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For so long we've been conditioned to live as if "something" will happen if we don't do what we're
And most are taught to get a job and work for the lifestyle we want.. We're told we can be or do
anything we want in life when we grow up.
But as we grow up and work hard at our jobs while we save for retirement, we get there at 60+ years
old with a handful of cash that might afford us a few months of travel or a year of cheap but
comfortable living before the money gets tight..
Then as we lay on our death beds looking back on our lives we ask ourselves: What have I done with
my time here? Did I make any kind of difference or impact on the world? Did I really live my life to its
fullest potential?
And realise we spent our life chasing something that doesn't even exist.
When if only while we were young, we were subject to a different way of thinking.. Then our lives
would be completely different.
The "kids" these days who travel the world and work virtually are not rebellious or even genius..
They simply understand that their passion is their number 1 priority, and work to re design their
lifestyle based around those passions.
The carrot that dangles in front of everyone's nose should not be there.. The words "some day" and
"one day" should not exist, when it's likely everything you want is there for the taking..
You just have to look outside of what your currently doing to see it.
It takes courage to do something "different" than everyone else... But know that different is becoming
more and more normal every single day, and that's exciting.
I share my lifestyle not to impress you, but to make you aware that it's possible to have everything
you want in life.
You just have to take the time to learn what that is before you miss the opportunity to have it.

Few people ask themselves "what do I really want?" And fewer write it down..
So be "different" and evaluate life as if you were on your death bed.. Your life should be the best
roller coaster ride in the entire world.
If your future self would not be impressed by what your doing right now,
then perhaps it's time to make a change.

Some would say there's no better feeling than travelling the world..
"Vagabonding is about looking for adventure in normal life and normal life in adventure"
If you have thought about a life of full-time travel, realise that it's much different to every day life..
Things you take for granted are no longer there, the people you surround yourself with consistently
It's not for everyone
But if you are interested.. Read the book called "Vagabonding" by Rolf Potts. It will give you a much
greater insight to a life of full-time travel.
Would you live like this?
Video credit -

A call out to the inspiring leader within you:
"You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more
amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the
world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand." ~ Woodrow Wilson


The Monk Moment - Many great entrepreneurs have had a moment when they have lost everything.
Monks create this situation intentionally through "Vairagya" when they give up all money and
possessions. Many entrepreneurs end up in the same situation unintentionally.
Elon Musk lost $180M and was in debt in 2008. Seven years later, he's worth $13 billion, but he'd be
ready to risk it all again. Steve Jobs lost his entire Apple fortune by 1994, betting it on NeXT
and Pixar. In 1995 everything turned around, he sold NeXT to Apple, Pixar to Disney and he passed
away an icon. Walt Disney mortgaged away his entire fortune in the 1950s to build Disneyland,
against everyone's advice. He too went from giving up everything to becoming a legend. Each bet
everything material they had on something invisible - their purpose and vision.
Monks call the state that comes after giving up everything "Moksha" which means liberation from the
illusion. We're not alive until we know what we'd die for.
I'm not saying great entrepreneurs are monks, but they do have 'monk moments' when they lose
Many of the greatest entrepreneurs unintentionally find themselves in this state by betting everything
on their dream. Maybe you're in this place right now. It is a place of pure power. When you have
nothing to lose, you have infinite potential.
That is provided you don't focus on what you've lost, but on everything you have to gain. That's when
everything turns around. As Walt Disney said "I don't make movies to make money. I make money to
make movies".
That's the paradox of entrepreneurs having a 'near-death' experience where they lose it all. Steve
Jobs wrote:
Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me
make the big choices in life.
Almost everything--all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure--these
things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you
are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You
are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.
No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet,
death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it, and that is how it should be,

because death is very likely the single best invention of life. It's life's change agent. It clears out the
old to make way for the new.
What mission is so important to you, that you'd be ready to clear out the old and make way for your
That said, I believe it's more important NOW than ever before to continue to do our part to spread the 'good news' and
be the messages of hope, positivity, generosity and greater possibility to the masses. There's no doubt that we are in
a fight and each of us must choose our weapons wisely. Faith. Strength. Love. Courage. Awareness. Communication.
Education. Self Defense. Service. Contribution. Work. Whatever positive vehicle u employ, there will always be
opposing forces and that is why we must remain strong and resolute in our respective missions of personal
empowerment, positive impact, courage, giving and constant never ending improvement. What does not kill us only
makes us stronger. Our hearts are broken, but will soon be mended. Our spirits our weary, but undaunted. And our
Belief in something more, something better is UNSHAKEABLE!!!


We ALL know someone that didn't succeed in network marketing, but do you know someone it has
worked for?
2 years ago I was the MOST skeptical person EVER around this type of business system. But I didn't
know what I didn't know.
1 year ago I finally gave in and researched how they do it...
What I found out was:
(a) It's one of, if not THE smartest way to build passive income
(b) These companies are huge contributors to charities globally
(c) They have world class speakers, trainers and personal development programs
(d) This industry has changed greatly over the years and you no longer have to store boxes of
product in your garage...there are much better ways to do this
*AND...After grilling all of my top business mentors and speaking friends I realised...
Whether you're working in a job
Or running a business
You probably have all your eggs in one basket...
Drop it...You're screwed!
Fall out of love with it...You're screwed!

