Fill The Gaps Below Using A Maximum of Three Words And/or Numbers

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We are all born with certain physical characteristics ______ by our genes. But
does our DNA ______ how we act? Researchers say that genes help control
how we ______ our environment, but can environment influence which genes
are ______? That leads to debate over the role parents play in ______ their
children. Some believe the stronger ______ influences happen outside the
home. As scientists study DNA, they are starting to understand better what
makes us ______.
Fill the gaps below using a maximum of three words and/or
1. The minimum notice period to arrange a visit is ______.
2. You may send your booking form by post, fax or ______.
3. If there are no places for your first choice, you will be offered an ______.
4. On arrival, you should go to the ______ between 9 and 9.15.
5. The maximum number of guests is ______.

Traffic in Europe is increasingly ______. The aim of the 'European Road Safety Day' is
to reduce the ______ ______ from road accidents throughout the European Union.
The number of lives saved every year since 2001 has ______ ______ markedly in line
with ______. However, there are still nearly ______ people killed on Europe's roads
each year.
The big problems to address are speed, alcohol or drugs, and not wearing a ______.
These are the ______ ______ of accidents.

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