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DELTA STATE FOOTBALL 1999 OFFENSIVE GOALS . Score atleast 1 more point than our opponent. . Lead the NATION with FEWEST turnovers. *We will eliminate fumbles by demanding great ball security habits such as “4 points of pressure,” catching the “top % half" of the football and looking in and locking away pitches and passes. We will also be skilled in the fundamentals of playtiming, not forcing passes and work to eliminate poor decisions. . Eliminate Procedure and Personal Foul Penalties “These are all mental mistakes which can be eliminated by _ demanding concentration. . Eliminate Loss Yardage Plays. *Sacks, bad pitches and missed assignments all contribute to loss yardage plays. . Score every time in the Red Zone, The red zone can change depending on game situations . Win with the option and keep teams off balance with formations, base runs and high percentage passes. . To PRACTICE, PLAY and WIN the Gulf South Conference as a TEAM! . THE 4" QUARTER IS OURS! Our conditioning, mental toughness, discipline and a Champions WILL TO WIN will enable us to win the close ones. FORMATIONS: When we cat our formations, we utlize a right side 1st, lef side 2nd format. The 1st word the QE ‘says is the right side of the formation, whila tha 2nd word he calls fs the left side. SE EEE EEE EEE Ee eEEEEE EEE eee SLOT™INS oustes ‘Sots oF Casinon wil ine up in normal 1 by 1 poston off of ‘tackle and burt to TWINS on QB's command. oo0000 fo} o000g0000 °O Qo 5 FORMATIONS CONTINUED: oo000g0000 °° Oo °° ° DELTA STATE OFFENSIVE UNITS REGULAR UNIT NAME} PERSONELL 1-WR 1-TE 2 -SLOTS HAND SIGN CLOSED FIST OPEN 2-WR 2- SLOTS OPEN HAND —— 2-WR 1-TE 1 -SLOT THROWING MOTION 3-WR 1- SLOT “L" SHAPE HEAVY JUMBO 2-TE 2- SLOTS 2-TE 4-SLOT 4-OL FLEX ARM MOTION — BLOT OR WING SHOULD BELOWAND DELIBERATE IN HIS MOVEMENT. SHORT - USED. ON OPTIONS, SLOT OR WING LEAVES ON THE “T” OF SET. ALWAYS STEPS WITH INSIDE FOOT FIRST. REV-ISO_ ALWAYS STEPS WITH INSIDE FOOT FIRST IN ORDER TO PLANT ‘ON INSIDE FOOT ON 3RO STEP. CP. SLOT ALWAYS STEPS WITH INSIDE FOOT WANT IT TO BE SHARP AND QUICK FIRST REGARDLESS OF DIRECTION. TURN UP INTO LOS. CP. IF SLOT SEES LB WALKED UP IN THE LOS, HE WILL FLATTEN OUT HIS REV TO PICK UP LB ON LOS. oo0g00 ° aoo00 Cc ena, ° ° ° ° fo} oO REV-ARC SAME ASREVISO EXCEPT REV-SEAL AFTER YOU PLANT YOU NOW OPEN WITH YOUR MUST RUN RIGHT OFF OF ‘OUTSIDE FOOT AFTER YOU ‘THE TACKLES HIP IN ORDER PLANT ANO GET FLAT ON ‘TO REEP THE LB FROM ‘YOUR ARC PATH. GOING UNDERNEATH You. GP -IF °S°1S UP ON THE LOS, THE SLOT ‘AUTOMATICALLY KNOWS NOT TO. ARC, ° o0o00 c ° ° ° RIP - ALWAYS TALKING TO SLOT OR WING. Uz - ALWAYS TALKING TO SLOT OR WING, MOTION (MOTION ACROSS FORMATION TO RIGHT "ACROSS FORMATION TO LEFT. 200M - TALKING TO Z ONLY. [T1S FULL MOTION ACROSS THE FORMATION FROM EITHER SIDE. IP -1§ HALF MOTION THAT DOES NOT ‘CROSS THE FORMATION, MOTIONS CONTINUED: REQ - TELLS SLOT ON RIGHT SIDE OF FORMATION TO LEO - TELLS SLOT ON LEFT SIDE OF FORMATION TO MOTION TO THE SIDELINE. MOTION To THE SIDELINE PLAYER CLASSIFICATION Atways on the LOS, When in regular unit, the only WR in game. Aways lined up inside of X off of the LOS in Twins, Trey, of Trips. Other wise opposite of X off of the LOS ‘Always lined up in the box. If he flexes out he changes toT [: ‘Single WR away from tips or twins. * 6 OO Cc Onna 7 Cc OFFENSIVE GUARDS WILL TAKE THEIR ALIGNMENT WHERE THEIR HELMET IS EVEN WITH THE #'S OF THE CENTER. THE TACKLES ANO TE'S WILL TAKE THEIR ALIGNMENT OFF OF THE GUARD. IDE R PLITS crete vay apg ‘ou ee TTIT TTT TT 2 yds below fs = = 4 yds + above #'s 4 ou 7 b o ta) x = o © E =i i fo wa E On#s a 2s above #s E oe = = og E eS 2 . a On or near #s a Z On or near #'s une : x = C=] E ei 7 . un i \nside WR’s epi willbe on or near hash when E a atic on oherhash LC o x - oS 5 = e == a z 5 z ‘When balls in’ near the mide ofthe fold, the inside WR's soit wil pit the difference ajo Serer ree Go oo ioe o - ° ical} E = aut a v ~ In Doubles or TWINS/TWINS the outside receiver's Spits stay Bie sarie and E The make Wreanes up St ysirate he ocseWR, 5, x a s ce os a ini S . v tris tree DEFENSIVE TECHNIQUES & TERMS AGAP- THE AREA BETWEEN THE CENTER AND GUARD (BOTH SIDES) 8 GAP. THE AREA BETWEEN THE GUARD AND TACKLE (BOTH SIDES) (CGAP. THE AREA BETWEEN THE TACKLE AND TIGHT END (BOTH SIDES) O TECH ALINEMAN (NOSE GUARD) ON THE CENTER =. 1 TECH - A UNEMAN It THE CENTER-GUARO GAP 2ITEGH - ALINEMAN ON THE INSIDE SHADE OF THE GUARD 2 TECH - A LUINEMAN HEAD UP ON THE GUARD 3 TECH - A LINEMAN ON THE GUARD'S OUTSIDE SHOULDER 4 TECH - A UNEMAN HEAD UP ON THE TACKLE 4UTECH - ALINEMAN ON THE INSIDE SHADE OF THE TACKLE TECH A UNEMAN ON THE THE TAKLE'S OUTSIDE SHOULDER 6 TECH - A LINEMAN (LINEBACKER) HEAD UP ON THE TIGHT ENO 7 TECH - A LINEMAN (LINEBACKER) ON THE TIGHT END'S INSIDE SHOULOER 8 TECH - A LINEMAN (STRONG SAFETY-CORNER) OUTSIDE THE TIGHT END ‘9 TECH - ALINEMAN (LINEBACKER) ON THE TIGHT END'S OUTSIDE SHOULDER 967 s4H3a2a710t A235 44 5 7 69 B . hee O).. OD. 800.0 o “C For example, below , after 2 Running, Run. And 14 (2% down with the clock running when the opponent has one timeout and the decision is to run) the 1:20 says that, if 4:20 of 1:21 is on the clock when the 25-second timer goes from 25 to 24, we must make a first down. After Fall and just above the 1:20, the 1:10 says that, if 1:10 or 1:09 is on the clock, we can fall on the ball. A time between 1:10 and 1:20 means that we must hand ball off. Down and What Clock Status ToDo Opponent Timeouts SHH EEE EEEEEEE Fall 20 80118 4:5 1* Stopped Hand Off oe Cae First Down 120 55 1:30 2:06 1 Running Fall 150 1:20 1:45 2:20 Hand Off - eee Fist Down 350 1:25 2:00 2:35 2° Stopped Fall X 45 400 1:15 