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Determination of gearbox elution factor: a) 4) Mark traction pulley 2)Tum motor by hand '3} Count number of mator rotations for one complete rotation of, ‘wacton pulley MIN x040 Determination Paramotors Open Loop and Closed Lo foes |wNxoas. [ogo _[mnx060 [075 |IMNxo.8s 070 MN x05, Determination Stator Impedance: o 1) Open Loop: Set P4.18 1.2 (Closed Loop: Set Pi. 2)SetPE8= 3)Read P89 1ee12 4) Move car with recall contol 4 UP and DOWN and read P68 k s08210_01 er os '5)SetP8.9 to an average value and confirm value 5 (fou 6) Open Loop: Set back P4.19 = 0.2 ‘Closed Loop: Set back P1.18 = 0.5 7) Setback P68 = 4 Determination Rated Speed of rotation NMN: 2 1) Set P13 Yo NMS % (FM motor or NMS -10 5 (AC2 motor) 2) Markcrope witha scotch tape ah 23) Travel dourwards for 10 seconds 4) Stop elevator ane travel upwards for 10 secends (equal ime) IMOg| 60821001 5) Stop elevator and check rope poston 6) Marked rope position oo high (A) -> Decrease P1.9 “7 Aarked rope position to0 low (8) ~» Increase P13 a Totoro poston 20,0028. 00 8 ) Repeat unt deviation is zero Ride Quality Improvement Closed Loop Incase of vibrations: Decrease Ptt.14 (n steps of 10) from 120 to 30 Inrease P1113 (steps of 1) rom 10 0 20, Correction of landing occuracy with 6 poles motors {)Peetorm a learning tip 2) Perform a ip trom floor 1 to 2 (without short for distance) ‘Mark the traction sheave (or the ropes) and the motor easing to havea ed reference = a 3) Perform the same trip back rom for 2101 ‘Mark again the Faction sheave (or te ropes) wit the new postion fis Ke0e210_01 129 4 130 Check the aiference between both makings. Make a manual eorecton ef DD by reducing the value of 11.28 by ona unit f both markings are not aligned without ‘aring a pew earring Wp. ‘Start the process again by step 2 unl both (new) markings are ‘aligned andthe landing accuracy is correct 200_900287_00 sae incase of new leaning ip the DD parameter P1126 wil be overwriten by EC therefore the marl setng of DD shall be wrtln down inthe commision dita of he [stevatr. i 608210_01 5 Troubleshooting Where to find inthis quick refeonce: + Repeat configuration 60821001 ‘Simple Test Points + Voliages ‘00 chapter 22 + Fuses 28 PCB SIC chapter 3 see chapter 22 + Safety circuit see chapter 2.6 + LEDs on PCBs s2¢ POBs chapter 3 Error Messages + Controlererorcodes see chapter 5.1 + SEM LED codes 28 PCB SEM chapter YACON warnings & erors eae chapter 52 Fault Detection ‘+ VAGON operating data ane chapter 5.9 + Contoller special stats see chapter 5.4.5 Fault Clearance + Reset on SCIC PCB 00 chapter 4 + Force ameasuring travel see chapter 54 + Reset Persistent Fatal Eror_ see chapter 5.4 20 chapter 4 | 31 5.1 Elevator Control: Error Codes on POP (On SIC PCB: DIP switch 4 = ON Use ">" on POP to eral trough the ast 10 errors. “To erease err ist: Press "<>" on POP unt "shows up. ey IH ths ig notte cate: Error (KET-S + 500 ms = [LOCKED + 200 ms > ISK is expected). Check safety chain circu, [Check KET-S -+ ISK timing. Check fuse on Sic PCE! | Elevator_Overioad Mode | Overioad detected by car load call (CLC), Check CLC Greut In case of no oveioac: rede caltation of CLE reut | Elevator_Noauthorization. Mode [SIM card and PCB no match Get right SIM card | Elevator Revision Numbers Do. Not Match ‘SIM cardavalatle but intemal COMM mumber does Inc corespond wth the SCIC one, Wrong SI cara |cinvery or SCC already used in another elevator. Replace witn SIM card that ie deccsted(specally configured) for thisinstaation, Install SCIGISIM card __[combination thats foroseen for this instalation 132 ik e08210_01 148 [Elevator_Chip_Card_Data_Intorgrity Failure The Sit card could be road but the daa ls coruot wrong fe tenath, eet.) Change te SIM card [Elevator_Safety_Chain_Bridged_Permanent Safety ecu doos nat open when Goo e open. Check [| eatery crcut | 0 24 Elevator_CMG Reset |Car_Move_ Controller Reset (done by cotter eutmatealy no action necessary) [Elevator_CC_Roloveling_Fal =| \car controler ror aurng feleveting Elevator_ISK_Fall_On_Preopening [Elevator_KNE_U_Interrupted IKNU_U rterruped, To reset Persistent Fatal ror see chasior S lovator ISK Preopen_Error ISK opened dting preopenng of dors (without manual nterverion. To reset Persistent Fatal Esor: see chapter 5 Softwarofallure(Releveling) IKNET signal ative ina non-TSD system JSREC signal active Ina TSD system IKSR_A signal active ina non-TSD system ‘Door Closing oor does nat got closod within 12s. KET-S contac not oy lactve. Check why doors s0 slow. Check door motor. [Check KET-S and wing, Check mechanics. Check or es : Door_Opening oor does not get opened within 12s, KET-O contact || _|notactive, Chee doormotor Check KET-O and wing. [Check mechanic, Check for dt 60621001 133 | PHUETIIPHUET2 or KUETHKUET® show not the same information = are