plat ~ I« Sean:II. to HB

~~ ·0


'1.: ~ - Se 0-< '-tQs .. ~~s

Read Comer aDd Safety Cor thtow


liloCC) c::)

'-tQ$ -$0""

"(01 ·s • ..,

. !ladPlat~ &r~HB



SEARCH Iuide release- Get

snilbt 1JPfleld readin& Dell'LBu. Qet 12 ,cis, findopeaateaandcome ba.c:k to QB. Noce-be aware or blitzina LBer-ud adjust route acccrdiD&l,. XDow if two or three LB'. ICbeme

POST Imside teIease- Get 10 yds and bead into )'CUt pattem aimin, at the near ,OIl post. spur you let 10 yards make stick move.aixI tbea let hato pattern same aimin, poinL Adjust 10 Search

smEIJNS Inside Come

far enouah inside to let CB to coine aver the top. Make Break flat to sideline at

10 yards.


Work 1E hard off backside LBer. II covered tbrowto BB

Read Comer uad Safety for throw


CROSS Inside release- Pick Read Comer (or Split End OD Streak to Flat

. your way 1hrouab the LBers. De!mdu for Cross to HB

Get to about 10-12 yds.

depth by the time you let

to opposite side tackle

much Ub 11"-115 BT at

8" 9.

FLAg Inside release pt up1ield 1~ yds, Read Fla1 defender to comer for throw sell post. break to FIa& .'

justinlll1&le ba.secl OIl your spot








. ~ot,tb

TE ON ca PI iu:

..... ---


~~ 14"

. .#11 ,~ •• '.0 .

"0' Ap. . .... . ... : t

...-.:.:__ ar....a.. . .


1. Simu/atu our 36-37 acdon with tJw QB coming down tlH liM to throw jrontsid4

2. Pass Protection Bloding (Gap is Rule - Bose is"CalI)

liM - SQIM as 4()()'500 Maz

TE - same as 400-500 011 baclt.side FB -.same a.s 400-500

LB - "HH rml6.s.s ~C i.J cdkd

PB - You Itt:Ne ARC Rout', nus ARC 01' MAX I.J CQ/W

1. FSTE - Run Rord, C4lkd

-t. FSX - Run Rout' called and ""* a:lju.stmDItJ acctH'dlng to Cowrap s. TMRouta:

-/3-53 : CI'QC~

%4-1-54: Post WM,I- iFlDt H) 45-SS : Hooi

%46-56: Out

%47-57: Post - C'ARe" 48-58 : Streak - (''FIizt'' 49-59 : F1IZg

6. Call ARC or MAXwitlllS-55 tofi,1d

1. Call Gap MA}{l1Iitir 4S-55 to boundary 8. Call MAX with 46-S6



ROUTE ":':..J

§ <ioallin.



~ IOtrn'$ mil SPLtJ: Eml



.... 00f1Mt to S Jd.t. Come out ofbnat • &aIM ..,.. U Cnct. Pull to ... pst. apfteld IbouJd. IDd IUD vertical 3 lID 4 ydI from Ill. ps

Ibm Joute just JJb 41-". ..u. SpIlt IDeO Ill. BuIa.

....... to .oatUf • .,. of

of CIOf'IW. AI , ,. pI_

oatIlde fboc ad JIv. au'" to die QB. Work bact todal baD u It', dIr'oWi. Q.1bpga~ a ltGUI&~ 1dI.

RelIUI to outsJcS. 1)'8 of .. Carur RWl Speed BrV' (doa't 1ICd. ~ ru away from die con .. ) .9-11 JdI.

, Outside rei .... push to 5 )da deed ill EDd Zou, comeback

outside to fJq .

Release to outsIde eye 01 the come:r. Had • SbouId .. Idct the aul • , yatda aDd NIl poll lID 1ba DIll' .,.. P*-

Release to outsI4. eye of COt'DtI'. RJp duouP outsId. pad of COI1III:r (wilD. avoWq coaac::t) ad pc anlPt upfteiL 1.It QB brfq you eo aideliDI. 0 apg: Fid.

