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Matthew David Toppenberg

485 Plainview Heights Circle, Greenville, TN, 37745

Home phone: (423)-639-3295
Cell phone: (423)-329-5446
Email address:
12 December 2015
The Honors College
University Honors Scholars
PO Box 70294
Johnson City, TN 37614-1708
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am excited to be a part of ETSU next year. The University Honors Scholars program is a great
opportunity for me to express my potential and gain troves of knowledge in an academically
stimulating environment. I have a sincere desire to learn and would love the opportunity to learn
more about the sciences and the research process. I am currently beginning my senior thesis
research project for school. I also learned about research from the Governors School program at
ETSU last summer, where I produced labs in a college setting, talked to professional scientists,
and worked in a small group learning about the math behind probability games. My love for
math and science is reflected in the classes I have chosen. I am currently studying Advanced
Biology as an elective and AP Calculus. With my skillset I would be able to provide unique
insight into research projects while learning more about research myself.
Your program also offers freedom to pursue new learning opportunities, which is essential for
my college experience. In school I study ancient Latin in my AP Latin class, and out of school I
study French and music. I enjoy studying a variety of subjects, and through the University
Honors Scholars program I will have the freedom of selection that ETSU offers with the
specialization of core classes that are unique to the honors program.
In school, I am one of many eager students who share a drive for knowledge, and as a result I
have made academic competition an important aspect of my education. As I have many
classmates who share my goals of academic excellence, it is both beneficial and enjoyable to
participate in group projects, which have ranged from lab reports to making short movies. I
believe my acceptance into your program would benefit others as well as myself by allowing me
to share my desire for competition and teamwork with others.
Thank you for your consideration. I hope to be placed among your finest students and make a
mark on ETSU as a University Honors Scholar.

Matthew Toppenberg

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