not athe samo evel door [command pre-open is sent to the doer and door are |} pot iocked Check f SUET is prosant. Chock IKUETPHUET are athe same level. Check © |SUET PCB and cable connecians. Check photo ca “Jan magnet ste, Chock KUET magna itance, To __| soar Persie Fatal Eror soe chapter 58 134 Keoe210_01 |Door_Not_Recoverable Janet a cvian numberof recoverable dor errors the elovator goes into fatal err. Check aor for poste Door. Heartbeat Ercor [The SCIC ie misting SOIC hearst. This errors generated bythe door er service (door recovery ton). Tigger fatal error service Ithshappens mere| often than four times an Rou. Possible mismatch of SSDIC ~ SCIC SW versions. Check CAN bus and CAN bus termination (cabing, SCOP, SCIC, SEW, VACON [Closed Loop, SCOP defectvel). [Goor_Unexpected_State FEC raccves a door sate Isequance LOCKED» CLOSED something ls wrong the door subsystem, Possible msmatchof SCIC «| ISDIC SW versions. Check power supply of SOIC for Hoes contact [Door_SDIC. Heartbeat [The SDIC is missing SCIC heartbeat and enters in evor sist. The SOIC sends this message, Possible mismatch of SW versions? Cneck CAN bus & bus termination, (abing, SCOP, ScIC, SEM, VACON (Closed Loop, SCOP defective!) Door 1 DOD DIP switches wrong configuration [Check IP swich setings according schematics, ‘Door 20D OIP switches wrong configuration (Check DIP switch stings according schematics Door opening attempt out of door zone ‘Door_overtemperature Door everemperature, [Boor SUET_Board_Disconnected ISUET PCS daconnect ‘Door_SUET_Errort_Overbridging_Activation_Uns luccesstul [Activation of door averbedging not possile Keoe210 Jot 195 not energized and car moves slo by unbslancing Stuston. Drive doesnot generate sufcent torque _ Check cabling. Check why the dive doesn generate 196 60821001 i os Drive_Overtemp [TEM thermal tor protection or KTHM hoistway {temperature manioring has beon triggered (open eral). Open cxcut on SMIC.THMHSMIC.KTHI. Too any tips pec hour Fan net working. Check fan, Chek rake. Check mechan. Check FC braking resistor Check fan on requency converter [GLC No Frequency [CLC input (SOIC.XLD) reports no frequency (oad colt not present), Check CLC wing. Check prope ation [of CLC. Check parameterization of CLC, Redo CLC calration Replace CLO. [CLC_wrong. Value easured ca load value wrong. For example when (CLCis plugged OFF. Frequency ofcarload cals out of range. CLC fs spec nthe range of 10-20 KH, [Check CLC contact. Check eabia [CLC_Calibration_Error (Car Load Cel: During the catation procedure aneror occured. Check CLC wing. Check proper thaton of [GLC Check parameterzation of CLG. Redo CLC ealbration. Replace CLC (CL.C_Overbridged DIP Susie t on SCIC POS in ON postion (ar load cl [deactvated), Switch OFF DIP Switch 1 on SCIGPCS [CLe_No Calibration No calibration ofthe CLC has been done. Check CLC wing. Check prope: fixation of CLC. Cneck parameterization of CLC. Redo CLC calbration. Replace CLC. [CL¢_Operation_Not_Supported_In_Current State (Car load cl not supported in eurent state }|CLC_Operation_Not_ Supported In_Error State |Car toad cot not supported due to an aor i e08210_01 17 [cic_out_of Range Cara cals out of ange ICL Zero Load Frequency is out of range during ealibration [GLC Reference Load Frequency is out of range during ealoration [CLC Zoro Load Weights out of ange during lealibration [CLC Slope is out of range during calibration [GLC Rated Lead Weight s outofrango [ACV Errore Far description and solution see: |Ghaptar 2 'VACON' Warning and Eror Keseages" (Chip_Card_Wrong_Devies eterial SWerree Nene [Chip_Card File Not Found [SMART tes to open afleon the SIM card that not present. Happens ios" SIM cards eo usod (not the right SW version). Check SIM card compatiy with [SW version. The SIM card isnot formatted. Change the Simard card at af ntho SIG, Tho card was rot corecty, Inserted, The cardwas nerted corey, buts not rm Schindler. Check the presence ofthe SIM are andit inserted correct ityes: Change the SIM card [SIM card road error [Ss card write error [SIM card wrong system file error Ke0e210_01 counted during the downward direction checking phase. [Check magnetsPHS flags. Check KSIPHS. sonsorsleabla. [Tip Learning Level Outside_Aray_Limits sx nurier of foes (= 18) exceed Check number JorKS magnets/PHS Nags Tip Position Target Not Reached The postion tip was aborted without having received a target reached" ftom the dive, The care not onthe etonded evel not ona eve! [Tip_Synchro_Rough_Poaltion_State_Error the synehronization oF (under cartain condltons) the servic tip ad receive ainconsctont KSE information. (Check KSE magnets, Check KSE magnet site Redo leaning tip | 2040 Trip_Learning_Divection Unknown. Recsived During the earring Wp the erection o rave becomes unknown, This can only happen fsome serious err in | [tre elevator