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School Site Supervisor Interview

Shanna Cerro : Harloe Elementary : Lucia Mar Unified School District : 4 th

1. Plan for the year by first figuring out where your students strengths and
weaknesses are. Then you know where to focus your attention. Talk with
other teachers in that grade level and figure out what their order is and what
things are most important to them to be a team player. Monthly planning is
really only for big projects. Weekly planning is scheduled during prep period
with other teachers and then changed to fit individual preference. Planning
for the day: write schedule on the board before you leave the day before,
arrive at school the day of with enough time before school starts to get all set
up for your lessons.
2. Learning about students:
32 total students, 13 girls and 19 boys
2 EL students both at CELDT level 3
One student allergic to nuts, two boys are pulled out of class for math
lessons, 6 students are pulled out for reading comprehension, 2
students have just had their first SST
Over half the class is performing below grade level, we have many
very low readers.
Differentiated Learning is in every aspect in this classroom because
there is such a wide range of learning levels. There are math centers
and there are leveled reading groups for every lesson (including
history and science).
Most of the kids in this class struggle with reading, but the master
teacher has really encouraged reading and made it fun. Most of the
kids love the Lightening Thief series and the City of Ember series of
3. Classroom Management:
There is a behavior chart that is color coded and students move their
clips up or down during the day. At the end of the day the kids color in
their behavior in their planners, their parents must sign and they
return it the following day. Groups receive group points for good
behavior. There are two jars in the front of the class, when students
behave as a whole class they earn warm fuzzys but these warm fuzzys
can also be taken away. When the jar becomes full the class wins a
choice of a party or no homework for a week.
4. Three most important things for beginning teachers to know.
1. Reading is the most important, if a child cannot read then they will really
struggle learning. Invest in books for a classroom library
2. Try to praise good behavior more than punish bad behavior, students will
want to be praised and by default will behave better.
3. Not every lesson is going to be extravagant and that is ok

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