5mIIl: Idle

nrow ball 'Off WIIIl. 1brow 10 Rolt of DelIQU. lAId Spilt EDd oat Ia from

" .. pat Nlllallld I bd. ReId Safecy aid CorIIIr tbr type of dIrOw 110 be DUd ...

.'nrcrtr ott N .... Ilk SplIt !lid III the DWI1bcn. allll eon. IDd IDnr

Two .. off N_. Wort cIowD LOS". 'Ibrow bill oatalde to hnn""lfJ

o. depth off WIIh. Tan aboald .. aDd mrow ball low uxS outside tp PJII.


" Itep& put MedllDlll back. Read Safety and .ecn. for type oldlrow to be mad ...

" md J put Neill. 1bnrw ball off Corner hiah mf ouuJd. tor 'I'D or bIcomplete.

hip aa4 0QUId, tor 1'D


1 .

41 .. 51 IOurn; lOB DGB'[ Eml

ARC reJease NO at ca. If be supports cut off butt IDd flatten out. If CB squats run past him let depth to the S.L •• lflle deepeD.I bit S.L. u soon IS you CIll - usually about 8-10yds.

Inside release Jet bact

aD stem look at P.S. an the way like you're loinl to block him aDd then bend in on your POst anJli,DI for the Dear ,oaf post. Don't'Jet too far over the micIdle, stay upfield. (Skinny Post)

Split • ruD streak

lettinl outside on CS. Tipt - ARC release nm at the CB like you t re loin, to block and then nul 100 yd dash tryin, to beat cornu by lettina outside leveraao •

. .

Two steps off Mesh. Work down LOS. Read Comer for Flat wow or aD top and between Safety.

: 'Work 4atepl off Meah aDd 1 step back.

Read Safety for throw.

Work 4 steps off Mesh aDd 1 step back. Read Comer for throw. Ball should be

. hip w outside. J




" .






QlJ. - Work FkIg to Ovt

SE • FS: Run Q hairpin out. no d8t/H1' thtzn8ycb

BS: Rltn Q vertical SITed

lilJ. - RB: Rtor FfDgRou* (Deep Void) MIlb IJntzk at 10-12 yd.J

LB: Block Solid.


, ,




,,- " tnipf.

aa - Work FTIzg to Out .

SE. • FS: R1III alttrJrp/n Old. 110 dsepu thtIII 8 )'Ib

BS: lbIII a vptical streak

lilJ. - RB: RJm Flog

LB: Block lst 1fUJ1I outside OTon

LOS. /


TJJis is a stTaight dropbadc passing s;yst~m thaJ allows routes to be used in all areas oftMfitId.

6# Routes an to 1M right and 7# RDuu.J an to tIw left A WORD Rouu can be addedfor the back.rie'M rtceive,. othuwise all bGdaide routu an mimN.d or complimentary.

PAM PROTECTIQN: FlIlIbock always blocb to 1M rig/rt and 1M O-Lint 's backside is always to 1M left· EXCBnwMn "Swap"'u CJJlled by tJw QB.

PST • B-Gap, 41. ~, J. OIItsialWhe,·

PSG - A, 1, 2, 3, M/p cmID" to BSLB

C - BS A-Gap to 011

BSG - BS B-Gap It) On to mng, BST - BS C-Gtrp to On to HIngt

FB - Block 11fSit2!bt, to o.t.1IdI LHr to Release RB - Run Routu Called 01' Solid Block

1'£ - Run Route CIIlkd or Solid Block .

QB - Drop straight bad behind the cmtu. Use audibles (3wap, Solid. 8#-9# and Option)

for beSt protection. . .

SE - Run Rout&! caJhd - b. r~ady Jor 811·9# audibles



.1 ~ $fB

ev. !VLV B ~. 1:):(j (6) Ci a

\ I. . . .





O-Li", • Block Bas. 01' Swap

EB. • Block Insid6 LN,.