system accumed. The pis stopped. Redo =| Jleaming tip "Tap_Learning_Wrong Magnet Order Wrong magnet erder curing erring ta ko0s21001 139 Tip_Learning_Minimal_Travel Distance ‘tance Batweon two oor ie lees than the slowed minimal traveling dstanes 200 mn). Check fiag distance {| Trip_Learing_inolerable_Flag_Length The iongth of te last measured fag exceeds the stowed tolerance. The fag whore tno car stand too long. Redo thelearring rp. Check the nstalaton, Check he | ‘cht barier [Trip_Learning_Upper_Flag_Edge_Already Set “The contained to se the value for an Upper ig that was aready sat. This can ony happen, we donot alow overwriting of the holstay Image (or example wile waveling upwards, whore no valve should have ‘been set before), EMEC disturbances? Problem wi PHS, lah barrier, magnet switch? Redo leering tip [Tip_Leatning_Upper Flag Edge Not Set The cotrel missed to set the upper ag for aleve “Redo learning tip [Tip_Leamning_Lowor Flag_Edge_Already_ Set “The contol edo sat he vat or slower Nagata laleady set. This can only happen if we donot alow |overurting ofthe holstuay image (for example while traveling upwards, where no value should have been sel before). Problams win PHS, ight bavi, magnet ‘ste? EMG disturbances? Redo learning tip Tip_Learning_Lower_Flag_ Edge Not Sot | |The contol miezod to oot he lower fag fr level | Problems with hoistway nto? (PHS, ight barre, [| magnet ston) ENC elsturbances? Redo leaming tip 140 k 608210_01 The contel ted to set a door de thats not allowed (t snotthe same as “already set, an invalid values he | problem). Probiems wth hoistay Info? (PHS, light bari, magnet switch) EMC asturbances? Redo = Not The cool mised to eta door So fo a level. Check| ight barr cable. Check fags. Redo leaning to, | Trip_Learing_Invalid Lower Flag. Edge | The contol ted to sat he height bigger than th height of the upper fag. Check ight, aries cable. heck fags. Check encoder. Redo _Jeiference batwosn the ast valve and this one is bigger| | | [than accapted. hack encoder. Check ope slp. Rego Fearing to. [Do not change oad while performing a learning tpt rl K 80821001 sat [Tip_Leaming_Door_Entrance_Side_Diter |The conrel tied to set a door envance sido. The sce was aroady sot, we alowed overwing but tho last Value doesnot correspond wih the new one, Cheek encoder. Check rope sip. Redo leaning Do not change load whe pectorming atearing tpt ‘Tip Position Nosted Move [Control requests a movs In postion mode, but the diva dic nat nave the tmoto acknowledge telat reset EC| {Tip_Position Correction Too_Big “The calelation ofthe eorecton ang the poston rip eauts na value bigger than the defined In, Check or rope sip iip_Learning_ Average_Fiag_Length Exceeded [The calculation ofthe average fag length afer the lagustment of tne FC parameter traction PULLEY. DIAMETER" reauts na vale bigger than tne tlerafed rat Chock the instaliaton. Check the length of te fags. (Check FC Paramoter 11.26 Traction Pulley Diameter BOY. Redo fearing tip Tip_Loarning_Fiag_Edge_Sequence Outing tie learing tp the same edges received twice in ine. For example two tes arsing edge wth no faling edge n between. Check light borin, Check |SDIC. Check CAN bus (EMC, termination, plugs) ‘Tip_Final_Level Not Found [The synchanizationorthe learning trp pt ind a [fag forth highest or lowost level ae the last KSE signal before the bufer KSE signal must be located at |SKA 1250 nm. Otherwise the car wil sytomatcaly reach the KNE overravel contact ‘Undefined [Hostay is undefined yet. Manual reset he system 142 ke08210_01 “21 03] shat Number_Of Levels_Vary The toial number of eves staredin the EEPROM citer rom the sctualy measured. Redo leering tip [Shaft Level Outside Array_Liits Too many foars. Whi seting up the RAM bolstway | | |image atthe application startup a level is aderessed outs the array iit [Level «O or level > 15}, Check numberof magnesfags, Redo leeming tip [Shaft_Image_In_Error State Tne haistway image objects in “error” state due to an Jeror atthe appcation startup. The system eror handling automaticaly does a “eynchvonzation tip" {| Shaft_invalid_ Rough_Position [Tas eror can result rom an iva respectively incomplete signaling of KSE indicator changes. The system error handing auoraticaly does a "synchronization i Shaft invalid Shaft Stage ‘[Tnis er can result fem an invalid respectively “| ncamplete slgnaling of PHS reaposvely KS indlcator _|cnanges. The systam ertor handing automaticaly does _|a "synchronization tio" | shaf_Invalla_ Current Level "|b error can est roman vai respacbvely KSE or KSIPHS indicator change is signalled while | tre ears supposedto be stationary. This actly to | seconds ater the ave signals ho stand-by ive [phaco Elevator tiesto recover siximes/hour unt ere “ts fata: Manualy reset the system Ke0s210/01 a ij Shaf_inconstant_Level_Indicators [This