Hand Off - - - - First Down. X 5 350 4:20 Fall X 45 1:10 1:45 2* Running Hand Off : ee First Down 45 1:20 1:50 3" Stopped Fall x x 105 :40 Hand Off REE EEE First Down XX 40 45 3° Running Fall XX 35 4:10 Hand Off - tated First own XX 40 1:18 4° Stopped Fall OEE HEE Hand Off \ = PAT.GUIDE - -GOFOR - BEHIND BY_- 1 12 1 4 1 10 1 9 1 gaat 1 7 1 6 2 5 2 4 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 0 GO FOR 4 Seanasananaane Ir fl Au vase oO Snap ball, throw head and forearms up with shoulders square. After “READY” call by holder change CENTER ‘the tempo in which you snap the bail each time. ‘Take 6 inch spits across the LOS with inside foot back Outside foot should be aligned so that i Splits the shoe laces of the outside foot of the linemen inside of him. This will enable us to create an are. On the snap step inside and behind the outside foot of the linemen inside of you. ANways UNEMEN | keep outside foot in place and shoukers square. We will be in a 3 pt stance. Wil be in two point stance and 1x 1 yti outside the TE. On snap step inside and keep autside foct in place locking out your outside leg. Kneeling postion 7 yds from the LOS, Check entire PAT team and then check with kicker to make sure everyone is ready. Make “READY” callto center for snap. Give target for center with one han ‘and target for kicker with other. Be aware of the play clock, “if ball is on oF inside the 10yd fine and on the hash, the hokder will make a “TACKLE OVER" call and the tackle to the Dbounciry will come over and align between the TE and Tackle to the other side. ‘The holder now wil align 80 that the ball wil be placed behind the inside foot the guard to the fel APT. FIELD GOAL “FIRE CALL biit (ay. prtitiaidy FIRE CALL ASSIGNMENTS: RT WING - RUN AT POINT 2YDS BEHIND FRONT PILON IN THE ENDZONE IF XPT. RUN AT 1ST DOWN MARKER IF FIELD GOAL, RTTE __- RUN AT POINT 2YDS INFRONT OF BACK PILON IN THE END ZONE. RUN AT POINT 10YDS BEHIND 1ST DOWN MARKER ON FIELD GOAL LTTE —- DRAG ACROSS FIELD AT THE DEPTH OF THE 1ST DOWN FOR FIELD GOAL OR SYDS DEEP FOR xPT. LTTE —- HOOK UP UNDER RT UPRIGHT AND PUT UP HANDS FOR QB TO SEE YOU ON XPT RUN DEEP MIDDLE POST ON FIELD GOAL HOLDER - ROLL RIGHT LOOKING OUTSIDE IN. LOOK FOR RIGHT UPRIGHT AS LAST EFFORT. KICKER - LOOK TO BLOCK BACKSIDE RUSHER. A blocked or short PAT or field goal attempt is a scoring opportunity for the defense. We must spread and cover fixe a purt situation. Everyone should protect unt the bail is kicked, then release to your coverage lanes, DELTA STATE FOOTBALL | OFFENSIVE: TERMINOLOGY # NUMBER PLAYS: RUNS. PASSES 1 1/2 TRAP OPTION 2 + STEP 3 1/2 INSIDE VEER 4 - SHOTGUN(DOUBL 7 112 LOAD OPTION 12 - PLAYACTION 11:12 BELLY OPTION 14 - SPRINTOUT 12 7/8 COUNTER ISO 16 - SEMI-SPRINT 13% OUTSIDE VEER 14.718 SPRINT DRAW LIVE WORD PLAYS: DAN/DENVER - FB ZONE DIVE TOM/TAMPA - FB TRAP BOB/BOSTON- FB BELLY DIVE CHICAGO/BULL - ISOLATION HEAT/MIAMI : MID — LINE OPTION RADARILAVA - Z QUICK SCREEN WINNIPEG/TORONTO - FREEZE LONE/RANGER)- WB COUNTER SWEEP GOOSE - QB SNEAK TERMINOLOGY CONT: DESCRIPTIVE TERMS: 1, FELIX - _FBLOAD “F" OFF OF 3% 2. REEBOK - SE REVERSE RANOFFOF3.% . i 3. NOAH - TELLS PS SLOT TO ARC FOR“S’ 4. PITTSBURGH- HB PASS OFF 3% 8. VEGAS - ALERTS WR TO ADJUST HIS ROUTE 6. QUINCY - QB DRAW OFF OF 4 PRO 7. SEAM - TELLS PS SLOT TO RUN SEAM OFF OF 12 PRO 8. JAPAN - TELLS BS SLOT TO RUN BACKSIDE SEAM AFTER REV MOTION. 9. TEXAS - TELLS QB TO THROW TO BACKSIDE WR 10.FULBE - FB SPEED OPTION OFF OF 3% LINE OF SCRIMMAGE TERMS: XEROX - CHANGES PLAY TO SAME PLAY BUT TO OTHER SIDE NOAH - ALERTS PS SLOT TO ARC “S’ FUQUA - ALERTS THAT F AND Q ARE THE SAME. Ace Block: Ceiter should drive through playside thigh of or 0 shade. He should Redirect with movement of NG. Guard should step over and up with inside foot, he should stay square doubling NG to the backside LB. HB V iS Deuce Block- Guard should drive through defender with his eyes on “A gap” LB looking for the run through. If no run through guard should ‘Work for removal of lineman from LOS to BSLB. Tackle should step with inside foot and drive tough the cylinder of man on guard. If defender slants inside work up to BSLB. —B L eS) Trey Block- Tackte drives lineman with head to the inside looking for “B gap“ --- LB to run through. If no run through tackle work for removal of lineman from LOS to BSLB. TE should step with inside foot and drive through the cylinder of man on Tackle. If defender slants inside work up to BSLB,.__ B- High Wall-ta order to high wall a defénder you must have inside leverage on defender. If you have iniside leverage and defender is a reader drive his inside #. If e is a penetrator work gap hinge technique. If you do not have inside leverage (4i) drive through defenders inside thigh. a; ; Gap Hinge-. Take 6” x 6" step inside and upfield with inside foot and sep back with outside foot at 45 degree angle. Work defender for width and depth. Scoop Block~The apex of the seoop starts with the 1" down lineman backside of sar nenter. The nearest lineman to apex should rip through defenders inside thigh on a path for backside LB and continue on that path. ‘AlL other backside linemen should form a moving wall allowing no penetration through apex and continue of path downfield sealing ~~ Ww at DELTA STATE QUARTERBACKS The quarterback has the biggest job and the most responsibility of any position on the team. There is no offense that dem inds more talent both physically and mentally than our offense. You, as the quarterback, will have a large impact on our degree of offensive success. Your responsibilities are many and when you are on the field you must have a total awareness and be in command. Your actions, leadership , and execution will