Qa. • Ball carrier- Read middle

4UR"fiV!r, run 68-78 Routes

CaII11I1J to either sitU by o/"Swap .. CQ/L


Q.Ljllf ·BIock~· held 2 count and r.I,cs. 10 LbD'$

QH. - Set 9, Rltrlal. tJrrow over

",idt:ik to FB

a. - s.t up tn middle behind the LOS

AD Blqmr, - Run 68-78

I C411 nm to eitJur siM by fUI of ,. Swap ..



~-n M-n

QB. - Throw Flat Curl off tJw Flat or

Squat ~fendu

SE. - Both: Run 1-1 yd Curl off a 10 yd

Post Sle~ Into bOflltdory run a trw hook ueping route outside

lIB. ·lUJn Flat Route - 44 yds deep - 2 yds from sid6 lines

6$ W1tcd U -15 Wltul

Q8. - 17nw W1tullo SttircJt off


SE. - BotJr: RIm 14 yd Curl off Q 10 yd .

Post SI,m. Into BOflltdory: Run a /nIe hook, lueping route outside.



_ .




Q.8. -If 3 de,p work HB is off FS. lj 2 deep. throw off 1M jrontside half defend

SE. - Both: Run vertical streak. Keep

route outside a hard comer

HlJ. - Run Stretch Route

6' - ",
B. 61
.. " -
~ aa ./f 31Hep. work insitU receivers
off 3!l:Ifoty. If 2lHep. tIraw off
tM fronlS'idl half rlIfondu
SE. .. Both: Run Vertical StreaJc. Keep
OOCDOO Roll. outsitU a hard corner
~ IE .. lUIII Streak Route
lIB. .. RIIII Str,tch Rouu
68L-Hig 1.1. • B. £. £. Hltk
QB. .. 'J'1rgw HIIM Rallte ojJ Uer
e- m -BItd
SE. -Botlt: Ibm V,rtical Streak. Keep
OQ>·OO outside Q han:I cameT
0 ~
HB. -RB.aStnd ,
LB .. Run Bilk Rout,
68klfuk If .. R tJt" L U.a

QII. .. 11row HkU Rouu ofllber
E6. -Block
SE. - Bot": Ibm Y,rtica1 Streak: Keep
Ct outside Q Irord comer
IE. -RunStnak
<ZOO IJJJ. .. Run Hid Rout,
0 P · 6.- Z!





Q4. -17rt:Jw Delay Route to called $irk offtlN Lber

~ - Dtlay: Run hairpin II1IIi8r route no rMeper than S yds: Other run Stnok

E1J. - Block OT clear middl,

1iIl. - .Rsm Slntclt Rout,



Q6. - 11row IA/ay RmiI6 /0 called sirk oiltlM Lkr.

EB. - Block or ckar middk

SE. - Delay: Run hoirpin tmder route no tUepll than S yds: Other run

Sud , .

IlIJ. - Run Str,tch Rout' (RB) Run Streak (TE)

QB. - Work Fmg-Post Combination to Out Cut

SE. • FS: Run a hairpin out, no duper than8yd.r

BS: R1I1I a wrticaJ Streak: Keep route DUm. a hard comer

fflJ. • Run Flag Route (RB)

Run Post Routt through free safety position (LB)

• •




f'- "

QB. - WOP'k Flag - Post Combination to Out ellt

SE. - FS: Rsn a hairpin out, no dcept, than8yds

BS: Run Q wrt/CQ/ Stnak Keep RollI. oulsids a hard corner

liB. - RJm Flag Rout, (IUJ) Run Post Rout' (IE)

Q/J. - 1Mow Post oJftlM safety SE. - BS: lbl1I J" yd Post Rout.

FSo' Run hairpin out, no ckepe,


IJJJ. -RB: Rzm87

LB: RJJn Flag Route /

79 Stop Post

I'· ", Stop Post

QJl. - ThrawPost o./ltlN safoty SE. - BS: Rzur 14 yd Post Rout.