ior can reat rom an invalid respectively || inconplete signaling of PHS respecivey KS Indeator changes. The system errorhandling automaticaly does 2 ‘synchronization tip | Error_tnvalid_Shaf_image_For_This Shaft Type invalid hasta image fortis hotnay ype, Cheek peters anita [Shaf_Wrong_Magnet_Transition {wrong KS magnet transition in howsnvay 'Shaf_Wrong_MagnetTranstion_Information wrong magnet vansion in hoieteay, KSE UP and Down informations inconsistent Ke0e210_01 [enpribesetntied yaemnnanelns ] 83 [Shaft image: LUET KSIKS1 information is. inconsistent ‘Shaft image: KSE and TSD option present etected TSD signal change KSE Up allure [Sha Minimal_travel_Distance wie validating the AW hoitway image atthe application startup a too smal ave tance (< 00 rim) between the loves detacted. Redo the earring tip [Shaft Intolerable Fiag_Lenath At application startup (esa): Wl sting up the lve In the RAM heistway image an intolerable fag engt ie Idetected. Redo the learning tip. Check for ope stopeae [Shaf_Upper_Flag_Edge Already Set Wm sting up the RAM Roistway mage atthe application startup the upper fag eg postion of a evel is about tobe set multiple tes. Problems vith cist ino (PHS, it barrier, magnet switch)? EMC| eisturbancos? Reso the leering tip Shat_Upper_Flag_Edgo_Not Sot Wise cting tne RAM hoitway image atthe |apoicaton startup a missing upper leg edge poston detected. Marualy eraso he hossvay image fs cnt persistent data mesium ans run the “syncronization Ip" shan Lower Fiaa_Eége Already Set [While seting tip the RAN Foitway mage atthe || | appestion startup tho lower flag edge poston of aleve! Ieaboutto be setmutiple times, For example caused by| ariving at tho lag edge toggling mary times. EMC. isturoances? Problems wh haistay ino (HS, light baer, mapnet switch)? Redo the learning tip 608210 /01 145 148 [Shat_Lower_Flag_Edge_Not Set fearing wi [the learning tp {| Shat. Door. Entrance Side_Already_Set Wie seting up the RAN otetay image athe seplcaton startup the dor entrance side of a love is labouto bo sot multe times, Problems with hestay nfo (PHS, PHUET, taht barr, magnet ewes)? EMG | disturbances? Redo te loaring wip ‘Shaft fovalld_Lower Flag Edge leering tie | Shaf_Invaiia_Upper Flag Ego earring tp Wnte sting the RAN hotway mage at the pplication startup a missing ower ag edge postions elect. Problems wih hostiay info (PHS, ight lbarier, magnet switch)? EMC distances? Rede the Getecte. Protlems wth hoistway info (PHS, ight rier, magnet swtch)? ENC daurbances? Rado the White eting up the RABs holeway image atthe sopleaton sartup a missing door erzance side is detected, Problems wih hostway info (PHS, PHUET, late bere, magnet switch)? EMC disturbances? Redo While ceting up the RAM hoistvay image atthe | application startup an ial lower ag edge poston i | |delected. Problems with noistway info (PHS, ight bare, magnet svtch) EMC disturbances? Reso the hie seting up the FAN hoistway image atthe 'appeation startup an invalid upper fag ede positon i | detectes Probiome wih hss info (PHS, hont [pater magnet ewitchy? EMC dturbances? Rede te| Ke0e210_01 'FA_Drive_Contactors Feedback Start 1 Curent fot used FA_Drive_Contactors_Feodback_Travel [Currenty hot used FA_Drive Contactors Feedback Stop [Current fot used [FA_Drivo._Wrong_SD_Logi [Curenty not used FA_Driva_Thermic |Current nt used [ACVF Warnings For description and soon soe: (Chapter 52 "VACON: Warning and Error Messagee" FC_Heartbeat Timeout FC oes not send the hestbest (CAN bus message) to tne EC within specie time (or exampla 700 me). [Check CAN cable, CAN bus ernination FC_True_Start Timeout [Afr the FC eccopts the start command fom the EC, the EC excects th FC stato to pass to accolarating (2 [constant spoed) within an acceptable time span [example 25 8).FC apaleation ee. [Chak CAN cable, CAN bus termination FC_Move_CMO_Timeout Error [Timeout f% move command from ACVE IFC_Drive_Phase Error in eve sequence (standby acceleration ldecsieration) |Fc_CMD_stop_Timoout [Tha EC sends amove command tothe FC and the FC oes not answer. Heavy EC of FC application ero. Problem wh CAN bus? > See Vacon Eror P55, Check [tfc ieunning Ke0s21001 187 Feedback om RSKIRSK1 already before activation Hiyd_Drive_RSK_RSK1_Feedback_After_ [Activation [Feedback fom RSKIRSK missing ater activation | |Hyd_Drive_RSK_RSKI_Focdback_Aftor_ Deactivation [Feedback fam RSKIRSK( stays ator deactivation 4 |Hyd_Drve Trip Contactor Feedback Before_ ‘Activation ye_Drive_ Trip Contactor Feedback After_ iaativation | Feedback rom contactor missing ater activation EEPROM Data Recovery Failure [EEPROM rocovery tare “8 60821001 5.2 Vacon: Warnings and Error Messages Warnings + Blinking “Ain cplay + Gan be reset using button PG" the cause ofthe warning says activo, the warning wil be depiayed a inte) Motor sta protection has Iipped for