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The body is always recording what is happening to us.Just as we look at our dog's
coat as an expression of his general health, there are facial indicators in people that
give a general idea of their health and wellness. From traditional physiognomy, the
following are examples of some of the indicators for health and long life: (And yes, you
can be healthy and well without having any of them!)

Eyes which have radiance, or energy, or emotional warmth

Philtrum (the area from the nose tip to the upper lip) is vertically marked with
a strong line
Nose bridge is broad, and there are no breaks along the nose
Chin is broad and comes forward and is without cleft or dimple
A wide chin indicates dynamic physical endurance while a narrow chin may
be uneven patterns of physical energy during the day
Ears have a rounded upper rim and a long earlobe. Ears are thick and strong
Skin is clear and free from scarring
Tongue surface when clean is without coating indicates very good health

The following features are generalities, but may indicate the beginning of
possible health concerns:

Tongue, pale red possible anemia (low iron). Also, this will show in the area
inside lower eyelid and inside gums below teeth
Tongue tip is red = easily emotionally excitable
Dark blue shadows under eyes = allergies or sensitivity to perfume, paint and/
or smoke
Vertical parallel lines above upper lip (found in people who were past smokers)
= may have digestive problems
Red Nose = hypoglycemia (low-blood sugar)
Eyebrows (thinning of outer 1/3 nearest to ear, if not related to eyebrow pluck
ing) = slow thyroid function
Ear, diagonal crease across the lobe (only) = family history of heart problems
(For example, that would mean strokes, heart attacks, high blood pressure, or
anemia in parents or grandparents)


Small pores + fine hair + delicate bone structure = may have hypoglycemia
(low blood sugar)
vVomen only, horizontal line above the top lip = irregular menstrual periods,
possible infertility. Mole above or to outside of outer upper lip = possible men
strual problems
Men, balding in crown area (top of) head = possible cardiac (heart) problems
after age 40

Reminder:face reading does not medicallY diagnose. It is not

a replacement for medical or psychiatric evaluation and treat
ment. lfyou have any health concerns) please seeyow doctorfor
an evaluation.


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