have a large bearing on how effective we are at moving the football and putting it in the end zone. The team will look to you in tough Situations for leadership and you must be able to see confidence in you and your ability to pull the team through and make things happen. You must be a LEADER! Statistics, prestige, etc., mean nothing unless we win. The intangibles of a winning quarterback are to maintain, generate, and encourage 110% effort and concentration from your teammates. MANY TEAMS WITH TALENT LOSE, FEW TEAMS WITH LEADERSHIP DO! QUARTERBACK MUST: 1. Be the hardest worker in the weight room, on the field, and running sprints. (you should finish 1* everytime!) WAYS TO GAIN CONFIDENCE OF YOUR TEAMMATES: 1. Always be positive and show confidence in your tone of voice and field mannerisms. ENUNCIATE when calling plays from the LOS or huddle. Take charge and command respect and attention on the field. Concentrate, never make stupid mistake. Have confidence in yourself. ARON vel IAYS TO SPECT: «- oat erat Never criticize a teammate or coach on or off the field. Take the responsibility for a poor play if you were anyway involved. Congratulate your teammates for a good Play. ree your linemen! Never make excuses. Execute your assignment with precision on every play. "Your teammates are always watching you. Set the example for the execution of the “little things.” oP APONS DELTA STATE WINGBACKS 1. Feet slightly wider than shoulder width and tumed at a 45 degree angle. . You will be aligned tyd outside and 1yd deep of the offensive tackle regardless if there is a TE or not. . Fist resting on your upper thigh. Good low, balanced stance that will enable you to block or release either way. ; On options when you go in short motion, you leave on the "T" of the word set in the snap count. ._ Know what options you go in short motion and which anes you don't. . On *REV" mation or shart motion, you will always step with your inside foot first Be listening for checks or motion calls. PRON Every first step you take will be with your inside foot first. That means if you are going verticle or outside it will be a crossover. . Must make big window for QB to give you the ball on base nuns. . It's your job to get into the proper pitch relationship with the QB(4-1). . When you are the pitch back, you must run through the heals of the fullback. This will enable you to get in pitch position. . Stay in pitch relationship with the QB when he tums it up. . Must carry out all pitch fakes, Run as though you are getting the football, Throw your hands up as if you were catching the pitch. Peon Pa Tr: 1. Must be a very versatile player. This postion calls on you tobe a great Runner, receiver and blocker. - 2. Must protect the foatball - most important thing you do! BALL SECURITY! 3. Must master the techniques of seal, load and arc blocking, ; 4. Must know how ta identify defensive personnel. DELTA:STATE <= FULLBACKS. ALIGNMENT: 1. Hand 2 yds from the QB's heels. 2. Feet square with weight distributed eventy between all three points(tripod). 3. Head up to see landmarks and pre-snap keys. 4. Up arm resting lightly on thigh. POST SI 1. Short, six inch step directly at your “point of aim’. 2. Stay on your track.. Hug all blocks. 3. Make big window for foctball on your second step. ~ 4. Soft squeeze on the fectball. 5. Attack all stand up defenders inside or week shoulder. BIG MUST: 1. Must be a physical player. You must be a very hard runner. Breaking tackles and yards after contact Are vital for an option 08. 2. Must be a technique player. You and the QB must work as one. Timing, proper steps, and concentration are very important. 3. Ball security is your most important job. Not only leaming to work with the QB on the mesh. but when running with the football. FOUR POINTS OF PRESSURE! 4. Must work hard at mastering the craft of blocking. You will have to master many different blocks such as an iso, load, seal, and arc. 5. Must know ycur assignments and be able to identify defensive personnel. 6. Must be mentally and physically tough. Able to carry the ball many times in a row witheut fatigue of lapse in concentration. DELTA STATE OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE Since we are a no huddle team and everything is called at the LOS, we must have an effective and efficient way to call our plays. Our language consist of a combination of numbers and words. These are used together to call our desired play and to also keep the defense from picking up on our calls. Our language consist of five (5) types of terms: 1. # Plays 2. Live Word Plays 3. Dummy Word Plays 4. Descriptive Terms 5. Line of Scrimmage Terms #NUMBER PLAYS Our # plays will consist of two #'s being called. The 4" #is the PLAY and the 2° #is the DIRECTION. ODD 1" #'s ~- RUN PLAYS EVEN 1° #'s - PASS PLAYS ODD 2 #'s - PLAY DIRECTION IS LEFT EVEN 2 #’s + PLAY DIRECTION IS RIGHT Example: The QB calls “11-2, 11-2", this would indicate that the play is BELLY DIVE and the direction is RIGHT. LIVE WORD PLAYS Live Word Plays are complete unto themselves. They need no number to complete their meaning. ONE syllable words are to the LEFT, and TWO syllable words are to the RIGHT. Example: The QB calls "DENVER" ~ that would be the zone dive to the RIGHT. The QB calls "DAN" - that would be the zone dive to the LEFT. When used in combination the LIVE word play will override the number play. Example: “DENVER 11-1, DENVER 11-1". DENVER is a LIVE word play so everyone would disregard the # play. JAGE CONT. LTA STATE OFF LAN SEERA Y WORD PLAYS . === are words that mean nothing. They are simply camouflage. We will use —=========sHs that correspond with our LIVE word plays. For example, if our LIVE == -plays consist of cities, we will use other city names as our dummy words “JGEEEEEEEEEEE MY word plays are used in combination with NUMBER plays. ======aMple: ‘Phoenix 11-2, Phoenix 11-2". Phoenix is a DUMMY word and === nothing so everyone would run 11 -2. _EE_ZZACRIPTIVE TERMS Sse are words that work along with or add something to a particular play. === are used basically to alter our runs and passes without having to call an SS =ely new play. =—======sMpIle: The QB calls “OHIO 11-2”. OHIO is the DESCRIPTIVE TERM that =<===—=——oxrhanges the Belly Dive to the Belly Option. The term OHIO basically only —======0es 3 of the offensive player's rules. Everyone else does the same as 11- == TERMS ===. are terms used at the Line of Scrimmage to adjust schemes and to =e plays. =======mple: After the QB has called the play and everyone is set, he could say > =====ROX , XEROX". That would alert everyone that we are now running the ===" play, but to the other side. DELTA STATE _ PLAY CALLING CALLING PLAYS FROM THE LOS After the QB has called the formation twice, he will then look to the sideline for the play. When calling the play, the QB will utilize a “WORD - NUMBER, WORD- NUMBER” sequence. The snap count will always be on ONE, unless we call a FREEZE play. The snap count is READY...S-E-T...HIKE! Example: The QB calls “TAMPA 3 - 1, TAMPA 3 - 1, READY....S-ET...HIKE! This is the FB TRAP to the right Example: The QB calls “ATLANTA 3-1, ATLANTA 3-1, READY... S-E-T... HIKE! The play is INSIDE VEER to the left. Example: The QB calls “MIAMI 7-1, MIAMI 7 ~ 1”...."XEROX, XEROX" “READY...S-E-T...HIKE! The original play called was the MIDLINE to the RIGHT, but the QB the QB changed the play to the left. XEROX - Means same play, but to the other side. DEFENSIVE PLAYER IDENTIFICATION For everyone to be able to cary out his assignment each play and communicate with one another, each player must know how to identify defensive defenders in which they are suppose to read, block, load, seal, arc, crack, and pitch off of. oa “or s 7 TRIO CREASE PURSUIT PERIMETER FUQUA (F/Q) ‘The frst man outside the guard on the LOS. ‘The next man outside “F" within 3 yds on the LOS. _Player responsible for flat on pass and pitch on option. Normally aligns 6yds from the LOS A situation where there are-only'3 defenders outside the crease in the perimeter. ‘The track the FB runs on triple options.--- = ----~ ce Every defender who is not a part of the perimeter and is inside the crease. Isolated defenders who are assigned to FB, QB, Pitch, and SE--- -~ — Situation where only one man fits. “F* and "Q" is the same player. SFUQUA is aways 2 TRIO, but TRIO i not abways a FUGUA. See (@) at he top ‘There is aways aD". PLAY DESIGN AND PURPOSE opin © force defese w play assignment foal. id E "tne spits must be cosiscant because of FB aiming paws. 0 bom sides, determining SACs m which side are: a) Dest crease b) Sold crack wit AR a account or fast flaw FS, Bige E “taco ast spits to € inches. Radroad va shade and 5 tach. POs | RESPONSIBILITY Chen 4 of 30 ceck and read iat defender Som Mout tack adie # of "and exci goed freetow ach set os “Aiming PTs crack of he guard. Make soft '0Kd on sacand sap and ‘Square up ha LOS, sugging the guards block as th 23 posible. VS Al and slavsde A eck fhe 7172 lead PSLB) toad "3 Repu ey eau igh of Lar hand up he gant mau. 2 Wo" ade. Yno “no” side must utlize arc ar ‘oad scheme depending on agrmant of A. eck away tom 4. f dion both sites, wil zone block the dit PSLB wih PSG and PST, ‘1/2. same play for everyone except the FB wil now load F”. Automate Disconect COACHING PTS. (Dent round LOS an way “3, Make Great pa BS and ok pat nw slat, Fal away fam LCS 1 dscennect, ran hokding elbows a5 fyou have ‘he ball, ‘Be alo for “naan call Sr wl tu w now are Sr SS’, Must ba confcentin te recognition of dofenders, ‘Ue set oton on Sie “T~ of set runnang tvaugh the heels af ie FS afd Be prepared for GA oaCh Thana Sor geting in 481 pitch relatonship win the CB. (Look bal ae way in, oft Must come of of LOS every snap as I airowing ‘deep bal. Be physical. Push aimee 8 fC. {FL i gone, get at ‘or safety. LBs gone get hati eatery. WLS s gone get fare safery. Playsice - A for FS Backside -Secop ass. (Ulize outsce ‘average Stik Block an “O°, fhe wil in wih you, Fun Rm pswr | Read stk Cov 4 2 ently T°. ‘Run Sacksge fade t hond comer. Bs wR - ‘Voor of PSLS ve 23ers, Veer for middle Servs SSem pst Davee 3en LSet! you get double call crash 3c and double wen quand, Zone W wth au ‘Cow. Crve pe. Uncov: Ace bounce 29 2518. Zone bloc twin ack'o. - ‘Covered by PS snace({): Orive Covered by 0 or backsice shade: scoop ¢ Uncovered: secure fone A 20 10 ‘Seeop - ~ ssc cs Sezop Stee ‘ gst PLAY DESIGN AND PURPOSE 1. To atack hard penetrate detente rr. 2 To atack cominem cree detent 5 To courte against cetoraes tat ay As by sop th option, 4. Have usize TE trun gaat 3. 5 Dont neceaatiy ned ed Blocker on LBer ve 4st you wanted to ustze Double. Wo pitch, BS slot out fake wo hold “S ve dink abe, nies OH closes tae ave Check, 20 defender. Rev moton and wo" PSLB we? Bere and de Barve 3 Bw up | M LBar mikes dew 3LBer, ok w pekup Se playsidotigh of Ber ES, v3 Bors lok ek up PSLBat say ‘No shor maton. Carty out pic fake ul speed to nokd“S W geting had prose of bacsie ny walked uo UB, block inside # defender on sunt instead of Ws {safety nade sak comers a Zsafetes - sraighttn ait sateen Fan Open cone "3.43. sep fo hinge OE. W OE does not slant pice ee inside, release t playste LB. v8 7 Tech, he's ‘Wake release to PSLS v2 LBors and Middle LB va 3 Bers, ss Drive a 0 or shade. Sip a backside shade Covered Orve nae # Uncovered ‘Sip* backsie shade Covered - dive nace # ‘Be reacy to cut off 8" gap defender # BSLB walks Uncovered take best patho BSLB ‘upin “8” gap. Lat'Stech go and dre cut-off. Piayaide -Fan 0" gap delender © SS". 