exampie electromecharical bake [(MGB) has nat opened Motor temperature modal has detected motor over Ihest + Motori overloaded Motor undead protection Values inthe fault history J vn counter * Operating daymhour values carefully Bunter night have been changed lm a previous maine interusion [The change ofan ‘Choose the applcaion Japoeston has faled [again and press the ntar bution ‘Unbalanced curentfauk, {tho toad on the eagmenta Ist equat 60821001 49 eae Target fag hitting supervision [The las (target hoist leve-tag was mot wih to igh orto low speed, [Check th hoistay lave lags and PHS1/2 sensors. [Rede the earring ip Frequency converter lovertemperature warning: [Temperature > 85°C [Chock the cooing air ow and ambient temperature [Reference value warning Input current yt < 4 mA External warning [Check the erent ioop lreuitry (Check the extemal faut creult or connected dovio| [Sate machine state superision Internal FC logical ror Dies (GPEED_SELECT_1)and bias (GPEED_SELECT 2) 90 high highspeed was ot selected (ie. DIBA was inactive (ow). Drive stopped |Gheek elevator control oaie Direction inputs DIA FORWARD) and DIAZ [EVACUATION are both active (igh) at the same (Gheci elevator cone losie time. Drive is stopped 150 K e0sz10_01 active (igh) and both inputs BIAS (FORWARO) land DIAZ (EVACUATION) are inactive (LOW), This |warning is delayed fr 300| ms below becoming [acve. Drive is stopped Input D186 (Check elevator contro! LANDING 20NE)is [logic rake resister bimetal brake esietortemporature lopened. the elevators Itemperature suitch. The |tempersture. Check wing monitoring creuthas. lomporature switch sor [Gheck brake resistor andlor ha bmetal executing a tip, ean Gually be thished. Anew {rp cannot bo started a ang asthe binetal ismperature etch is not close (for example five inst) utp contactors: wrong | Check oul contactors Jexeected state during Yeedoack inputs stencil [SH STATE and | [SHi_STATE (DIA, DIAZ) andor comesponcing nc. |SHISH' auxieary [contac Check also \Gextemar test jumpers IxtSH andXTSHi postion 1 wiring (tivo mos) PW enable input’ | Check PWM_ENABLE wrong expected stato |nput (DIGS) andlor Jcaresponding auliany Ino. SH' contact e08210_/01 161 Fault: = LED Fault iet * Blinking "Fin esplay + Gan bo cleared using "RST" button (longer press) + Faull bo stores 41)F1.F9 Faut histo 2)Faut code 3) Clears the whole faut histo Push unt fat changes to 4) Ser through fault history Frequency converter Ings detected thet | cnack motor ouput. motor curentwichie cn emg roars semiresen + Suan naw on |e ae + Shor creuitin the |Use Swv 143 2 with ‘motor cables” |mocifed bake ‘chopper managment ‘The dcink valage [Increase deceleration has exceeded ts |tme, nevease Pi.14 lager threshold (195| and P1.18 100.7 & [%enominal votage}. |(0.95) + Deceleration time |Use SW 149 2 with too show mocied brake * Overvotage peaks |chopper inthermans "| management Earth faut |Curentmeasurement| Check moter cabs | [detect that sum of motor phase curents Isrts: * Inlatin fate in ‘motor or cables + Unsuitable motor 182 Kene2t0_o1 = a zi Ivor: faut] Frequency converter |Resetthefaultandiry Inas detected afautin|a restart the gate eves or [8 oriage: EMC eror {Component fare (Charging contactor |[Resotthefauttandty ‘open when START |a estat command given: EMC err Component fare Dec. bus voltage has [in case of a \gone below 65% of |Lemporary maine | therominal votage: |suppiy false, eset = Most common {the fault and Teason ea fare, |restan. Chack mains tthe mains supp input |+_Unitinteral aur Mains phase [Mains phase missing | Gheck the mains supentsron conection [Motor phase |Gurrenémeasurement|Check motor eables supervision hae detected that {here sno current in lone mator phase Brake [+ Brake resistor not |Gheck brake realtor. hopper | connected if brake resistor is Jsuperis-on |" Brake resistor [OK then brake detective choppers faulty + Brake chopper VACON | Temperature of heat under. |sinkta under “10° temperature Ke0210_01 153 IChockcoaling. Check Ihatstcing Irequency isnot too igh compared wth [ambient temperature land motor load Noto sal protection [Check motor Check Ihastippedtor—|electromechanical lexample [brake (tc) lloctomechanical brake (MIGB) has not lopened ‘Motor temperature — | Docoase motor Imodel has detected. loading Crock the Imotor overheat |temporature model Temperature oft sins above ¥90°C Motors parameters ifthe overioaded ——_|motor was not leverteates "The motor undevioad | ear box protection has tone [wrong snalogue np Check polatiy of the |pclariyor component analogue nut (itive on contre board [Reading ofthe option | check the hoard has faled” —|instalaien.t Installation Is corec, replace converter "+10 Vreferencs |Check the eabing fo supply short, control |the #10: auxitary boerd and option | vollage supply. check [boars merely an [e24,V supply