FSo' RunhaiTpin out, no deeper than8ydJ

liIJ. - RB: Run 87

LB: Run 8 yd Hitclt

IE. - RIm Flag Rout.

411- 1fI URlPSJ

69 Bar 6'. 7' Flae

QB. • 17m. Deep - Frontrid4 (Flag to
(Nt CUI)
rwo Deep - Back.rid4 (Flag 10
L Drag)
SE. - FS: Jbm a hairpin out, no deeper
. B& RJDJ 14 yd Flag
HB. • RB: Run FIIlg ROlli'
LB: RJm Route
65 Post ss- 11 Poll

Ql1. - T1w, [)e,p - F~ (Flat •
,,,.,t. CII1'I Off UllMmeaJh DlI.nd4r)
1Wo /Alp • BacksitU (post to
/ SE. - FS: ibm J 4 yd Curl off of a lOyd
Post Stem
BS: R1In a J 4 yet Post I
lJIJ.. - RB: Run Flat Route
LB - Run Cross Route HJJ. - RBo' Run Streich Route

LB: Run Cross Stretch Route

. QIJ. - 17v" Deep - Work HJJ IS off safety Two De,p • Pick outa side and work off hall ds/ende,

SE. - BotJr: Run vertical StreaJc outside the hard corner


- This Sprint out system is based on -called- ro.utes beiDa adjusted to secondary coverages, Consistant -Reads- and timina ue essential to success!

em Protection (Base is the rule - -Gap- is the ·Call·)

B~~ ~HiDle

C -Block O. Sbade or HiDae

PSG- A, 1, 2, 3, LB then to Nose

PST- S, 4 Eye, 4. 5 - call -Gap. -VI- a 3 Tech

FB - Block: first man offRB's butt (listen for ·Oap·)


PRB· Block: first man off tackle's butt

LRB- Hot to Route

c» o





. u .. " Htil Mm

QB. - T1trow ball high and to 1M mtIfIMn

SE. .. FS: Big split and run a Streak

BS: 17ghtDl Split and run a Deep Croa .. get in positionfor a tip~ bGll

lIB. .. B«b" split Hash ani run SlreaJc to 'lfllllllJe1'~

All QW' Reqivta .. Run Sl1'eaJc Routes


0-- ..... _-


Qa .. Sprint and ut up out.Si1:2 taclck, . tIraw Nck to C1'O$J

4U Ot!tq R«cliygs .. Run Sl1'eaJ:.r

o. .. ,_ __

.. _.

I' .. 9' y-Cros.t

Q8. .. Sprint and ut up outside tackle, thivw to Y-Cro.u


U-'1 FBDrp O-lJ", - Bi:J.u to BSLB

QJ1. - Sprint and hand 10 FB

Ell. - Ball carri~, .. nod middle

SE . -Rlur88-98

Rqy - Low -/Wn 88 - 98

IE. .. Block FS, RIm 88 - 98 BS S/Ill .. Block FS. Jbm 88 .. 98 BS

n.'2FBSmg O-Ltnr· Bid ScnDllbllu

Ell. .. S~t up CNtsiiU tacJck and behind LOS

. I

Ql1. - Spmn OUtsiiU tackk, SlIt up and tJrrNtDFB

SE. - RJJII 88 - 98 Rgy-Lgr-Run99-98

IE. .. Block FS. Run 88 .. 98 BS Sl9J. - Blod FS. run 88 .. 98 BS


a· HI-

, DeIp .. lMdl1ll Det.det 2 n.., ..... $Ip& Ox...,_ • n.vw to HI

fS: V_ Splil A NIl .14 ycI Hook It. BS: .... 1014 POll

TdpI kt: ba. Snak I.DuIe. o.r o.p

SIaCI Beet: It.eI .. 10 flal4-6 yda at the ·ciM ..



..... N

ga. , DIIp. RM4 2 o.p ·ltMd Safety . w.. - 'DItow WJIeII

II· lS: ... l0J"loIt ....