38.6 STACK SUE piel : |. To atack fast Sawn PSL cr nose who is 2 Like to nun 2 50 when 4 of di ‘aking dive and "2" going sraight CB. FB wil read the Bock a the PST on the 4 ach, Pos a COACHING PTS “Chen sigitiy cooper than veer and give ball > FB. Cary et opdan fake | Make fake pitch let, hands up asift Gatch Bien when GB fai. PLAY . ZONE DIVE AS WALK ee J A \ (HN 35 G STACK SUDE / ed EN Paani | Penls PLAY DESIGN al ‘1, Cownhil lead Docking pay reading he block of he {st down covered ineman from guard - ot. 2 Slot wil meson back he [eos _| RESPONSIBILITY COACHING PTS ‘Reverse out and get ootbal ict as deep as posible and boot out Hold hands as f you were ready © @irew a3 70 i in oponste Grecian, ‘are eunting.. ie ‘Side step and iso PSLS vs 2 LBers and Middle vs 3 LSers a 2 bbers Bock nite # of pest | 23 UBer Dock nside 8 of PSS. ‘Shon meton back w the ‘T, gotanoulders and ‘eet med downndl betore snap, Read block af st ev Thema fom guard out we lam |=" Tame nes aswr Fann dom roman — ; ost Fan faa Ronan Wiadaon nomen masa A BES : psc | omen ‘Covad by Oo ahde Orne, Sp a bacco sade, 7 Girard sree bactite Agua > BSL. i Coed. Che ate T asc | Uncovnd-aashace wt crm : wn x : | Prayace Fan int down tneman 9 FS. a Baciesde Cove neice 8, IGN AI 1, Good play ve 43 fo atiack 3 and 9 tach. RESPONSIBILITY ‘Reverse out ard give ball to FB. Cary fake out wath 6S Siok, COACHING PTS ‘Run erease and block PSTs down block and square up the LOS. you hug f Wo enough, the LBer wil over scrape, Ve 2 LBers - Block inside out on "6" Ws 3 LBers- load playside LBer ‘Short mation and carry fake out with QB. 6 1 safety - inside stalk comers. ¥8 2 safeties - go sraight to safeties. Cutter. “Choke” defender on PSG, NPSG is uncovered Trey” with TE Bullto Wek out Yat defender off TE “Secure trontside A gap. ¢ Hine A gap defender - scoop ‘Se00p asc "Seo0p ast - - - Playside -Orve C gap area. tno C gap defender, release for PSLB 10 Backside - Scoop "Sok 35 STACK SUCE DBL REDUCTICN fs \ POS os. [som | Fp 0 BSLBer 2 LSers and Middle ve 3 ers 19 °A" gap dafenderinfuente and block neat down inemnan. c RESPONSIBILITY ‘Open at 6 o'cock away fam the play and give bal 3 F nat resaicing sunning tane, Piet and arty ot option fake piayside. ‘Take crossover stp aime baciaide foot of the cantar. ‘Rav maton and block naide ig of "vs 2 LBars and inside 19g of PSL Sed ve 3 Laer | TNo short motan and camry out pach fake win GB. We | safory nace saik comers ¥.2 safeties - go sraign to cot safeties. Rip PSLBer ‘Block backside A” gap defencer ead COACHING PTS 386 ‘Rip w BSL3er. auter ast - # : Flayade- Release WCE cal tp wie Tigh of PSL Te oursce 20 FS _ 4 0 28N a *K SUDE DBL REDUCTION PLAY DESIGN AND PURPOSE. 1. Mscirocon play to attack fet flow backside LBers, RESPONSIBILITY .__ | COACHING PTS ‘Open and 1/2 fide FB and gie ball to slot running behind you. ‘Chick heels together to Keep from resting any out option fake. running lane of sot 7 steps on crease, make big window, and load 1st man on to outside of PSF. ‘Jab stop playside and run behind QB for football squaring up A gap. Rev moton and plant. xting harly to ko 1s LB hed up guard ta outidh. Dont slaw down nthe hole. NOL ole ately "No B gap defender - Rip to PSLB, let him cross your face and pin him. B gap defender - Ouece with guard to PSLB, let him cross, and pin hi, No A gap defender - Ace with canter to MLB to BSLB A gap detonder-Drve Cov Orive Uncov Zone step to LBer and pin him Hinge Orve C gap defender. Playsice -Base Backside - Hinge drive 0 gap detender Ape as ue / abe Ale D fie S Aas bow PLAY DESIGN AND PURPOSE 1. Msdirocton play to take advantage of over pursul by defense vs sprint out. Pos _| RESPONSIBILITY COACHING PTS ‘Sprint out playside giving bal to sot coming in front of you. Continue os outside saling sprintout Run off of PS wot hip looking for tet hing outside PST's hip. (Drop step and come in front of QB for football, Be tow and nti hard Same 2s Counter iso ‘Same ws Counter so ‘Samé a3 Counter to" [ros [ RESPONSIBILITY ‘Open and 1/2 ride FB and carry bal to inside foot of tackle. Pitch balla X coming under Slot 2 steps on crease and load F. tf fuqua, look for PSLB. (12 Pro) toa Pach relatonship. Run deeper, behind X and throw hands to catch ball when OB pitches lo X. Carty fake out down fei, ‘Cu spit to 7 ys Take 1 stop Gown field and come back around toe 4 of Tyds botind PST. ‘Crack H, HH disapears inside, continue on to crack FS. 12 Pro rules COACHING PTS ‘Scoop and peel io crack defensive end.. A Playside - Base Backside - Run pot atinside shouider of FS. Wand doesnt recognize reverse, dont block behind bal. Get downfold to FS of pursut, mm hone RESPONSIBILITY “Take 3 short staps after receding the ballin the shotgun. COACHING PTS: ‘teed on PSLB ve 2 Lbers. Ee: ‘Coed on MLB v3 3 LBers. ‘Run Off 13 LBersin box, get under PSLB. ‘Al players running off push at outside # of ‘otenders, bit ey ee °°. PLAY OESIGN-ANO PURPOSE 1. To attack hard “who is ether on Mesh charge or is QB player. Z itis way to get the bail to the perimeter faster. 3. Players must be able to recognize defenders. 4. Like best against 8 man front or 4-3 when end is QB player. 5. Hard to load wide “O". NOAH - alerts WB to arc “S* instead of loading “O°. The Q6 will now pitch off of "A". Everyone else's rules ara the same. RESPONSIBILITY Attack outside #. 