short, [Check he cabling for lconrl board and’ |the-=24 V suppy lepton board [Check timerreay ton 154 608210_01 [nessites 5] | Checksum ut EEPROM _ [Parameter restoring Component faiure Interference fault ‘when the fault recat the fecuency [converter wl ‘utomatealy load Parameter deft Stings. [Check a customer [spect parameter setings ater Jeontemation ana necessary reload Item. the faut loccurs again replace ‘converter Microproces |* Application logical + Intortorence faut * Component faire [Reset the ful ana restart againit the fst occurs aan replace converter | F26 |Conmaricat] Communication over toner (tne intariace ‘Check the interface | (cab, Kens210/01 [connection isnot working Thormiator_|Theristorh [Check moter coaing [rotecton |detocted increase of |and loading Check the motor {hermistor ecu temperature Note: thermistor Inpatisnotuse, hese \trminals rt ba bridged 455 188 Encoder Walincionin [check he encoder ce” |, acoder” (conection ands ing |+ Noy encoder [pror peri repacs stro ft ero + Dire encode neck opton board Spats nat propet | fefnatea fax 86 ans terminator |. ae [(2 x 120 Ohm) 4 fitong | Incremental [change re encoder encoder eecton wth recon parameter 1.10 Encover Dredton speed creck te stern Inecarial rake. ‘ue No sre that he ‘Aakal $0008 metre not nein gerweaon te onthe current it ae tneease praetor Slamaton —_|¥18 Speedezaruim |. Toonatron valu wnt surpassing rameter 18 | otra oats eederorim — |recuoney 2) |Change encoder liecten parameter ‘80 x oon2to, 0+ [Analg input|The curentinthe [Check the curent analog input is below |ioop crcuity fourma Signal source has + Signal cable detective ‘External [Faults detected from | Check the extemal faut [extemal faut gt faut eu or doce ingot Nifong PHS |» FC haa ceived a [PHS sensors and Sequence /PUSxlogical|cstencoa to oor sana soquenee [evi tags Fete itr tae | EMI 24 V upp PaiSering S| SOIC wring eng a : SIpsie ona anor sso stnerhae een ecened) Car processor (6016) fogeal err le + Mocnanscalopsicn problems PS a Stneor or eve fags Enon PHS enserser on SOIC ecmotninoy starban Motor [Meter current (n one | Check wing lcurent _ Jormore phases) |petween FC and | [supervision [below expected outputcontactors nd) value between output I _[eonsets and motor keoe210_01 187 18 Ko0s210_01 Joly the EC wal not reset the FC FSS PERSITENT, FATAL ERROR conan 60821001 159 160 oot By te Ee there iniates an smergency stop ‘eomgh jerk anal Seeloaton Par 140, 1th, 243,446 aay Carropes sip over a tacion poly EChoistway mage| doesnot eorespordto rel fohtay During eaning Ihe PES sensor ‘tor disturbed nutg sarong foley eae Beacnurea (Check P1t.2 and s-urves par orks, Imax. acceleration, raed speed). Forte | [SMART closed loop lappliaton tne max, values for parameters 490, 1.11,42, 43, 410,413 ae 05 (ied rv) that limits imposed by ‘he mechani, [Check sevatoe Imachanis rake, ropes, pulley, et). (Chock motor parameter IWC and or Fe Sw hasbeen upcated tis recommended to force 8 new leering tip. [Before doing that be ‘sure that he FC [parameter ae all foreet peat the learning tio s08210_01 5.3 VACON: Monitoring Page Motor requency He caleuates meter iin Measures motor curent lA PRE | Actual torque/nominal torque (calculated) —_[% Atul powernominal power (cleulated) —[s [Calcueted motor votape lv Measured de. nk vokape v Hts temparatre ee [Operating days (ot reset) Daa [Operating hours counter rsetabla) [HHL [TW hours (no resetbe) nan MW ours counter esate) Vtageraniog input on trial Un Vv [curreransiog input on trina i ad mA [Dial input status oun A ee below Dita input tats group 8, 500 below Dial and relay outputs satus, ee below ont program svar version number nt mia power i [Moor temperature (haf nomina value) [6 Elevators (i's) car near speed (coeed oop) vs Neto encoder (tn angular peed (1009) Em [-in23 | Application version (closed loop) [niga [Last ising frequency [He "5 [Distance request nm [i ar poston caloatod 67 FE nm Ke0e210/01 161 x ng |Votage diflerencefiter wih ime constant lv Sta Seed el Faon SP28dyqcexea) [Ve Explanations for nf6,n16 and nt: (Open, 1 = closed) [DIAS (TBR) _[IA2 vac) IBS (Speed2) R01 (ACVF ready) [04 (Slowdown) Explanation to nt8 (basie sofware) and n23 (application, closed loop) ‘Open Loop Closed Loop 08 14302 “1003 ‘Suooed_ |_| Swoot4s_¢ | Swootto_D ‘ues_8 ‘sMia32 | seers | D {Glosed Loop ony o oy eau ean 162 ke0s210.01 5.4 Resetting Errors 5.41 Normal Reset Elevator Control Press RESET Push button on SCIC Microprocessor PCB ence. Reset has tobe performed after SWhangup o after changlng the configuration. 