IS: 1m 15 74 Dia oil 01. 10,.s POll ....

HI. TIipI Beet: ba .SpriD& Wheel puaIIiq !>tip to ~ ,.sa A tam bead to QB aDd d ap&ld ca Wheel 2·3 yd.l put the 1IctIom of 1M nmben .

SIoC BIde Iloct SpriAt Protectioh Rule..

ga. 3 n.., . lltId P1U DeleDdet tcr HB to Curl.

2 Deep • It.Md SqgI& Comet

II.- - Draw to HI

D - PS: bD. 14 yd Bcd Route.

IS: ba. 10 )'d POIt

HI. Tripi kt: laIeue to Plat 4 y4 at tba


86Ma .


Ql1. - 11raw out Cut vnI~.s.r cow,ed. tMn I'rI1I 01' audi.1J1~ kst option

SE. • R1l1r hairpin out at 8)1ds against hard COI'M" run Mtz% Roll

lI/J. . - MQ% hot~ct





I' - If Mq Roll

QB. • 17rr1w aut tmd lip II1IIa.s covned. tMn rvn cr audibk ~ option

SE. - RJDI hairpin out aJ 8 yd.f. Roll ovt brdand 11111 Stnak

/IJJ.. • Maz hot«:t


.. "

• •


.- .

~t ['


J 0.., .11U'OW - to void

2 DeIp • a.d SquI& eom. tar SB to l


PS: Jlua I Uitpia CIU& CD ...-n DO ...,. ...... ,.

IS: ba • 10 7d ,_.J.cuta. Tnp.1act: Iba' yda Slap Ilcaa lp. GUIIi_ buts matt. 11 QB ..... c:cac.a.i.a ... wcxt ImnJly • 6yda o.p Re&d IImt ...". .... at drop deteIad«.

$Joe I-=Ic IIoc:t SpiDI PIv Jlule






QI - 3 Deep - nrow PM . 2De1p·a.lWq lila • 'tIIrow PCIIl

D. PI: It. a 10 ,.. POIt J.aatII

IS: lba al6 7d DiI off of 110 yd Poll ..-

HI - Tripi lick: ... a 12 yd Slop Iloute Slot lade Block SpriDt Progctjoa Rule


gJ. bid CCIDIaiA IDII ma _de or oWic!e of ...

a. fS: ba I StteIk. Block tba CorDet

IS: .... I te),.s PolL, blo:t tba FS ~ BS


HI. Tripi Bet: .. SIrMk Rou&.s .. deep u .-1M .. bkxt yew detCDdet

SkIt lICk: JJoct $prim Pro&ecQoa Rille

IIILI fLlYI • 1111


1. 50(Piacb, ~aar, Bot, ~lr.) - 34-35, 3.-3" 10-21, 24-25, 11k, 14- I. B-G.p - 34-35, 31-3t, 3.-31 aDd cr~ •• , 10 seri ••

3. 50 alaat - 34-35, 3'-37 B Xeep, ua. for.aatlon., u •• v.~ play.,

20 a.ri ••

4. G or Sh&4. - '5', 31-37 • Xeep, ... 1, 3.-,t'S', 14-15

5. Baql. - '5', 3.-3"5, 10 .~i •• , 14-1S

•• DoUbl. laql. - cr .... , 20 aule., 'SI, 3.-3t '·5' 1. split - '5', 10 .arl •• , 31-31 '5' .... -Gap 34-35 a. 4-3 - 34-35, X •• p, 31-37, 1&-15

9. 1-1 - 30-31, '4-35, 12-13, 3.-37, ".p, ., 14-15

10. '-2 - •• a1, '5', '1-3' • X •• p, 14-15, ( •••• ,

11. 5-3 - 'S', '4-'5, cr .... , 14-15, 20 lui •• , (~& •• )

12. 5-1 - '.-37(& •• p), .a ••• ' a", .... , ~.a .. , 14-25, u •• tonaatio

13. 1-. - '5', 3'-37 • X •• p, 14-1', ( •••• )

14. Qap • - 3.-37 X •• p, 1'-17, , •••• ,

15. 8of~ ... 4 - a-t·, 14-15, 20 •• rl ••

1 ..... taz4 - 3'-37,er •••• , (Pa •• " 3.-37 X •• p, 801-101" xaz, u •• fazaatioBa, 24-2.