7 stp on the creade and wrap fr PSLB (Tat LBer head up the guard for! ‘Load *O. Cantallow penetraton by “O. ‘Short mation and getin 4 81 pic relatonsnip win C8. ‘Must be in relationship quick in case of hard “S. Run of - Stak ‘Open 4 or 8 a'ock, show ball wih 172 re and sprint 9 option off of °S". ‘Bers up in ne LOS, he tackle wil gat him. stay an your path and get fiat COACHING PTS ‘Aweaya got oro-anap road of Sp alert yoursa? (of posble quck atch, wrap outside of WE's load block. ‘Rip © tat Ber head up he certar = out. Covered by 41~ zone bloc the di with guard to LBar {guard is covered by 2, you hve di by yourself, (No help trem tackle on 3 ch. peiitivay BLAY - WB LOAD OPTION 3SGWAK 35 STACK SUDE ace Fs PLAY DESIGN AND PURPOSE 1. To adack LBers who are sping vo making he pay oo the midine or fy ae scrapping so had hat the tneee cannot get hom on fa vee, 2 Ot eames same Gockng vee exept ne backside hinges 5 Ratlnctiun agens 3 uness £269 Gov tnd we tn week. Slot wil Bock PSL, “Step back with 6 by 6 inch step wih your backside foot, pot and bring your | Make good fake i FB ts hold LBera. laysicte foot hip wet rom the oer. Automate disconnect, Sprint down ‘Be alert for hard "a". Fe eae ie Seats oooanl eee 7 a“ = == fF erly [Ore PLAY DESIGN AND PURI 1, To attack fast fonmng PSLB or nasa wha a overplaying the crease on veer. 2 Gio run © 80 wnen 4 or dis "aking cive and “Q" going sraigt m QB. FB wil read the Mock ofthe PST on te 4 teen, RESPONSIBILITY a en shy deeper an vow ad ge bal FB. Cary out aon ka | Make ake GSN ak 2 = 2 Ee =e oo ee Seas - ae ie a= == . ~o SEL == Sar = == = = aoe = wes See ‘Scoop Hy as : ast at ee i 7 : esi PLAY. ZONE OWE 7 aN ia Seg “4 Ai fee z 5 = ad E Hie = a cos a C Pa Ge a ie 4 E bed Fr 4 PLAY DESIGN ANO PURPOSE 1. Cownhil leed blocking play reading the Bock ofthe tst down cavered ineman from guard - out 2 Sict wil modon back = eT. tii Pos _| RESPONSIBILITY COACHING PTS Reverse out and cet football t sot as deep as posible and boot out in cpoosta drecton. Hotd hance 28 f you ware ‘are running. ready threw a3 you ‘Si stop and so PSLS ve 2 UBers and Middle ve 3 Sere We 2 Loers Bock mate Bat 5 ve. 3 Liars, Mock inside # of PSL, ‘Shon mation back tthe ‘T, get snouicers and feet tumed dowanl as sx | defere snap, Read block of 1st cov fnemman from guard out ‘Covered by 0 or shade - Ove. Sip a backsite shack c Uncovered - secure backsise A gap t 35.3. (Covered - dre nace # oe < ast Uncovered - Take best path 2 3SL3. = Fan rt down tneman FS. Paysite Crve sie 8 i 7 PLAY DESIGN AND PURPOSE 1. Good play vs 43 fo attack 3 and 9 toch. Pos __| RESPONSIBILITY ‘Reverse out and give ballto FB, Carry fake out with 65 Siot ‘ve 2 L Bors - block inside out on “5 2 3 LBors - load playside LBer ‘Short motion and camry fake out wth QB. = 17 4 safety inside stalk comers. Ve safetes -go staightio safeties. Cut hem. ‘Run crease and block PST s down block and square up the LOS. COACHING PTS ee TWyou hug fo enough, re LB will over scrape, + “Choka" defender dn PSG. PSG is uncovered -“Trey wit TE Pull to Wek out Tet defender of TE Playaide - Ove © gap aren, Wo © Gap defender, rolaace for PSLB 10 MLB. " Backside - Scoop PLAY DESIGN AND PURPOSE aftack Bors who ar sprig up making the play onthe mine rf fey are scraping so hard ft the taeXte cannot gel har on fe veer. 2. OL utzes same Docking sve arcapt he backie hinges & Wit not run egunst +3 unless £4.43 Cov and we un weak: Sit wil Mock PSLB. “inp back wih @by 8 rch cop wh your tackle oat pro and nha our] Mato good ata Fi piven amrone one ‘smete esconnect Spetcowm | ‘Seaeenaeses ee “Tum back othe nie on your Rev motion. 11°S"'s.up on he LOS or you think he may be bétzng, no Rev. PSG ie = Se E v A 1, To atack hard penecatng defensive fronts. 2. To atack dominate evesa defender. Pos | RESPONSIBILTY wea ser, 3 | safety sie sak comers. ¥82 safetes -go sraght tp ct safedes, Take crossover sap atthe backside foot ofthe cantar. | ‘Rev maton and Bock rade leg Of°S" ve 2 USers and inde log of P | (Ne short medion and camry aut pth fake wit GB. ‘Rip te SSLBerv@ 2 Bars and Micale we 3 LBer's 8A" gap defender influence and block next down fineman. | COACHING PTS (Open at ecloct sway tom fe play and give bal to Fa not resticing ‘unning lane. Pht and cary out option fake playside. | 1 ecm | ptipertiriy PLAY DESIGN AND PURPOSE: 1, Msdlcecton play to attack fast fow backside L Bers, RESPONSIBILITY ‘Camy out option fake. ‘Open and 172 ride FB and glve ball to slot running behind you. COACHING PTS (Cick heols together to Keep rom resticting ‘unaing lane of sot. ‘Jab step playsise and run behind QB for football squaring up A gap. No A gap dolonder - Ace with center to MLB to BSLB ‘ defender - Deve Rev motion and plant, cuting sharply to iso 1st LB head up guard to outs ‘No 8 gap defender - Rip © PSLB, let him cross your face and pin him. 198p defender - Cusce wh guard to PSLB, le him cross, and pin tim, ‘Dont slow down inthe hole, No LB go to safer Cov - Orie i (Uncov - Zone step t LBer and pin hin ‘rive A Gap Oetender Hinge Drive 2 8 gap defender. ‘Mingo Orve C gap defender. Playsice - Base Backside - Hinge ive 0 gap defender. 1. Medlrecton play to take advantage of over pursuit by defense vs sprint out. — ee RESPONSIBILITY os ‘outside selfing ‘Drop step and come in font of 8 for football. ‘Spent out playside ging bal to slot coming ln font of you. Continue sinus. Run off of PS slots hip looking for 1s thing outside PST's hip. COACHING PTS | ‘Be low and Rta, ‘Same #5 Counter so Same as Counter io ‘Same a8 Counter io au 1. To attack hard traling defensive end. 2..To attack over purslt of defense, POS _| RESPONSIBILITY COACHING PTS “Open and 12 ie FB aed cary Ballo nee fot of tate, Pic bal to X {gg | comingunder Sit 2 steps on crease and load F. if fuqua, look for PSLB. (12 Pre) rer) Psst ‘Pach relationship. Run deeper, behind X and throw hands to catch bal ‘when QB pitches to X. Carry fake out down Feld. ut spit to 7 yds, Take 1 step down field and come back around to a der of Tyds behind PST. ‘Crack H. ITH disapears inside, continue on to crack FS. 12 Pro rules ‘Seep and polio cack Galenehe ond i Wend doesn't recdghize revorsa, dont lock ~~ behind ball. Get downfeld to FS or pursut Piayside- Base — ‘Backside - Run post at inside shoulder of FS. ole. alge POS | RESPONSIBILITY “Take 3 shor steps after receding the ballin the shotgun. ‘Lead on PSLB ve 2 Lbers. ‘Lead on MLB v3 3 LBers. oo COACHING PTS. Run Off. f3 Bers in box, got under PSUB. Run on Run Of ‘Alpayors runing of ps a os defenders. Leed ee B.2¢¢ DESIGN AND PI 732 attack man coverage secondarys. 