5.4.2 Synchronization Travel ‘Atrthe following stutions, a synchronization travl wil be automatically cari out + Original statup + aterreset + after an inspection travel + when a hoistway information rex has oveutred * afer maintenance travel mode has been used ‘The synchynization travel procedure wil ifr dopending on the actual psivan of the eat (Gar stats with tp upwards ownvarss) [At tha ond ofa synchronization tavel the ear wil emanate lewest KSIPHE stop. 84.3 Learning Travel “The leaming vavel enables the elevator cont! to read the hoistway information end o count the numberof stops {is ether automaticaly tiggered (Le. during a commissioning) or an also be forces, Reason why a leaning travel shouldbe force + Te cause a rereading ofthe hoistay information + to calrata the load measurement sensor (with empty ca) + tocoar errors + after PCB replacement (special after SCOP replacement) + after special configuration changes (COP, ACVF}) 60821001 183 Forcing a leaning travel using the SCIC PCB: 41)Turn DIP ewich 1 ON (to avoid misealbeaton of CLC) 2)Tum DIP ewtch 8 ON 3)wait three seconds 4)turn DIP ewtch 8 OFF S)press reset 68)Afr the learing travel turn DIP switch 1 OFF Learning travel sequence: +" Synchronization rave as described under “Synchronization ‘Travel above + complete travel tothe top stop (Geading the number of stop and the complete hoistway information) + complata travel to the bottom stop (hocking the iformation that was readin) Probloms during Synchronization Travel and Learning Travel Possible causes + Heistway information: SKE setincorecty + rated epeed set incorrecty (acon parameter 1.7) + Jevaling speed urong (to ow, Vacon parameter 1.9) + Inspection speed wrong (Vacon parameter 1.8) 168 Kene210_01 5.44 Persistent Fatal Error ‘Causau by safety circuit problems in re-opening doce zone. Reset Procedure Persistont Fatal Eror with SCIC PCB): @ aoa Peristant Fatal Eor Clarence Proce isnot Supported with SW. ee Service Po (Terminal rogram) wth comand ercperiatont = 4)DIPswiten 1 = ON (on SCIC, to avoid miscaraton of CLC) 2)DIP switch 8 = ON (on ScIC) 8) Press reset (on SCIC) 4) Wai 30 uni the apelcaion stats up (LEDs biking) an ‘heDIP such 8 OFF 5) Press reset again {)Elevator starts up and execctesleating ti. T)DP switch 1 = OFF (This procadue is not working with SCIC SW Version 8.5, Use ‘one of the below mentioned atematives,) Reset Procedure Persistont Fatal Eror with Terminal Program: Enter the command er persistent=1" inthe terminal and conf by pressing Ener ue Note Persistent Faal Error cecurs also KTS opens ding coloration. Therefor to climb the ear oor Send elevator rom actual foor'e lower floor and open door len car as ul speed 60821001 185 5.4.5 Spocial Status of the Elevator Control Maintenance Travel Mode (DIP swith 7) Maintenance Travel modes used to send the car from he top oor tothe lowest oor and back again. (Test though ths whole haiti.) ‘Acthation of Maintenance Travel mode wth SCIC PCS: 1)Switch ON DIP switch 7 on SOIC Sond car DOWN and UP: ‘To tart tho tet tp pross tho “OK” bulton on the User Interface Mil or press the DFM-UID bution onthe SIC PCB Inspection Travel LEDs W006, DRIVE and ERR onthe SCIC PCB Bink Ssimultareousy (Bink interval: 2 scons). Inspection contol s tured on using the JREC saith of the Inspection contol sation onthe reo fhe car. ‘Tho car ean be moved avery low speed, Travel sence wil be lente by KSE. ESE (Recall Control) LEDs WOOG. DRIVE and ERR on the SCIC PCB blink simultaneeusly (blink interval: 2 socands). “The car ean be moved at ver los speed using the recall conto, ESE contol is Blocked when Inspection travels trmed ON, Travel distance wll nt bo inted by KSE or KNE! The car ean travel right down on othe bute 160 Ke0e210_01 5.5 Communication with Service PC Cable connection Service PC <> SCIC PCB (two possibilities) Cit t]t]s 3 3 ‘To use XTELE, DIP switch 3 on SCIC has to be switched ON (SWV8x onwards) XTELE only for "Terminal.oxs" program, not for SW download. K 60821001 167 Terminal Settings for SW Download or Communication Data bis: 8 Flow Conta Protecot: None Stop bis: 4 Parity Chock: OFF Paty Rate: None Carrier Detecton: OFF Baud Rate: $600 (for Communication) £9600 or 15200 or SW download) Mort important commands with “TerminaLexe™ ae usta we rolvantovsor [50 sa List the data stored into the SA card st the data soredintothe A |EEPROM [Shows the avalabity ofthe [50 lelovator subsystems [Shows the sence curently [50 active Shows the SEM statue iso. [Shows hostway image (in _|80 close loop, ais the ocr hela is shown) List the error history i} [Shows the current situs ofthe [A |SCIC UO ports [Shows the status ofthe SDIC [A 10 ports. List mode must be active 168 Ke0s210_01 = [swe [Shows the status of aalional [4.0 |SDIC3 10 ports. st mode must ba active [Enables dynamic notification of| 50 any HO status change ‘Shows the load ool callraton [A Parameter stored into the RAM [Showe the current cl laa measurement (H2) in Hox Stops the messages sroling [Al [Serots the ftored messages [Al Kode one in this case) (Calter fn. Lowest oris tol Random 2Ki1= 120 vps! [A how tratc