17. Wid. - G ~ Wi4e .a,le (1 ~.GJl oa 0) - 'Sf, 3'-37 X •• p

la. Slid. - CIl •• ,.cOJl4azy - '5', 3.-37 X •• ,,34-35, 1'-17, u ••

fozaatioJl', 24-2. B~, U'. '&a .

1. Bo14iDg - .0 saoop - 30-31, 12-13, 1.-17, 20 •• rl •• , 1021.. I. • •• 41Dg - 30-31, 12-13, Veer, 31-'3, 2-'; 1.-17

3.' slanttDq - 34-35,, 20 8.rl ••

t.. 8t:an4-Up - 30-31, 10 g. 821..ak, 2-3,, 20 aui ••



LiD.back.r. ID.l0.

1. Plug - Go th. Otbu •• Y, V.~ , ••• 4 It, '8-" '5', 3a-3' 8ea1, "-1'"

2. lagl.-& - 'S', 3.-3"S, 3.'.'-'5'5' ~e

I.qt.-. - 'S', 31-31IS, 3.'5'-3.'5' AIle

3. BaCJ1. llWl - 34'S'-3S'SI UC,.1.-17, 24-25, 14-15 ". llWl 011 ~loa - 12-13, 1.·-15,1'-1'7, 10 aui ••

s. E.yiag .... - 14-11, 11-17, 20 leri ••

•• Bllt. - 34-35, '.1, 3.-31'5', a,-t,'" 1% •••• 1 • X.ylaw n - It-lS, 20 •• :l ••


LiD.~act.r. Ogt.i4.

1. "stack (Kobo) - ,.akl.. "-l1 .OM, 4 it, DC

2. "-3 'feu - Loop 'f. - I-I, 1

3. 1 ~.cJl - X •• p, ••• 1

" •. Bot - cr •••• , 20.~1 •• , Pull I »i~ch

5. 8quat I&fl. Bal - Sa-3"S', oz •••• , 34'S' I 3515' ARC, 20-21 ,. Back.i4. Cha •• r - .... r •• , alDq. If, ~oy

7. Attack. U oa 5 Path - J.IlC, a, .plit out

8. Slov Play - Split., •• a4, a4-15


f. 1.
1 ••
11. ---


C09~ 3 Ia~ert - 34-35, All 1 aa 1 •••••• , '5'

3 ao11 - 34-35, '5', All 1 oa 1 •••••• , 20 8ui ••

covax 2 - ~-3S or '5', T~o¥back (I.areh, ~lag, 'oat). 20 S.r: co._ '7 - Go Awa" x-a.aa , ltaD, !uo", COUDt.r. - I Rou~" for.aatioa.

Kiddl. Kollat.r - crack, lS4-135 '5', 47-57, IfIllrov, 14-

aogu, 20 I.ri.. .

PI iD LaD. ~a.t - erack, 134-135 '5', 47-57, lfI~ov Backaid.,14« aoqU', 20 aui ••

PLr. - Naz, Kot a.c.iyar, Wh •• l, c~~io. otber va" rlat Ligbbillq - au4 It, Ipllt H, I.-I., n •• l, Jllat

a.ver •• L1ghtai.~ - ~. to Split, 1'-", n •• l, rlat

Karel aovu - • 5 ., 'flu"ow oat.leS. ri n DC 'rot.ctioJl, n •• I • o-aa.p - 34-35 - crack, aU. ~D~.1d. 7, " aackai4. ~la9, 8.&1

.oat, 134-135'S', 44-54 .