I still love my mentoring and speaking biz

And now I'm building something BIG in my other basket
Find a company you love and a product you love and start filling your other basket too
PM me if you're ready to look at this with fresh eyes xxx

'Yao' ()

Just because you make your bed, doesn't mean you have to lie in it - change the duvet, pillow and sheets if you have
to! Don't stay stuck in a rut or languishing in unfufillment. Be brave and decide 'this is the day where this
ridiculousness stops. No more!' The power to transform resides within you. Go and live that glorious, happy and
fulfilled life you definitely deserve!

Everyday we have the ability to change
And our choices are what make the differences
So glad I made the choice to
Receive the Allah as my Guide
And everyday has been more beautiful& blessed
Thank you for all the wonderful miracles you have given me
Forever greatful.

Just a flick of a switch..


This morning , I discovered this beatiful reality ," I am , who I am", thanks to the wonderful people whom, in silence,
helped me to be better person, many of them stayed all seasons of my life, others stayed for one or two seasons, but
they inspired me to do positive changes in my personal growth.
One of my mentors, already died, but his teachings will be forever deep in my heart, He share with me the first
collecton of books from Norman Vincent Peale,later the wonderful books of Jim Rohn. Now, we are trained by the
likes of Marc Accetta and Matt Morris.I read their books and many others ones, I am Wealthy, because 2016, I obtain
peace of mind.
Thanks to my family, mentors and great friends.
#gratitude #florida

How do you maximize your time each day?

Sharpen your interest in two major subjects: life and people. You will only gather information from a
source if you are interested in it.

"What man read put massive ingredients in his mental factory" , your put trash you gat a trashy attitude. You put
knowledge, you get a great life..., the thoughts you input all day long, your need to live with the results, and remember
what your think your become....."every day stay guard at the door of your mind".

you are beautiful, you are talented, you are world class, you can achieve all of your dreams..... Do not think otherwise
In life,it is not about being the best but it's about being different. People who only believe in being different
consequently become the best.

A wise man once told me. Do all the good you can, to everyone you can, every time you can. The secret to success is
based on how well we serve others, regardless of our bad experienced with people!! We 've come to realize, people
are not bad they just make bad choices.
We will never stop doing good to everyone We meet despite of what few have done! Caring and loving is who we are.
What right have we to expect people to be perfect when we ourself are not! We refuse to give any human being the

right to rob us of our opportunity to unlock heaven overflowing abundance blessing into our life.
If you forgive those who do wrong against you, God will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, God will not
forgive you of your wrong.

Life is found in the dance between your deepest desire and your greatest fear.

You need to learn to forget about yesterday and focus on today. When you learn to forget about yesterday, you start
giving today full attention. You can't do anything about your past but you can do everything about your present time.
Most people miss opportunity because their still in yesterday today. The moment you focus on yesterday today you
are behind by a day, mean you will never recognize today's opportunity. You can't change yesterday but you can
prevent yesterday not to spoil today opportunities.-

For most of my life We puttered along like our Fathers before us, working hard at jobs making money for someone
else. Settling for poverty, not believing in ourselves, feeling weak, pathetic, incapable of achieving anything great. But,
God gave us an ability we have always had but never thought of as all that special; but, now in our later years of life
we realize is unique to us. Not that what we do is better than someone else; but, is rather unique to us. How we
visualize something, how we put it all together, and what it becomes when we are done.

Without emotion there is no passion...

What can bring a warrior to his knees? ... Love. True love.

Forgiveness is the synonym of love. You need to forgive yourself for the mistakes you have made. Love yourself by
forgiving yourself .If you can't forgive yourself it means you can't forgive others. Punishing yourself because of your
mistake is not going to benefit you anything but it will destroy you more. Most of us are still stuck at the same place
because we are failing to forgive ourselves and move on with life. I know it's not easy to forgive yourself,let it go!There
is still hope for you and you can still do it.

To all my friends, mentors and families out there, thanks for being our inspiration. We have had a vision and now
living a life of complete purpose. We envisioned being a part of a Global travel community and did it! We envisioned

working with people of different colour, creed and background and did it!. Now we are at a point in our life where we
can help the children. Its been an amazing journey called life that was all written down.

Hmm, what needs to be scheduled asap I wonder? That date with destiny perhaps?

Simpanan: $100,000
Saham: $50,000
Bonds: $20,000
Perbelanjaan bulanan: $2,000

Simpanan: $1,000,000
Perbelanjaan bulanan: $50,000

Siapa lagi Kaya?

Simpulan Bahasa: Besar Periuk besar Keraknya.

Maknanya: Orang melayu dulu belum celik kewangan

Change is coming

Because the rain is beginning to fall. There has been a drought in malaysia for more than 2
years but the rain has begun. And malaysians will and should dance in the rain. They
deserve to splash in the puddles. But the rain is going to turn into a tempest and I am
scared that the flood will wash away the Malaysian heart.
So, my advice to my friends is build an ark. Put your hearts, your values and your love
of life on the ark. Protect them all from the flood. Ingrain your values into your children and
hold strong.

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