2 TE2 attack reduced front defenses that are trying to stop midiine, trap, or dives. —— ‘COACHING PTS if'in Slot, arc for *S* Hf Twins, run offif man. Stalk S if not man. Rip to PSLB. Zone a 4\ wit guard. 11°S" shows itz, work inside, Zip and pick him up. et Y NO Pt 1. To attack fast towing Bers. 2. Ta etack ling coverages. RESPONSIBILITY ‘Brive sie # of down inornen ‘Covered - Drive (uece with PST) Uncovered - Ace Bounes wit cortar to BSLBer. “Back” cal, choke NG. Pull to Log or Kek out End man on LOS. Block must be distncive, ‘Open opposte a6 ocock, show bal, pvt and spent down LOS parse tein Beal pg guia, ba eatyw Gok ace Guard Hic. | Cpr aero Kaw om uming your beck» “Aiming points backside foot ofthe canter. Make window and pull for Paes. Par Block back to 3 tech. no backside threat Ace NG with PSG. | 1 ord uel, wrap isk for LBar. ‘No shen motion. Must get into pich retatonship quick incase of hard S. *Noah. vs 4 8SG wrap, FS for PSLB. AALSTACK I gp PLAY DESIGN AND PURPOSE 1. To take advantage of hard squeezing OE and to got the bel tothe perimimater faster. Pos | RESPONSIBILITY COACHING PTS Roverse out and sprint to pitch off of “S* “Aiming poi is insice foct of tackle, Make window and wrap for PSLB vs | Make sure you got autsie leverage on te LS, 2 LBors and MLB ve 3 LBers. ‘Short motion and getin 4-1 pitch relationship with GB. “Choke” defender on the PSG, W PSG uncovered Trey with TE Pull to tog tet ting off TE ‘Secure fontside A gap. Waa A gap defender scoop. ‘Seoep - Paysite -Crive C gap area. tf ne C gap defender release Tor MLS to P: Te Backsice - Scoop 2 MINUTE OFFENSE. e207 Being a ‘No Huddle’ team is a Great advantage in 2 minute situations. We are already skilled at gertir plays from the sideline and communicated to the Team on the field. We must now know and understand how to save timé, what starts the clock, what stops the clock and when to utilize time outs. The Ciock Stcos and Oces Not Start Until The Snay Incomplete Pass Change of Possession Team Time Out After Fair Catch Signal Touchdown Ball Carrier Out of Bounds If Referee Stops Clock Because of Crowd Noise. Nooaeno but Restarts on Referee’s Signal ‘An Officials Time Out Measurement for 1* Down, Moving the Chains After 1* Down Injured Player Removed from the Game After Penalty has Been Assessed 1. Touchdown 2. Field Goal 3. Touchdown, but will take field goal peensy Minute Offense Coaching Points 1. QB demonstrate poise and confidence in running 2 Minute Offense 2. QB aware of complete situation before taking the field 3. Ball carriers don't struggle for extra yardage. 4. Ball carriers get out of bounds. Use #'s rule. Outside #s get out of bounds, Inside #s, get yardage and get down.(Uniess you can clearty get out of bounds) 5. QB ~Con't force the football(Impossiblé play) 6. Team, after big run or pass, get over ball quickly. j 7. QB lcok to sideline immediately after you get rid of bail. 8. 9. 1 QB, if calling time out, go direct to referee and call ime out before the ball camier is down. Oon't spike ball on 4 down. 9, On Last play of game give receivers chance to catch ball 2 MINUTE OFFENSE CONTINUED TI : QB will alert team by calling “2 Minute’ on the field. If the team is on the sidefine, the coach will alert the team that they will be in “2 Minute.” Players must get fined up on the ball with a sense of poised urgency. Players must get out of bounds when they can. All offensive players must un-pile as fast as possible and get lined back up. if the quarterback is going to “spike” the bail he will call “Kill - Kill’ and “spike” the bail to stop the clock. if the coach wants the QB to run a play and then call time out he will give him a “T* signal after the play signal to alert the QB to sprint to the official to call time out as soon as he can. If the clock is stopped for movement of chains after a 1% down, a measurement of a 1% down, an injured player removed from the game, of an offensive penalty and we are out of time outs or don't want to use one at that time, the QB will call the 1)Formaticn 2)Play 3)"Ready* while the official is over the ball. He will then only have to call “Set Hike" as soon as the official blows the whistle to begin play. COV 2-2 065 MAN Lortetiiittriritiiiy Lovit c rk uM EF ENDIV! reve gvired erie COV 3-306EP | rooted COV 2-208EP WV LOY! E £ COV 26 -2 DEEP, § UNDER returns 1199} Ais y & z 3 E o- --O rooting brera .Y DESIGN AND PURP: 1. To got bal quickly © WA's and let them make plays. High percentage passing game. |. To discourage stunting and biting. COACHING PTS “Gi thought process: 1}Sottest Cushion Shores row “Taming i very important, ‘Sot and ot backside 8 gap defender | 7 est elas FS- Set and eat gan defender 8S Set and cut © gap defender hid, bee TTT ' ' hrs 1 1 90 TIT TT TTT TT TT TTY Bivilrvis 2 breefuras bev rer hee i 3 step routes as you will notice are generally the same routes but are shorter because of the drop and the protection. ‘The 11/12 route which is a 7 step Post now becomes a 3 step Slant. All you have to do is isten fo the series, whether itis 16, 12, or 2 to tell you the steps, The route is basically the same. {3 step routes are mirored routes. The QB may actually call the route to the route, but can thraw the route to the ‘eft ‘The QB's key to making his decision on the stop, out, and slant is 1) SOFTEST CUSHION 2) SHORTEST THROW. ‘As with the other pass series, the # tells the outside WR the route, where as the descriptive term tells the inside WR. the route. For example: TWISLOT Okie 2 - 12. The outside WR would run a siant and the inside WR a quick Out. “If no descriptive word was added all WR run the same route, For example: TWITW 2-12. Both sides would un double slants. Timing is of the utrivst importance on our 3 step game. =~ a ROUTE # and DESCRIPTIONS 2-12 Stop WR steps are 3-2. 