X&a - 1 OD 1 aou~ •• , OptiOD', 20 8t%i •• , KotioD CB AligD IDaid. Z - •• - ..... , _lag, •

CB A11q.a out. ide Z - 7, - Starch. lO.t, 40S-S03 .CB sott: • !)ttl' - • '-t' xaz Optioza

Doule hvart - '5', .o.t, '7, 3.-31, 20 11%"1 •• , ~o"back, apl foraatloD

Go.IILD. LiqbtDiD9(.'~' - Split: ou~, 3.-37, .-t, 10a-l0. G.L. ~our Aeroa. - 'S4-3S'UC, 20 S~le., 1'7-17, •• , , aoat., 'ott lj4-1/4-1/Z - 34-35, '5'~ .7-.7, .3-'3, '5-75, "-71, ••





1. If 12-13 is called and you set Eagle Defense, audible opposite. Get out ot 12-13 .vs- two Shad~

. best option;

1. . If 20-21 is called and you set Rover rue. audible to 24-25 or your best option

3. If 1 + I S is called into LBPlu& audible to your best optiaa.

4. 1f34-3S is called and you set lloverFue. audible opposite to bat option. 1f]4-J5 is called in mjdd1e offield -VI- so RID away from Rowr. If]4-]S is called and you let an a Man

From deCense. axlible to 34-]5 ''-. .

5. IC34-]S 'S' is caIlecIlDd you &et. 7 Man Froftt defeue audible to ]4-35; (4-3 can be exception). If34-3S Seal is called to the TE side aet CorDer Fue, IIKlible to '36-37.

6. If 34-35 Seal is caned uxl)'OU pt two outside our 'IE witIl tM safety over the baD. IIldible OPPO! your best optioa.

7. 1f34-]S is called 1UId)'OQ have a 'Sf Ciap call, audible to 36-31 Crase. -lluD this play .pinst 141

'B' Gap or 3 Techrlique DereDder. ThimIc Creue -VI- Double Eaale. ,

I. Opposite call me&DI same play to other side. unless you cd opposite with II10ther audible.

,. U' 3 6-37 or lCeep is called with two outside our m and the FS out of the box. audible to 34-35 Se 34-35 5 ARC.

10. If 38-39 'S' is called and you dOD't let 1118 MIa Frollt ('reduced' defense). aJdible to your best 01'« The 5 Technique needs to be tiaht 011 our QT.

11. If 34-35 Roger 'or 134-13S Roger is caned into llover or Comer Fa on either side, audible to }'C':

best option. .

12. U'you get Slide defense, thmk 34-35 or'S' away &om TB. Tbink 36-31.ICeep, or 24-25 Block to side. Don·t H 36-37 Keep 'pi". Slide Derensi.

13. If 40-S0Ws is called and )'OU aet Rover Fare, auch"ble to MIx. OIl 400-500. the Frontside Receiver is "Hot-. He will fUll. Slant Route.

14. On 60-70 Passes, use SWIp caD if our fWlback is not blockina to the Drop End side. Slide Protect

the .. A.Qap" Defender. ·JfBBtz or Rover F'n, audible to SpriIIt.

I!. If 80-90 Sprints are called iIlto llo'Ya' Fn, You em audible to best look side..

16. If 44-54 is called ancI you set llover FU'e, throw 'Hot' to 1m.

17. If 86-96 Max or llDD is caDed no a Squat DeleDder, audible to )'OW' best option.

18. If 4C2-S02 is called and ycu let Rover rite. audible to your best option.

19. Fear of play • RlIa bestoptiOD

20. City calls meaD 34-35. Carc:aJb MeaD 36-37 Crease.

. 21. Blitz wiD be DO huddle with the Snap Count on oae. Our caIb will vary from week to week.

22. If 20-2 it 24-2S. or 24-25 Blodds caned into an .. A-Gap" Defeftdert audible opposite. lf20-21. is called into a 3 Count to the Split EIld Side. wch"le to 24-25. Il20-21 or 24-25 Block iJ called Ultc outside the TE, audible to 24-25. Run these plays into"B-Oap" Defender. U'MLB, we may go to either side.

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