generation ‘Random "ZKH = 90 vipsihour” |All {wate goneraton [Stops the random ati [AL [Shows the wip counter iso [Door eats earning tip doos 5 0 not erase the doo alse data) [Clear persistant fatal ror [5.0 [System status (Shows active [5.0 services running) Keoe210_01 [Shows ast 10 erore Iso 109 ‘Save torminal information to tt fle This is used fr example to send Hotline Locamo system Information. ‘in the menu choose "Transer’-> Receive Tet Fle 2)Enier a name forthe tat fe. (nly 8 letters are alowed, for ‘example "comtZ345 Ot In thoright window decide where to store the fe. {3)Al information displayed on the terminal are now ranetered to ‘he. fle, untl"STOP" is pressed 170 60821001 5.6 SW Download ‘SW Download with Multi Media Card MMC cic: Switch OFF the elevator + Insert the MMC into the appropriate cardholder onthe PCB + Switch ON the elevator +The green watchdog starts to ne (fest Stoudy and then very Tat) + Aer finishing the downiad, athe green LEDs are ON (excopt SERVICE, vnc leony ON DIP aviteh 8 activated) + Switch OFF the elevatr, remove the MIC and switch ON the system again Remark (On the actual ScIC3.a PCB (HW version C) the SW downoad withthe MLC can only be done with a specs adapter on ‘connector XFLASH. This adapter has tobe ordered in Locarno, ID No: 591830. Ino adapters avaiable the GW downoad has to be done wih the sence PC as described in chapter 58 "Communication with the Service PC" DIC, SCOPH(MAH), POP: + Switch OFF the elevator + Insert the MMC into the appropiate cardholder onthe PCB + Switch ON the elevator + The yelow download LED start o bin + Aller fnishing the download, the yellow dounioad LED goes (OFF and the Watchdog LED starts to ink + Switch OFF the elevator, remove the MIC and snitch ON the system again Contont of Mult Media Care MMC “Tho flowing fies ave to bo onthe MMC + bordstdet_ (ists all PCB wih which the SWis compatible) + seed moctin_ (sofware for 8C103.0 PCB) + SdoH actin. (Gotware for SDICa7. PCE + is passile to have more sofware files of ether PCBS Remark: Do not rename the fies! 90821001 ” (Cheek document. 42101121 (Miceric BX, Compatbity | ‘and intrchangeabity) for sftare compatby. ‘SW Download with Service PC 1) Switch OFF the contol 2)Connect service PC to SCIC.RS232 3) Stat up Terminal oxe ox Hyperterminal exe on service PC (Terminal setings: ese "Communication with Service FC") For Hyperterminal chcose 115200 baud rato, ofverwise 9600 4)On SCIC PCB suitch ON DIP switch, 7,8, '5}0n SCIC PCB choose the baud rate: [DIP switch TON => 115200 baud Dip switch | OFF > 9600 baud {Sitch onthe conte ‘On SCIC LED SERVICE and WWDOG should be ON ‘On Service PC "Ready for transfer" appears 7)On service PC choose "Transfer" -> "Textlat {8)Choose the appropiate SW fle (hex) and cons with OK {9} Download stars:On SCIC LED SERVICE and DOOR shouldbe 'ON'On Service PC dots aro indicating the progres(Download time: 6 minutes (115200 baud) to 60 mintes(9600 baud). ‘10)Downicad is completed when all groen LEDs on SCIC aro ON ‘1)8wtch OFF the contro and set back he DIP svitches to the ‘orginal postions 12m ease of eros the red ERROR LED wil go on, Status ofthe bootloader (SW download) 1 90821001, Ready for transfer [Taneter runing [Conversion or reprogramming runing [No SWU container found, booleaderterinates, contol sofvave willbe started [Tho sotwarin he SW containers idencal tothe sofware in the main memory. No update performed [Sofware update auccossul Ite red oror LED is ON, the SW dounload haa faled. Rey SW dounload. If download fais again, call ine holine, ws 5.7 Special Errors Persistent Fatal Error ‘Caused by safety cut problems inpre-opering door zone Reset Procedure Prsistant Fatal Exor Note: To avd CLC recalibration, set the DIP switch 1 = ON. (SCIC) before doing this procedure {)DIP snitch 8= ON (on SCIC) 2) ross reso (on SCC) ‘Afr the aplication startup (LEDS binking) walt 30s and set, ‘he DIP wich 8 = OFF 4) Wait 30 sand press reset again {5} Elevator starts up and executes measuring tp, we TEE Persistont Fatal Eror occurs alo KTS opens curing ldeceleration. Therefore to cime the car oot Sond elevator rom actual ort ewer Noor and open doe when car has fl speed. Probloms with SIM Cards a detective, empty or Incorect SIM card is belng used onthe ‘SOIC PCB, the elevator wil operate for fve minutes but only with Iminvmal sence, for example Simplex OE, wthoutfeoman's ontel without parking conto et. After fve minutes the car ‘eaves othe batom floor and remains blocked (DT-O and the ‘Photocall remain active). SIM card problems are inicatag by Simultaneous binkng ofthe WIDOG, DOOR, DRIVE and ERR Leds, (SW 4.2144; only WDOG, DRIVE, ERR are blinking) 1% Ko0210_01 ° Schindler sete Ago ng Cater CE Dkon TWcotalouetbont: isa) Ts orettn Sree Pe Sanas053 Ere Festa scm

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