2-9/0 Fade WR run through inside shoulder of comer and stay verticie. Don't give up sideline vs 3 or man. vs Cov 2, run hole route, 2-142 Slant WR steps are 3 and in. The tighter the cushion the fatter the route. 219/14 Quick OUt WR steps ae 4 and aut Drop shoulder and ip tna comer after caiching ie footal ROUTE: Oke 2-11 : ‘OBxEY.S ‘QB PROG: 7 : : FB: Protect Weak mt THE OEE oer TRE 2X Slant Zou ‘T: Slant a] kes ‘ z rasracinst aac c Pe c A fe oS ie i & a 7 : [= vv 4 ware Tae Fe: rc at o = 4 ty 4 Ww = a Oo q bits ‘OB KEY: DEFEROERINSOE RD [Fours Ro ‘OB PROS: =} XOuside sak comér Z. Flare “RUN TO BOTTOM OF NUMBERS. T-Outside Stak comer & 8: Fare ¥: FB2 Pre F . - 4 r S q E cy i q po : | E : wii cE Sy REE RASRRIATA GBreT WON ONGRTGDER — GERCE OUTaDE STAX conan ZAARE-RUNTODOTTOMOFS_ TAGE 4 pecunpeen é reaeno E — - 4 E A e : J E o 5s ss 4 wo a = + ‘QB KEY: sat 1 PLAY DESIGN AND PURPOSE 1. To vse asa counter atack defenses that ar giving up a area snp the apo. 2. Touse as an mat of dovapton sow down pura" COACHING PTS Playacton steps. 2&1 0F2 6 3, copancing on te play. “Two steps on the crease and load “F #-F* and “Q°. H1°FUGUAY, ook for | Sellrun. Set inside or outside WB load of Fuqua Playside LBer. depending cn the arin between the End and OT. ‘Load ineice lg of end man on the LOS. (unless route species you to release, ‘Short motion and flare. Check “H" for Bitz. pick him up fhe comes. 1 play cals for PS Siot to release, short moton and block inside leg of ‘Crve - set B gap defender, ino B gap defender punch insxie # of gap] Make look ko run as much as posse. dolender and protect 8 gap (Orive-- Set A gap defender, no A gap defender abd covered, dive insxe # and protect A gap Cavered-cve tinge tr beckade Apap. = Uncovered gap hge, ‘Gap hinge - protect backside © gap Fronsage - Route Backside - Gap hinge - protect backside O gap %, 3 3 i i & 5 TTT sisitd z city oo | jie Uy a” 8 4 E eS = Teed wm E tT OIN & : q tO OO OQ 7 a. 4 =O, 3 -O q a = = Ss 4 5 : : 3 Mla TAT off BSLB v0 2am he off WLS 3 Lee, tek an wrk aay sem bed EQ Ww : o 4 E G = 0 we q E : q F oneamanaenaeser tras trnaan sia. = j cE ju 7 a q ad = q E = 4 c q E ——0= J ° q FB: CHECK ARROW throitisitiretE tbe cla = a nt cl w ae TONDO OTE Oo © ae ROUTE, JORDAN I6- 12 ‘BRE. H XcuRL (Ebon N “oe | | VW pgbairrston 9 e Loottiriitisreliriis (ate ES re ye ROUTE: OWE 16-090 3. ~SSC~C~*:*~=CB KEY GBPROG: ZHABFE X FADE 2: OUT@RROW)* 10° Het A CREASE 8: ¥: FB: MIDOLE HOOK FS = are E pe = J : q = 4 2 = > a s 65. al a : = =i 4 Q = q I UC go 4 ‘ROUTE: RACE 16-12 ‘GB KEY: BACKSIDE FLAT DEFENDER OBPROG:T AW FB % z Post 7:06, & y: ‘CURL A_DRAG FB: MIDOLE HOOK 1 F LHitiitispitirir ROUTE: CREASE 16-192 ‘QB KEY: FLAT DEFENDER (QB PROG: GLANCE ATXto2to A X: POST CORNER 2:@ENCH TOG % OUT e: : Fe: SUDE [ROUTE Tee tea a = OB KEV: WKFLAT OEFENOER __GBPROG: Tina EWA % swase T-sToP : T o ol Ot i ae ja tibeprree a] Satie 7 ' ' T oO 3 tore e- Czy eo Ou Ono rroad teat ae ‘ROUTE: TEXAS 16-172 ‘Q8 KEY: FS. ‘QB PROG: Xi At FB x POST 2 WHEEL J: CURL CURL 8 x: > trodes Ltt LLL — my {3 i] > PLAY. N AND PURP( 1, Toget he 08 out of te pocket in order to threaten the defense with run, sass option, 2 To dacourage defenses from stunting or izing. (Drive - Set 8 gap defender, no B gap defender punch insite # of C gap dotender and protect B gap. ‘Dive - Set gap defender, ifn A Gap defender and covered drive Inside # and protect A gap. Cavered - Dive Nnge for BS a ga. Uncovered -Gao hinge Gap hinge - protect BS 8 gap Gap hinge - protect 8S C'yap Gaptings- protect 8S 0 gap Ss ‘Steer - puts Z on aut and up. ROUTE: Gator 14-12 X- Stop “Shonen stp Oye, work 9 sdetne A load woner. 3 PROG: Aid CURL zo" r: % toaba 8: OUT AFTER RIPPING ACROSS) _Y: FaBLocK PsLa [- SLOTISLOT AIP 14.2. SLOT GOES INTO MOTION ON READY. GB SNAPS BALL WHEN SLOTS IN PCSTICN c C E ROUTE: te -t3ha OB KEY GB PROG: ABS AUN X COMEBACK, 2016 r: A: LOADQ B:ORAG ¥ FasLock sta S “A E I i : ‘ROUTE: OB FRCG: x z T: x 8 ¥ R e = ie E E [ c cy c : E ts io ° - ° > Port tt BLAY DESIGN AND PURE 1. WA usze wah our “shotgun” protection. COACHING PTS Wal tow HOT off of 84 WIL Wal fxow HOT off of 94 ST PSLB comes alsa. = ‘Seton tsi Oown nomen te MLS to BSLB. ‘QBKEY:LOOKFORGIFTTOTPRESNAP _GSPROGXZ mFS ZCURL STOP @3) 8: FUG, Y: a + ROUTE: COLCNAL S870 GB KEY:LCCK FORGITTOTPRESNAP _GBPROGZ WB X FADE Z CURL T STOP 2 x BFUG ¥ Pune TTT) heia eseeeeartg 2] Oz e Ou Ome? reuetite 8 "7 q oe eee SOAEY: FS a J.or PS Saletywed O86 PF POST 2: CREASE T-POST k 2016 ¥ F = E ; = news E seams poet? we rise ROUTE: ‘G8 KEY: ‘GB PROG: Technique Numbering for Defensive Alignments 8 Technique - On air outeide the TE 9 Technique 6 Technique 7 Technique 5 Technique 4 Technique Outalde shade of » TE Head up to a TE Inside shade of a TE Outside shade of a Tackle Head up to # Tackle AI Technique - Inside shade of a Tackle 3 Technique 2 Technique 1 Teehatque 0 Technique 8 Outside shade of a Guard Head up to a Guard On the Center qa67 S4ur 322 O O 0 bl

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